Another picture
Why are there 2 cuts in that picture?
$400.Depending on the price I am definitely interested. What are the rumours?
UCS Money Vault or bust!Scrooge McDuck has to be in the Series 2 Minifigs. Right?
I'm like to think they included Genie in Series 1 as a tribute to Robin Williams, if for no other reason I'd love them to have Scrooge McDuck in Series 2 as tribute to his voice actor who just passed. ):Scrooge McDuck has to be in the Series 2 Minifigs. Right?
The minifig collection is lacking in that set.
Based on leaks that is.
Disney CMF series 2: Everything was DucksI'm like to think they included Genie in Series 1 as a tribute to Robin Williams, if for no other reason I'd love them to have Scrooge McDuck in Series 2 as tribute to his voice actor who just passed. ):
UCS Money Vault or bust!
I really don't give a crap about these Mickey Mouse/Magic Kingdom things, but I would go bankrupt if they got deep into all that Carl Barks material.
I think the colors in these leaked pictures are fucked. Too much contrast. That "gold" color people don't like seems to actually be light tan. I wouldn't be surprised if it looks better in videos with proper contrast.
I think the colors in these leaked pictures are fucked. Too much contrast. That "gold" color people don't like seems to actually be light tan. I wouldn't be surprised if it looks better in videos with proper contrast.
The vignettes definitely refer to a bunch of movies - Sleeping Beauty, Snow White, Beauty and the Beast, Fantasia etc... but if it's just Mickey and co, it feels very cheap.
On this episode of LegoGAF reacts to...
Well, it looks good, but I'm not blown away. Not possibly $400 blown away. It's a weird scale so it won't fit with anything, except, possibly, as a funfair attraction. It will have to have the most awesome exclusive figures for me to bite. Then again I've never been to Disneyland, so that castle is the opening credit to a bunch of movies and little else.
It's legit though. Those Elves railings don't exist elsewhere in white.
Not a huge fan if the rear interior rooms. They seem too tiny to show much detail, compared to the last Death Star set with all its different scenes.
Maybe if it includes one minifig per room it could work. Wouldn't want to buy additional sets for the matching minifigs.
This right here!
Sorry to be that guy but,I mean, i can't help but compare it to the Death Star at that same price tag and... that is a night and day difference! While DS had huge, sprawling, detailed vignettes where some would pass as a set by themselves (think of the Tie bomber hangar-bay, or the emperor's throne room where they actually DID make a set of later on, the prison cells etc.) this has what? A bunch of tiny rooms that look like you can't even make a minifig stand straight up in?
Not to mention that selection of minifigs if you can even call it that? DS and Ewok Village had entire minifig COLLECTIONS included, as it SHOULD be at that price tag! This thing had better be 4-5000 pieces and expensive ones at that OR yet reveal a crap ton of AMAZING figs for me to get remotely excited!
TLDR; disappointed but will probably still buy ugh
Are people complaining about that in this case? Is there an official thread already?
Besides, this set (and so many others) proves them wrong. Look at that bed. That's the tail of a pink unicorn cat, printed and turned on its side, to form the ends of the bed. Or that candlestick, which uses the handle of a chainsaw in gold. If anyone ever comes in to complain about how Lego makes all kinds of specialized pieces, you can just tell them that.
Not to mention of course how Lego always made custom parts. Like this from 1955 or this from 1971. When were these people born, I wonder?
Unless they're complaining that it's not all just 2x4's. In that case they can bugger off.
The original castle *is* two colored, although more light pink/salmon rather than yellowish. We need to know the color they used here, but I don't really think there's a color that really match the originals (flesh?).Yeah, it looks great. Would be interested to hear why they've changed the colours, I'm sure there must be a reason for it. Maybe it just looked a bit boring or something?