I really was looking forward to this game, and I really love the concept and the usual crazy Suda vibe and atmosphere.
It's just the fucking controls are killing it for me. So, so fucking bad.
Like, why can't I just go to an object and pick it up with "X", why does it have to involve d-pad for every action? And for the fuck's sake who in the right mind decided that you can't use or equip health items from the inventory screen? Swiping left and right to chose items, are you kidding me? I can't use DS4 because I can't push hard as nails L3 and R3 buttons, so I use my old ass used DS3 through brook converter but it doesn't have option to swipe touchpad so I can't choose items.
So yeah I'm disabled in a videogame too. Thanks Suda. [And FU Sony for DS4]
I remembered when he could make fantastic game with minimalist controls like Killer 7 but now he needs 48 buttons and a touch pad to control hack&slash dungeon crawler.
Sorry, I had to vent. I do think controls for this game could be realized more efficiently.
Do you guys think there's a chance they'll change the touch pad item management to buttons in the future? I'd really love to play this game seriously.