Its a good thread but I doubt it'll help. People will eventually point at TSW as most outlets will continue to do so too.
Wow, thanks OP. Read every last bit. Squaresoft was my favorite company of all time from 1997-2002. What a sad story.
Yeah it's really a bummer. Goes to show businesses like these need to be super protective of their internal culture and dynamics to preserve the quality of their output.
Romancing Saga and its sequel got SNES releases overseas? (Did RS3 not sell enough to make this listing?)
Pretty much. It's so disheartening and frankly fucked up to see the disturbing lack of that in this industry.
You're supposed to protect your talent seeing as how they're the reason people are buying your products. Nintendo thankfully has always been amazing in that regard and fellow Japanese companies desperately need to follow suit.
I don't really feel like Sakaguchi was as talented as people claim he is. Blue Dragon, Lost Odyssey, and The Last Story were all very lackluster titles. BD and LO didn't experiment enough and felt too traditional while TLS felt underdeveloped. They just didn't have that "wow" factor. It feels like he's just reusing the same formula rather than trying to push genre forward.
October 8: Squaresoft/Hisashi Suzuki gets Sony to buy 18.6 % stake in Square looking to recoup approximately 16.4 million yen (about $137 million dollars) in production costs from the making of its Final Fantasy movie, which Sony also helped to produce.,
That should say 16.4 billion, not million. Really confused me for a few seconds there
Square's biggest mistakes in my opinion have been from an outsider perspective:
2. Reducing Yoshinori Kitase role. He directed amazing games and used technology to it's fullest. There's no reason his role has been reduced to a producer. Maybe he was burnt out but you're looking at one of the greatest minds in the company.
3. Letting Hiroyuki Ito walk. FF9 and FF12 were unique games and changed the formula. Wanna fix Final Fantasy's stagnated gameplay? Call his number. There's no reason he's sitting at home. I think his role best suited an experimental RPG game biyearly or so if I ran the company. He was ahead of his time.
Yeah, sadly, Sakaguchi was an incredible manager of a big content-producing company, with a knack for finding and cultivating young talent, and an interest in building a diverse portfolio of games with a strong standard behind them.
I'm a lot more forgiving towards the endeavour knowing they were building the technology as they went along and what their long term goals for the studio were. It was poorly thought out certainly and should made an example of why this graphical and animation level were necessary; but their heart was in the right place and it probably would've been totally worth it in the long run had the film done better.But not a good director. And the movie was still a mess production wise.
He shouldn't have took the project or let it in hands of more capable ppl.
Ah, a painful dream to wake up from...Square Enix should make a bold move and merge with Mistwalker.
A talent like Sakaguchi should not be relegated to making mobile games (which is what they're doing now in Mistwalker), same goes to Hiroyuki Ito and Yasumi Matsuno.
I would kill for another mainline FF that's produced/supervised by Sakaguchi, and directed by Ito and Matsuno.
That Jaws link for Wadas appointment caught me off guard xD Brilliant article.
In terms of how the games generally flow (mini character on 3D world map, battles are ATB-based, menu structure, etc) they are similar.
Great thread!
Believe.2014 will be the year of SE
The things that you mentioned have been staples of Final Fantasy from the early titles up to FFX, so saying that they're only similar in the PSX titles is a bit incorrect. Hiroyuki Ito, who had been the battle system creator of various Final Fantasies (and the creator of the ATB, I believe), always made it a point to create different battle systems for each FF title so you can see why each FF has that similar feel to them. This is not even including the fact that there has always been a coherent commonality in the early Final Fantasies: The Prelude, the Prologue, chocobos, moogles, Cid, summons, and even the menu colors and fonts. These things are what makes a Final Fantasy fan immediately feel at home when starting new Final Fantasy games pre-PS2 era.
Wow, that OP has so much info. Its really sad to see SE milk FF the way they did and let talented people go. Would have love a wealth of different IP's from them. I haven't been excited about any mainline FF title since FF X. The brand got stale.
They can go mobile all they want. SE and FF is dead to me.
Wait, so people often complained that SE focuses too much on mobile platforms and call the company dead, and now you actually WANT them to go mobile.
Make up your mind please?
I would rather take another JRPG with a Final Fantasy moniker than random dudebro FPS #69.
Maybe those aren't the same people.
Thats surprising (laughs). Did Mr. Sakaguchi have any directions for the story, having written the plot?
Kitase: Mr. Sakaguchi had been deeply involved with the story up to FFVI but with FFVII he focused his efforts on the battles. It was Mr. Sakaguchi who suggested the materia system. At first materia had the name spheres which Nomura proposed, but Sakaguchi thought we should make it something that would resonate easily even with elementary school kids, so we went for materia. Back then, the staff were trying to come up with some cool name, but Sakaguchi said that in order to get it embraced across the board you cant just think about whats cool.
Damn, Uematsu is greater than what I assumed of him. His views on products not only highlights an issue with Square-Enix, but an issue that literally plagues many games from other companies.
It blows my mind to see a would-be professional wrestler turned self-taught musical composer to be so damn wise. Gets me every time I hear something from him.
Excellent thread, it really brings to light the real problems of SE. I have always believed with the notion that the Spirit Within movie was the real cause of the SS merger with Enix, when the reality wasnt so black and white, so its really good to have a real representation of how things actually went.
I really enjoyed SS games, so to seem today just focused on FF and DQ is a real shame. Series like Chrono Trigger/Cross, Seiken Desetsu, etc, have long been forgotten in benefit of milking the FF and DQ cows. I really miss Sakaguchis games, and he has been quite low profile after Blue Dragon. I hope he returns to console development, even though i have never seen a game from him ever appearing on a Sony platform since he left SS.
I really enjoyed SS games, so to seem today just focused on FF and DQ is a real shame. Series like Chrono Trigger/Cross, Seiken Desetsu, etc, have long been forgotten in benefit of milking the FF and DQ cows.
Sword of Mana
Children of Mana
Dawn of Mana
Heroes of Mana
Gave plenty of chances for Mana to make a comeback, but it just didn't work.