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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I think this "condoms hurt" thing is from someone who doesn't use lube. Without lubricant condoms indeed hurt more since latex without lubricant has more friction than bare skin.

agreed. Or it might be someone who thinks that the pre-lubricated condoms have sufficient lube to make it less painful. O_O


I'm an idiot. This hunky brunette was walking his little toy breed dog near my apartment complex and hit on me as I was scurrying back to my place from the gym, and I barely let out a, "Hi." I, mean, this guy was the "Why is this person even acknowledging my presence?" kind of hot. He must have thought I was flirting with him, because I was smiling every time he looked back. I was just being polite.

But I had to rush, because I didn't want to be late for yoga. And this all just hit me now. :-( (That, and whenever a dog starts barking at me, I immediately think, "Oh! This dog must not like black people," and walk away.) /end vapid story.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Today I had to hang out with my straight friend for about 3 and a half hours and I dodged like 50 questions about girls I swear to fucking god

Just tell him how much you like the boobies and ass.

You don't even need to lie about dat ass.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
For some reason, I can't do that. I just feel so uncomfortable when I talk about women in a sexual way, It's awkward.

It's okay, I was just joking, don't take me seriously. Never take me seriously.
Neither of you ever get jealous or anything? Just curious, I could never do something like that but all the power to you if you can with no repercussions!

Nothing in the universe makes me feel quite like I feel when we're in each other's embrace. She's my partner in life, and her place in the center of my heart is secure and not up for grabs--and vice versa. We have an amazing relationship, and the idea of jealousy seems silly. She knows about anyone I'm potentially interested in, and I let her know if I think anything might happen. Sometimes, she asks if they may be interested in coming back to our home to enjoy time with both of us. She, like me, is independent yet considerate and can do whatever she wants, and we know our boundaries. The way we see it: we get this chance to live this life once--why not support each other in living it to the fullest?

I know it's not the way everyone lives, but it works well for us. The 'partners and best friends' cliche definitely applies here.


Nothing in the universe makes me feel quite like I feel when we're in each other's embrace. She's my partner in life, and her place in the center of my heart is secure and not up for grabs--and vice versa. We have an amazing relationship, and the idea of jealousy seems silly. She knows about anyone I'm potentially interested in, and I let her know if I think anything might happen. Sometimes, she asks if they may be interested in coming back to our home to enjoy time with both of us. She, like me, is independent yet considerate and can do whatever she wants, and we know our boundaries. The way we see it: we get this chance to live this life once--why not support each other in living it to the fullest?

I know it's not the way everyone lives, but it works well for us. The 'partners and best friends' cliche definitely applies here.

This is so fantastic, I'm really jealous of this haha.
This is so fantastic, I'm really jealous of this haha.

Haha, thanks. I definitely consider myself blessed in my home life.

Here's a picture of us at Fiesta, I was drunk and had a painted-on moustache :)


And here's an adorable photo shoot we did together one evening at Brackenridge Park (SFW).


Thanks guys. I definitely am pro condoms no matter what, but the guy I'm talking to said (to him personally I guess) condoms hurt more, saying how he wants me to bang him without a condom. So it got me thinking about me bottoming for him, and if condoms hurt even a little more then I want that first time to be as less painful as possible hahaha. But we already said we're going to get tested together before we do it condom-less.

Condoms, hurting him? Seriously? Did he say he wanted to do it without condoms right off the bat? How did he react when you asked him to get tested?
In any case, if it is someone you just met, you should be extra wary. These declarations raise a lot of red flags. I don't know the guy, but after meeting some... "people" (I really want to write something else instead, but if I go down that path, I may not be able to calm myself) who were extremely unscrupulous and willing to lie easily to do things without protection, while they were in fact sick (including one HIV-positive - nothing happened, fortunately)... Let's just say it would be best to not trust strangers at all.
Incidentally, after these bad experiences, I have trust issues.


Neither of you ever get jealous or anything? Just curious, I could never do something like that but all the power to you if you can with no repercussions!

Same here. Recently I talked about it with an acquaintance of mine who's in an open relationship, and every argument he had was so strong that I couldn't critique any of them, it all made perfect sense. But not for me, I'm like you when it comes to that. I know that rule "never say never" applies to everything, tho, so who knows how I'm going to feel about this in ten years or so.

Erin S Kittens, I'm glad to hear that it's working out for you and your partner!

