Some of you may remember my previous Pirate Ship dilemma from January; I bought the pirate ship on retirement clearance and realised immediately after that I needed more boats!
Yesterday I made steps toward solving this from the most unlikely of sources: Wilko.
Wilko are a UK store chain that sell a bit of everything and recently started carrying their own knock off brand of Lego. It all looks very bootleg on the shelves and their packaging design is awful but for £7 I decided to give this one a go:
The bricks have a weird waxy texture to them, and I have no intention of mixing them with the real stuff, but honestly I feel like I could have done a lot worse for this £7 price point.
The set is about 340 pieces, and builds a small ship that is dwarfed by the full size thing, but looks decent along side it. Even comes with a cloth sail. Hilariously the cannon it comes with is absolutely a recast Lego cannon with none of the firing workings.
Also hilariously the promo pictures and box art are miss-built. Because the sail and mast do not go where they are pictured above, they sit closer to the middle.
I'll take some pics of it along side the Lego ship when I get home later today probably for scale.