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Let It Die |OT| F2P roguelike Dark Souls with a skateboarding skeleton

Raids yea, I get 7000 for the bonus, and when a dev raid pops up in my list they have 30k of each resource.
Hmmm, sounds like I need to do more raiding. Does the bonus go up the more you do it? Mine is at 800. Also, how do you identify dev raids? I didn't know this was a thing.


Hmmm, sounds like I need to do more raiding. Does the bonus go up the more you do it? Mine is at 800. Also, how do you identify dev raids? I didn't know this was a thing.

It's based on the TDM points you have. The dev raids have a name like YTYmk-5@Howard is the one I just fought, but they aren't super common. They're there to populate the list if there aren't enough people to actually raid which occasionally happens to me at rank 65.


having a tough time deciding what to craft next. finally entering the tier-3 weapons with the choice of butterfly knife, sniper, claws, and flame wand. any recommendations what to craft next? i'm currently exploring 21-25.


quick tip i haven't seen mentioned much: if you catch on fire, do 4 barrel rolls to put the fire out faster.
having a tough time deciding what to craft next. finally entering the tier-3 weapons with the choice of butterfly knife, sniper, claws, and flame wand. any recommendations what to craft next? i'm currently exploring 21-25.

I find the butterfly knife underwhelming. If you can get your sniper to tier 3, it will probably be a beast. Claws are great with the poison damage but I like the wand to set enemies on fire and then finish with my iron.

Really depends on your playstyle. I could see fully-leveled claws being great.

Endo Punk

I still can't use different weapons and clothing. I was told to update my waiting room in order to access them and I did that at least I think I did. I add characters I purchase new slots for to safeguard my waiting room because I'm invaded like every single day, I also purchase banks and shit to make those money dispensers last longer. What do!?


Ok...how do you get to the floor 20 boss? I went up to Nora and that has no way to go further up. I'm guessing I have to go the path on the right from Kaga (16th floor)?


I find the butterfly knife underwhelming. If you can get your sniper to tier 3, it will probably be a beast. Claws are great with the poison damage but I like the wand to set enemies on fire and then finish with my iron.

Really depends on your playstyle. I could see fully-leveled claws being great.

heavily leaning on the fire wand. sniping is fun but i like baiting enemies in close quarters and choppin em up with the long sword. right now i'm using the nail gun so the wand seems like a fun option.


Do you have to defeat both floor 26 bosses in a single run to unlock the gate or can you beat one and head back to the waiting room to resupply?
Thanks. I just lost my poison decal so I'm trying to get 2 more bronze skillshrooms.

Any idea where I can fetch them easily? I've trying floor 20 and 12, not having much luck though.

Floor 20 is your best bet. Expeditions usually yield me a few of those and the silver ones.


Thanks. I just lost my poison decal so I'm trying to get 2 more bronze skillshrooms.

Any idea where I can fetch them easily? I've trying floor 20 and 12, not having much luck though.

I seem to find a couple on floor 19 every time.

Ok yeah I still can't get to the floor 20 boss. There's no path I can see that goes to the central 20th floor or the one on the right. Just the one on the left and you can't go up from there.


Anyone notice something off with the black metal drop rates?

I hadn't played the game all day and i farmed goto on floor 23 four times and came up with coins the first 2 tries, leggings the third try and coins the 4th try

Then went to kawabe and found sengoku armor. I got pissed and turned the game off.


^ My drop rates have been horrendous, I've barely been able to upgrade gear lately. I've been watching streams though and other people have great drop rates so it's blind luck.
You cant dismiss the error and go back to the loading? When the connection drops like that you should just be able to wait it out til it's reestablished and continue on without losing anything.

Nope I couldn't do it this time, the error message wouldn't let me do anything else than go back to the title screen.

The good thing is that the cost wasn't that high (150k) so I could pay after a bit of gold grinding.


Anyone notice something off with the black metal drop rates?

I hadn't played the game all day and i farmed goto on floor 23 four times and came up with coins the first 2 tries, leggings the third try and coins the 4th try

Then went to kawabe and found sengoku armor. I got pissed and turned the game off.

drop rates have been okay for me. out of 6 tries i got 2x black candle and 1x black d.o.d.


Neo Member
Here are some hints and tips for newer players succeeding in this game based on my own experiences and readings. These are a lot of things I wish I had known when starting out.

