60134 City Fun in the Park £34.99 - *I think*
I had spotted the title of this set in the Brickset database but couldn't see it on display when I got to the City section (I had gotten left behind the boys a bit as all the "girly" stuff was at the beginning of our tour!) so I asked and it was tucked away on a shelf.
The lady I spoke to said that LEGO get a lot of feedback from customers complaining that they have lots of vehicles and buildings in their Lego city but lack civilians and want to buy essentially a City minifigure pack. This set corresponds to this problem, though the lady said to me it's sometimes tricky to do a set like this because the set will come in a relatively small box for the price point. My feeling is that this will be a big seller though.
It includes an Alsatian dog and 14 minifigures - some adults, some kids. None were actually on display but the display card showed a grandma and grandpa in lovely knitted jumpers, kids with some new torso designs (one with the yellow sleepy head hair, one with the bob hair new in tan), a female handyman in paint splattered blue dungarees. In addition there is a brick built pushchair (stroller) to accommodate the brand new baby fig - not the baby in papoose seen with the tribal woman but a figure that's roughly the height of minifig legs and one stud wide, with little arms and head. It looked very cute on the illustration
The other brilliant new piece is a wheelchair mould - a prototype piece was on display -, a seat area with rear handles, to which wheels are attached. It's long overdue, but I think it'll be worth the wait.
There are a number of little builds of things you'd expect to see in or around a park - picnic table, bench, bus stop, a little football goal (slatted windscreen piece with a tile across the top), a hot dog cart (again reusing that new bun part!)
All in all, my favourite set among the City theme but then I do love my minifigures!