Well it's just the art of drawing people in revealing poses having fart fights.Uhm... what?
Well it's just the art of drawing people in revealing poses having fart fights.Uhm... what?
Japanese didn't have the the same moral values as cultures with Abrahamic religions. Some where imported by the West. Like homophobia and not walking around naked.
These are cartoons (well, anime. dubbed in Arabic) we watched on TV as children:
I wanna say there was a skit on in living color that dealt with huge bulges. Before that it was he-man. And what kinda confirmed it was the ambiguously gay duo.
What really confirmed it was coming across my babysitters muscle fitness magazines. I found out years later he ended up coming out and moving to SF :O
Was anyone else initially attracted to girls but then ended up attracted to guys? I had crushes on girls in the fifth and sixth grade but randomly by 7th grade it was all about the guys for me and my attraction to girls just disappeared. It was very confusing. Show me tits in the fifth grade and I would freak out. Show me tits now and I barely feel a thing.
Aren't you the grandpas heheLike if I needed to be reminded how old I am, people here saw the last airbender as freaking children... damn...
There was also this Bugs Bunny short with some crazy bearded guy he was trying to kick out of some house or something, I can't remember the story very well, because towards the end the guy rips his shirt off and is built like a tank, and is hairy, and well... did that made me feel more than funny down there... I had to be under 8 years old back then.
These are cartoons (well, anime. dubbed in Arabic) we watched on TV as children:
Nobody else watched the softcore porn on Cinemax or other "premium" channels late at night and had little skits "recreating" some of the scenes? Just me then?
Never heard of an adult, let alone an adult woman, being nude in any kid-oriented anime, though. Usually it's the same kind of formula that determines whether or not you can show an uncovered butt on western kids' cartoons: "yes" if it's a young male character who is also drawn in a non-realistic style (Avatar for example would never get away with it, something like Phineas and Ferb would and does), "no" under any other circumstance.
lol! What anime is that in the first two images?
It's apparently called Kum-Kum in English, better known as طم طم to us.
Never heard of it. Was it any good?
I hardly remember anything from it (except the nudity, lol)... when I was a kid I used to watch any cartoon that would be on TV (since they only showed for a couple/few hours every day. We didn't have 24/7 cartoon channels back then), but this one wasn't one of my favorites.
I see. Well, what one was your favorite?Future Boy Conan?
I did really like Future Boy Conan as a kid, but it wasn't a favorite of mine and I only watched it once back then (in contrast to many people here who watched it many times during reruns, it's a cult favorite in the middle east)... HOWEVER, I watched it all as an adult 10 years ago or so, in my "anime renaissance" phase, I watched it in Japanese with English subtitles this time, and it blew my fucking mind. I didn't remember much of the plot anyway and it was like watching it for the first time. I literally cried through it and at the time declared it to be my favorite TV series ever. The fact is made sweeter knowing that it was the first thing Hayao Miyazaki directed, and it was released the year I was born (1978).
Why did you ask about it specifically? Did you see me talk about it in another thread?![]()
hehe, aww. I watched the show a year or so ago and totally fell in love with it. Just a great great series.
I want you to dress up as Conan (complete with the spear) and post pics :3
You're starting to creep me out a little haha
I'm not into cosplay... maybe these will do?![]()
Not sexy/gay enough :/
You want Conan upshorts?![]()
I'd make a bad Conan, i don't have his hair, and I ain't shaving my beard
This thread :O
This thread :O
I didn't spill a drop. I feel proud
I see you never chose to expound on this tale. :
I'm assuming it's nothing that could get you Midnightscott-ed, right?![]()
PREACH IT MAN!!!!!That's the thing, I'm not familiar with what happened with him, and not sure how "my story" would be received in that regard.
Anyway, it was just an account of the amazing sex I had with a guy I met this week.