I will try and keep this as simple as possible l.

The Waiting Room;

Yes other players can steal your splithium and kill coins. To prevent this try spending all of your currencies before you log off. This will make you a much less appealing target.

Keep some kill coin and splithium rewards stored in your reward box. It can hold up to 50 rewards, and they can't be stolen from there. Use them when you are desperate.

Upgrade your fighter freezer capacity, splithium and bank from the Tokyo death metro menu, under buy equipment. They cost splithium so go raiding if you need some, but be prepared to be raided in revenge.

Have as many fighters in your freezer as possible, and rank them up to 25, equipping them with tattoos and decent weapons. Placing them to defend your waiting room in the Tokyo death metro section can prevent some players stealing from you.

Save up 50k kill coins to buy mushroom stew, this will grant a premium tattoo, which can't be lost and you can equip it on anyone. It is random but you can get some excellent perks from doing this if you're lucky.

It's vital to take blueprints to the shop guy. Doing so will let you unlock that weapon or item to purchase from him and the item will have full health. Also upgrade the weapons. wielding two hammers that are upgraded four or five times can kill high level haters and bosses very fast.

Your storage box will fill up fast with all your resources. To make your storage bigger, push options and go to DH services. You can use your death metals to upgrade your storage space, ten slots for two death metal. This is probably the most important use of death metals.

Sending your spare fighters (ones you aren't using to defend your waiting room) on expeditions is a valuable source of consumables. Even a failed expedition can reward you with a lot of mushrooms and healing items.

Use the middle fountain to heal and to access the arcade room where you can accept quests from the girl on her phone. Quests can grant you rare materials for upgrading, death metals etc. Accept all that you can and return to her once you've finished one to get your reward sent to the rewards box.

The Floors;

Push down on the D Pad to view the map and see if you have an elevator on the floor you're on.

If you plan on playing all day, use one of your express daily passes. You can take the gold elevator and feel like a king. It grants you perks and shortcuts too.

Some floors grant you shortcuts to higher floors. For example Wanoki on floor 2 can send you up to floor 10 if you unlock the elevator, which you may need a daily pass for but I could be wrong as i haven't used it yet.

There is a shop on some dead end floors that sell resources but they're usually guarded by a high level hater.

Going down a level can take you to an elevator if the floor you are on has gone off of the main track. The elevator follows the middle floors and to find an elevator you must get to these middle floors. Push down on the d pad to view the map and look at all the floors connected to the waiting room to see the floors with elevators to safety.

Sometimes you must progress through two or three floors to reach an elevator. Take extra care.

When the Jackals are introduced around floor 8 they can raid you at any time. They are very high level and will probably kill you instantly. Best to run for now.

Some escalators won't unlock until you defeat a mini boss. These escalators can act as shortcuts or go to areas you have no visited yet. There should be a little ugly face icon on the map if the floor you're on has a mini boss.

Pushing triangle on the map accessed with the down d pad button will switch the display to a key so you can see what the little symbols mean.

Combat in General;

Running into high level haters is one of the most problematic moments early on. If you have levelled up your fighter at the mango head, you stand a chance. The best thing is to tempt the hater into attacking you, and instead of dodging with circle simply move backward a few steps with the movement stick. Timed correctly this grants you an open window where the hater misses their attack and gives you an opening to go nuts. Most haters can be dealt with this way depending on its equipment of course.

Retreating from a hater and using corners and walls to hide behind can tempt them close to you and give you a chance to hit them first, stun locking them. This is most helpful when against a hater armed with a gun.

Sneaking behind a hater by clicking the left stick and pushing X when behind them can be an instant kill. Try to get behind them un noticed which gets easier as you learn where their spawn points usually are.

Use mushrooms. This is most important. Pick up a small variety of each mushroom. Explosives, poison gas, electricity, stomp on frogs to get tear gas, all of these can damage or stun a hater long enough to kill them. Swipe through your mushrooms by swiping the touch pad, push bottom left of the touch pad to hold the mushroom and then push X to throw. Try not to eat them by mistake which is done by clicking bottom right of the touch pad.

Upgraded gear and armour purchased from the store wil give you the greatest chance at defeating a hater combined with the above tips. Purchased items come with full health and are more reliable than using weapons picked up from the floors.

