I've just finished the fourth part of six, so maybe you should look away now
This part is the crane, and was really fiddly - there was only three bags and it took over two hours. Lots and lots of tubes and stuff to fit in a very small space. The instructions were reeeeally confusing in places, which is actually kind of a theme with this build. There are a lot of times where it just leaves you to assume where pieces go on the reverse of the model and stuff.
Without power the crane wants to curl up like a dead spider so I had to kind of balance it here to get a shot of it. Ha.
And so here's what the whole thing looks like right now, with a couple of modular buildings in the background so that you can get a sense of the size of it.
I've still gotta add the power pack, but I have no batteries so I couldn't do that yet. Once that's in place though, I think everything that's supposed to move will move so I can finally play around and see what this thing
Parts five and six are decoration, almost, the actual outer shell of the thing. No more photos until it's done, promise =)