I've been enjoying a part of my sexuality that has been largely "undiscovered" up to this point, which is being on the receiving end of anal sex. I chose not to use the word "bottom" because people tend to associate it with being "submissive", which I'm not (although there's nothing necessarily wrong with being submissive). I'm usually very clear, direct, and assertive in communicating what I want in sex... and recently I've decided to explore this "role" that I've always considered to not be my preference. And boy am I enjoying it. I now really think that "top" guys are missing out big time, and I think there's a cultural bias that inhibits many guys' sexuality and prevents them from truly enjoying "bottoming", and if only they unlearn their inhibitions they'd have a much richer sex life
There was a picture I saw on tumblr a while back that had a quote saying something to the meaning of that being submissive is not a weakness, and that it actually involves strength and confidence from the individual to be comfortable with themselves in that role. And I agree. I can't seem to find that image now...
I think I've topped about 90% of the times I had sex, mostly because my ex really enjoyed bottoming and I didn't really have any previous experience. But I really enjoyed bottoming every once in a while!
Sometimes I just couldn't get pass the initial "pain" phase no matter how much lube we used or how relaxed I was (also his dick was slightly thicker and longer than mine) but when I did, most of the times I would cum without even touching myself (though after I came I needed him to stop).
Which also reminds me I haven't had sex (penetration) for almost a year and a half![]()
eeeww...nomnom to Future Boy Conan? don't be creepy snake...
eeeww...nomnom to Future Boy Conan? don't be creepy snake...
As for absolutely depressing, traumatizing cartoons:
Oh yeah, I know that one from childhood as well. There were plenty of depressing and tragic cartoons actually :/
I dunno if i told you guys. But I invited Carter, the guy ive been talking to for three months, to Thanksgiving dinner. At this point I feel like we are making strides to being together.
For us, the sacral family remains one of the companys core values. Our family is a traditional family. If gays like our pasta and our advertisings, they will eat our pasta; if they dont like that, they will eat someone elses pasta. You cant always please everyone not to displease anyone. I would not do a commercial with a homosexual family, not for lack of respect toward homosexuals who have the right to do whatever they want without disturbing others but because I dont agree with them, and I think we want to talk to traditional families. The women are crucial in this.
I respect same-sex marriage because that concerns people who want to contract marriage, but I absolutely dont respect adoptions in gay families, because that concerns a person who is not the people who decide.
There was a picture I saw on tumblr a while back that had a quote saying something to the meaning of that being submissive is not a weakness, and that it actually involves strength and confidence from the individual to be comfortable with themselves in that role. And I agree. I can't seem to find that image now...
What is even going on anymore I'm lost
So, to get back on topic a little bit, what do you guys think of the comments that the president of pasta maker Barilla made about gays the other day?
If you've purchased Barilla pasta in the past, will you continue to do so or will you boycott?
Personally, I'm fine with him thinking/believing whatever he wants just as long as he's not, like, donating to anti gay organizations like the president of Chick-fil-A did. As long as his views don't adversely affect anyone, I'm fine with his comments. They represent a sort of backwards way of thinking, to be sure, but they ultimately didn't offend me much.
Not on 100ppp hun.Top of page for the first time. Hooray.
Not on 100ppp hun.![]()
So, to get back on topic a little bit, what do you guys think of the comments that the president of pasta maker Barilla made about gays the other day?
If you've purchased Barilla pasta in the past, will you continue to do so or will you boycott?
Personally, I'm fine with him thinking/believing whatever he wants just as long as he's not, like, donating to anti gay organizations like the president of Chick-fil-A did. As long as his views don't adversely affect anyone, I'm fine with his comments. They represent a sort of backwards way of thinking, to be sure, but they ultimately didn't offend me much.
I know, but I'll take what I can get.Just like everything else.>:[
I just found a pack of Barilla pasta in my kitchen. I promise to eat it with a perpetual disapproval face.
Bertolli Makes the Most of Barilla Chairman's Anti-Gay Comments
"We just wanted to spread the news that Bertolli welcomes everyone, especially those with an empty stomach."
Lol, this is cute somehow![]()