If a weapon requires more strength or stamina etc to use then you can buy a discount tattoo from the mushroom lady, this will reduce the requirement for whatever stat you buy it for and allow you to use that weapon.

Your weapon mastery levels are super important. Your mastery is shared across all characters and is the one thing you are constantly improving regardless if your character dies or not. The more often you use a type of weapon the higher your level gets and the more damage it does, the less stamina it consumes etc. The highest rank is level 20 for all weapons. I suggest ranking up the hammers or jungle machetes to level 20 as they are beasts especially when you combine your mastery levels with a highly upgraded weapon of the same class. A level 20 mastery with the hammer, and weielding two rank four or above hammers can obliterate a boss or hater in a few hits. To view your mastery level push options then enter the Rolodex and push R1 to see the mastery level page.

When working on your weapon mastery, Soften up an enemy with your fists first until he is nearly dead. Then use your weapon of choice to finish it off. The experience points go to the weapon that was used in the killing blow. This way you can save your weapon durability and make the weapon last longer just by using it to finish off a nearly dead enemy.

Cook frogs using a fire. Fires can be found in the floors. Hold a frog like you are about to throw it like I explain in the above tip when near a fire and push X to cook it. This will give you more health when consumed.

If you are having trouble with your health bar when exploring floors, you can speed up its regeneration by eating something. This keeps it ticking up faster.

If the health regeneration is too slow, a great tattoo that you can buy (and lose if you die,costs around 7k) is the mosquito tattoo. This gives you back a small amount of health per kill and makes it easier to maintain your health bar when out on floors.

Use the bullets in guns whenever you get them just to train your mastery level, they are very handy and you will eventually be able to buy and level them from the shop. Useful for tough enemies and bosses.

Don't be afraid to grind for resources and mastery levels if you are finding it too hard. It will be a lot easier this way.

For some reason getting level 20 with your fists takes forever , it is the slowest mastery but it is worth doing slowly but surely. I am currently level 16 and fists are still highly viable weapons and great for saving your best weapons durability for tougher haters and bosses or situations where you are swarmed.

My final tip:

You will eventually , around floor 8 (new types of rank 1 fighters) to 10 (higher rank) unlock a new set of fighters which are rank 2. Unlike rank 1 fighters whose maximum level is 25, rank 2 fighters can hit level 50.

The types of characters have different attributes and some even let you equip more than one tattoo. Having a variety of these equipped with tattoos will make things easier, as some have higher health, more damage output and some have bigger inventory spaces for gathering resources.

Those are the most important tips that come to mind when starting Let it Die if you like it and want to continue. A lot of the above tips do not go explained in the game and should seriously help you on your trip up the tower.
I feel like that's a poor idea. Like fleeing from all battles in an RPG. Yeah, you technically could but when you hit that boss...

Not nearly the same thing, especially since you're bound to do this with a maxed character anyway.


Do you lose Premium Decals if you retrieve a fighter by defeating it?

Nope, they go straight to your stash when you defeat them. I'm not sure you can lose Premium Decals by doing anything else but explicitly selling them. Anyone wants to put a premium decal on a fighter and then delete it for science? :D
I'm new.. I was in the second area, when suddenly a level 25 enemy came at me.. all I could do was run away. What am I supposed to do? How could I get past a lvl 25 as a lvl1?

Edit: Thanks for the tips! This certainly feels very challenging and oppressive, moreso than a Souls game.


I'm new.. I was in the second area, when suddenly a level 25 enemy came at me.. all I could do was run away. What am I supposed to do? How could I get past a lvl 25 as a lvl1?

Edit: Thanks for the tips! This certainly feels very challenging and oppressive, moreso than a Souls game.

Level matters a lot less than gear, i wouldnt read too much into an enemy's level ever. End-game you're going to be running into level ~140 haters on your level 1s, but you'll be able to take them if you're properly geared and not trying to begin naked.

Lack of new bosses are my biggest bummer about the game tbh.

Kinda crappy but there's only 4 different mid bosses, one of which is only in the 30s, so you'll have to get used to them. They do have new attacks and AI behavior each time though.

Do you have to defeat both floor 26 bosses in a single run to unlock the gate or can you beat one and head back to the waiting room to resupply?

You can do it in separate runs.

