I was stuck in meetings for basically 8 hours straight and then I got home to find out my childhood dog died. We'll get through this week together
Oh no
I was stuck in meetings for basically 8 hours straight and then I got home to find out my childhood dog died. We'll get through this week together
Oh noI'm sorry man
Cheer upThe good news is it was definitely his time and not at all unexpected.
Late on the train as usual, but bugger it.You all need to be posting pictures of these beards, STAT.
Why don't you show us your beard? I see it in your avatar
My beard needs no introduction:
And one taken yesterday: NSFWLetting the hair on my pecs grow for the first time. I don't like it currently but its still recent, gonna be patient and hope it fills out.
If he worked at a gay thing then he would be okay with you being gay. Try to come out to him and see his reaction. You are the one who has to start this.
Today, after giving the balding head a long over due go with the clippers:
Not sure I'll keep the beard though, I think I look too much like a gay biker, kids and old ladies cross the road to avoid me at the moment LOL.
Loving the bald head.
Keep the beard, but trim it.
flying to Australia
What did the second guy say exactly? Evidently you're upset by the rejection, but it may be that he simply realised he didn't want to be in a relationship with you, and told you as soon as it became evident that you did want a relationship. Had you mentioned to him that you eventually wanted an exclusive relationship before?
The only thing I hate about texting with guys is the wait in between sending and receiving a message. Feels like an eternity sometimes, lol.
how do you text once or twice a week what
how do you text once or twice a week what
Not everyone needs to text every 5 seconds. Some of us even think texting is completely stupid.
Carlos, GSO! Reply to my text.
Not everyone needs to text every 5 seconds. Some of us even think texting is completely stupid.
can u stop??? i only have unlimited texting and data okay
Way to put words in my mouth :lol I grew up with texting though, and I get anxiety talking on the phone, so texting is a pretty solid way for me to communicate with most people.
I text pretty often when I have people to text.
Which is never.
Because I never do.
[crawling in my skin intensifies]
i bet if you control + F "30" and "gay death" in this thread you will get like a bajillion results
They were also joking with another friend how after thirty means your like 50 in gay ages
..it was funny almost like dog years lol
Is this true?
Well, I think it's about forearm definition, but some hair is okay tooHairy forearms
kai never returns my calls
My friends had their wedding vows renewed in new Jersey after initially getting married in new York. They were also joking with another friend how after thirty means your like 50 in gay ages
..it was funny almost like dog years lol
Is this true?
This is true. I'd rather talk to Danny on the phone... or Kai.
The only thing I hate about texting with guys is the wait in between sending and receiving a message. Feels like an eternity sometimes, lol.
today was my birthday, it was good. goodnighththt
today was my birthday, it was good. goodnighththt
today was my birthday, it was good. goodnighththt
night handsome.
Hairy forearms are the best.Hairy forearms
What. They should have perma-banned him for saying something so awful :SThis happened
From that DQ iOS thread, lol.
What. They should have perma-banned him for saying something so awful :S
This happened
From that DQ iOS thread, lol.