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LGBThread |OT3| Friends of Dorothy!

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Hunky Nostradamus
So she has few (?) tracks talking about LGBT people and (from what I've heard) is very pro-LGBT. But still, she's just one of the many pop stars that are out there. I don't hear anyone saying "oh my, I'm listening to Queen - I'm so gay" or "will anyone know that I'm gay because I listen to Judas Priest so much?" even though lead singers in those bands are/were actually openly gay.

I don't have anything against Lady Gaga, mind you, but I just find it weird how much she is adored by the LGBT community and how much people connect her with the community.

Lady Gaga worked very hard to fashion herself into a gay icon and it worked, I guess, because everyone seems to consider her as such. I don't know that any other modern pop star has worked as hard as she has to proclaim herself a gay icon, so that sort of makes her the de facto #1.


Lady Gaga worked very hard to fashion herself into a gay icon and it worked, I guess, because everyone seems to consider her as such. I don't know that any other modern pop star has worked as hard as she has to proclaim herself a gay icon, so that sort of makes her the de facto #1.

Yeah the whole thing wasn't accidental, she made several deliberated efforts to try to position herself as a gay icon and succeeded, surprisingly while also having mainstream success.
Lady Gaga worked very hard to fashion herself into a gay icon and it worked, I guess, because everyone seems to consider her as such. I don't know that any other modern pop star has worked as hard as she has to proclaim herself a gay icon, so that sort of makes her the de facto #1.

Of course she did. Her label knew how easy it is to win over the gay community.
Lady Gaga's music isn't even good. I wish Lana Del Rey would be considered the "gay icon" over Gaga.

Gaga's music is often love it or hate it. Whether it's "good" or not depends on personal opinion.
Lana is practically a gay icon in the way that someone like Judy Garland was, though obviously not on the same level. She just doesn't have the mass appeal or popularity of Gaga.


I agree in that our gay icons should be gay. Not some pop divas wishing to use our community to cash in on.
Basically. I think it's silly that a generic straight female pop act can make a generic song about being yourself and stuff, and boom, instant gay icon.


I'm sorry, but I don't undrestand how him coming unto you is testing your friend's love for him...
He thinks that you'll tell him and then your friend's gonna go all jealous and shit? That sounds absurd.

Why the fuck did he looked into his Skype history? I have no idea how long they're seeing each other, but either way it seems quite rude to invade his privacy like that...

Yeah that's exactly what he had planned for. Of course, he just made things worse because now my friend thinks -and not unjustifiably so- that he was checking other guys for sex on that dating site. It's a mess really.

As for the Skype thing, supposedly they're in a relationship. I guess it's normal to look into each other's messages and stuff? I've always been single so I can't really tell how these things work to be honest.


Poet Centuriate
I agree in that ours gay icons should be gay. Not some pop divas wishing to use our community to cash in on.

Freddy Mercury was the best icon we could have possibly had.

I was just saying Rob cause metal > * but I agree.

Otherwise, Elton John is probably the best choice in the present day.


Every time I find a Youtube video of a guy doing something sexy and saying "for ladies only" I laugh, You're not stopping anyone not female from watching and I bet most people watching are probably not even females anyway.


What I give to Gaga was that she was very open about it from the start, which was refreshing, most gay icons in the past had very stealthy ways of showing support for gay people, but Gaga was upfront, even Halford and Freddie, whom I admire immensely, weren't really open from the start, much less at the top of their careers, Gaga was. Of course that is also a sign of changing times, and Gaga took advantage of that, I hold nothing against Freddie Mercury or Halford, they are from very different eras, being open would have probably doomed their careers, despite their insane talent.

And even now, when there's much more acceptance, still few pop acts have that "upfrontness" about it like Gaga does. Of course it is now part of her persona, she can't drop it.

Lady Gaga's music isn't even good. I wish Lana Del Rey would be considered the "gay icon" over Gaga.

I remember feeling crazy shocked about Lana's music, it felt so refreshing and interesting, but after repeated listening you can tell the music is as "prefabricated" as any other pop diva act, but it fooled me for a while.


Basically. I think it's silly that a generic straight female pop act can make a generic song about being yourself and stuff, and boom, instant gay icon.

She's bi and is far from generic. And that one song is not why she's a gay icon, certainly not the only reason.


She's bi and is far from generic. And that one song is not why she's a gay icon, certainly not the only reason.
Well, she's not generic looking, that's for sure. Not everyone parades around wearing meat clothes!

Lmao seems like it. Regardless I don't see why being gay would be a prerequisite for being a gay icon.
Well, depends on your definition of icon, I guess. If you want to be a guitar icon, then you need to know how to play a guitar, for example :p


Well, depends on your definition of icon, I guess. If you want to be a guitar icon, then you need to know how to play a guitar, for example :p

You're comparing a matter of skill to a matter of classification. Coal in the logic stocking for you!

The whole Gaga business aside, I generally don't like the idea of straight people as queer icons because I view it as cultural appropriation. It comes from a good place, but I think we should emphasize role models from within the community to assert that we have our own identity that's independent from the broader mainstream.


Death Prophet
Well, depends on your definition of icon, I guess. If you want to be a guitar icon, then you need to know how to play a guitar, for example :p

The difference being that you can learn to play guitar.

And as we all know being gay is a choice, so it's different.


Hunky Nostradamus

Interpret that as you see fit.

what are your preferences - bear, twink, otter, etc.

cultural appropriation

Oh c'mon, she's just another pop star. Why do people keep associating her with LGBT so much? :/

They're starved for any kind representation they can get, nd it's easier to support someone who's already popular than those on the fringe who are actually part of the LGBT community.
Have you tried OKCupid? If you're looking for something more than just a quick hook-up it seems to be the nicest one.

If you are just cruising for Mr. RightNow though, Scruff might fit the bill. YMMV.

I using OKCupid now.

I was just looking for a app/site to branch out too and thought grindr would be a good choice. I was wrong.


Hunky Nostradamus
People from the majority culture are trying to adopt elements of the minority culture no?

I guess. I'm just not a fan of the concept is all.

I using OKCupid now.

I was just looking for a app/site to branch out too and thought grindr would be a good choice. I was wrong.


OHHH. I am not really sure lol. I am open to anything!


The phrase "cultural appropriation" makes me want to punch kittens

Me too.
The phrase "cultural appropriation" makes me want to punch kittens

Why is that?
Anywho in regards to what Caladrious said i see your point and could agree, yet also diagree in the sense that Gaga does at least have a better and I'd say genuine understanding of gay culture.
At least close to genuine as one. Meep
. i'm talking in comparison to the whole "harlem shake" and "Twerking" debacle that happened this year, among many everyday occurrences of appropriation. Unfortunately its so embedded in Western Culture.


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
Cross post for "community"/side-talk:

Who actually thought that this is a great idea? Unless they're planning to run some talks addressing diversity on those places, this is cringe-inducing at best. And if they want to run some talks on diversity, why not just hold it in public for everyone to attend?

Explain. The way I'm seeing it, this is set up as a sort of "safe-space" that it trying to address the issue of trolls/assholes in "different from us so we hate it!" panels. While not the best way of going about it, what would you do in PAX's position? They already fucked up with Transgender people with Jerry/Gabe's comments on twitter and their fan-base (the major reason I'm leery about this thing) is... uh... not the most tolerant. Painting a broad-brush there, yes. But the expo goers are the ones I'm more worried about than Tycho/Gabe doing something like this. Unless this turns out to be some sort of thing different from that idea, I don't see the big issue yet.
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