Thanks. I just lost my poison decal so I'm trying to get 2 more bronze skillshrooms.

Any idea where I can fetch them easily? I've trying floor 20 and 12, not having much luck though.

Skillshrooms show up most often in side paths, you can get them from expeditions, bronze 10-20, silver 20-30, gold 30-40.


Nothing like logging in after 2 days to messages saying your waiting room has been raided and you lost about 10k of kill coins and 2k of the blue thing,whatever they call it...shit should be optional.


Nothing like logging in after 2 days to messages saying your waiting room has been raided and you lost about 10k of kill coins and 2k of the blue thing,whatever they call it...shit should be optional.

I mean, you can EASILY get 10k coins and 2k SPL by raiding people back that's absolutely nothing. Could do it on 3 people pretty much guaranteed, 2 if you find good ones. Takes 10 minutes tops.


So, I guess everyone else already figured this out, but "Mingo Head" has that name because he has an upside-down plastic flamingo head hanging off of him.

It looks like a ween at first glance.


I mean, you can EASILY get 10k coins and 2k SPL by raiding people back that's absolutely nothing. Could do it on 3 people pretty much guaranteed, 2 if you find good ones. Takes 10 minutes tops.

Yeah, 10k is nothing, even early on. That becomes less than clearing a single floor not too far into the game.

Granted I'm end-game, but this is 45 mins of raiding this morning for me, anything you lose can be re-earned:



Not nearly the same thing, especially since you're bound to do this with a maxed character anyway.

I don't agree since "levels" in this game aren't levels in other games. BPs are your real levels so running through the maps are just going to lead to you wondering why this game is so grindy for blueprints and materials and whatever. Allowing yourself to go as far as you can and fail naturally is what keeps it from being a serious grind because you've always got a goal and discover things as you move forward.


Yeah, 10k is nothing, even early on. That becomes less than clearing a single floor not too far into the game.

Granted I'm end-game, but this is 45 mins of raiding this morning for me, anything you lose can be re-earned:

How many TDM points do you have out of curiosity? In diamond? I still need like 600 points, gonna take forever to grind out unless I bump my rank back up and grind on some diamond people with like 12k points lol, but I start to have trouble killing things fast enough.


How many TDM points do you have out of curiosity? In diamond? I still need like 600 points, gonna take forever to grind out unless I bump my rank back up and grind on some diamond people with like 12k points lol, but I start to have trouble killing things fast enough.

I'm right under 4500, and yeah it starts taking forever to go up. There are plenty of people silver-platinum at 70, but I think someone just getting into diamond at 3000 isnt really going to give me any points anymore.


The Cryptarch's Bane
..wait. What did I eat that turned me into a frog?
Gamble shroom. :3
Well okay, is it viable to turn into a frog and hop past danger?

I still can't use different weapons and clothing. I was told
to update my waiting room in order to access them and I did that at least I think I did. I add characters I purchase new slots for to safeguard my waiting room because I'm invaded like every single day, I also purchase banks and shit to make those money dispensers last longer. What do!?
I'm confused and I think you might be too! What do you mean that you can't use different weapons and clothing? And where were you given that (seemingly unrelated) advice?
That second Jin-Die fight sucks

I don't know if I had bugged spawns or what but at a certain point she just went to the bottom and wouldn't teleport up, then once she went up she kept teleporting back and forth between two, leaving pretty much no time to even reach her


I'm right under 4500, and yeah it starts taking forever to go up. There are plenty of people silver-platinum at 70, but I think someone just getting into diamond at 3000 isnt really going to give me any points anymore.

Don't think so, I stopped getting points from 1k people around when I hit 2k. I got a nice boost when I went up to like rank 68 and beat a couple diamond people for like 60 points, but I had to use a lot of shrooms to do it, I just cant kill the defenders fast enough. I deleted a few fighters to drop back to 65 since it seems like there's a sweet spot there where sometimes there isn't enough people to populate the list when it fills it with other rank 65s and I get a dev raid for 30 points guaranteed and they're way easier because it isn't getting stun locked up the ass with sabers endlessly.

Well okay, is it viable to turn into a frog and hop past danger?

No no no don't try this. You get one shot by everything as a frog. I made this mistake and got one shot by a Mk3 scratch tuber on my 5 star fighter lmao. Thankfully my life shroom saved me.
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