Thanks guys. I definitely am pro condoms no matter what, but the guy I'm talking to said (to him personally I guess) condoms hurt more, saying how he wants me to bang him without a condom. So it got me thinking about me bottoming for him, and if condoms hurt even a little more then I want that first time to be as less painful as possible hahaha. But we already said we're going to get tested together before we do it condom-less.

I'm with Nohar here, there are some red flags here, I mean, if he's not allergic to latex, why should a condom hurt, especially if it's lubed? Take care of yourself, sis, be extra-careful, regardless of how good he is. Until both of you get tested, don't even think about barebacking.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Thanks guys. I definitely am pro condoms no matter what, but the guy I'm talking to said (to him personally I guess) condoms hurt more.
Bitch is nuts. Avoid.

I know it's not the way everyone lives, but it works well for us. The 'partners and best friends' cliche definitely applies here.
You probably mentioned it already, but how long have you two been together?

Bailey 87

Holy moly. Not my personal type of body, but damnit. That is... Good.

thanks man, yeah I feel like I'm 6 months away from being too big that people think it's gross. I guess it's a good thing that I've got the man flu now. Maybe I'll shrink a bit :p

Hehe oh yeah?! ;P

Oh my. If I didn't believe you then, I certainly do now!
! O___O LOLL that is very nice!! Your pecs are like.. Armor plated o________o

I love squats and deadlifts soooo much!! <3.

Thanks man, yeah I love deadlifts and squats as well

So I'm trying to deliberately grow out some facial hair for the first time! I was going for like a thicker chin strap thing:

Should I keep it or get rid of it? And if so, any advice on maintaining it? :O


So hot!

Nothing in the universe makes me feel quite like I feel when we're in each other's embrace. She's my partner in life, and her place in the center of my heart is secure and not up for grabs--and vice versa. We have an amazing relationship, and the idea of jealousy seems silly. She knows about anyone I'm potentially interested in, and I let her know if I think anything might happen. Sometimes, she asks if they may be interested in coming back to our home to enjoy time with both of us. She, like me, is independent yet considerate and can do whatever she wants, and we know our boundaries. The way we see it: we get this chance to live this life once--why not support each other in living it to the fullest?

I know it's not the way everyone lives, but it works well for us. The 'partners and best friends' cliche definitely applies here.

So jealous...I tried talking my bf into turning our relationship into an open relationship but he was having none of it, which I think is slightly selfish. When we met he was in an open relationship and I was fine with it even though it was one sided (he had the extra partner not me)

Now before people judge me, let me explain why I wanted an open relationship. I've only ever been with my bf (sexually and relationship wise) and I'm almost 27. I'm scared that I'll be in my 40s, he will end it, I'm past my prime and I die only ever experiencing one person which would suck.

Sadly the talk ended with the open relationship off the table so I guess I got to push my thoughts and feelings to the side and focus on what he wants :\


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
So jealous...I tried talking my bf into turning our relationship into an open relationship but he was having none of it, which I think is slightly selfish.
Although, I can see how it's selfish for him to want you to himself, isn't the inverse selfish, too? Since you are the one who wants the open relationship to have more penises in your life. :p

Personally, I'm definitely not open to the idea. I don't care about people enough to want to have sex with them. And it takes a lot of time for me to open up to someone before sexual activities would even be something worth considering.


Wahhh I'm getting mentally prepared for when I look like a lumberjack that worked just a little bit too hard LOLLL!! I'll try my best, handsome! :D

When you do look like a lumberjack you can then call yourself "The Singing Lumberjack". ;)

Condoms, hurting him? Seriously? Did he say he wanted to do it without condoms right off the bat? How did he react when you asked him to get tested?
In any case, if it is someone you just met, you should be extra wary. These declarations raise a lot of red flags. I don't know the guy, but after meeting some... "people" (I really want to write something else instead, but if I go down that path, I may not be able to calm myself) who were extremely unscrupulous and willing to lie easily to do things without protection, while they were in fact sick (including one HIV-positive - nothing happened, fortunately)... Let's just say it would be best to not trust strangers at all.
Incidentally, after these bad experiences, I have trust issues.

Yeah, I second this. There are some D-grade dickhead out there. I almost hooked up with this guy when he asked if I like bareback or not. Then I realized that in some of his photos, he has done bareback with other guys. I asked him what is his status and he was being avoidy until eventually admitted that he's positive. Needless to say, I politely ended the conversation and blocked him. On a reflection, maybe I should have reported him for not clearly stating in his profile that he's positive even though he already knew it. And for him to ask to do bareback with other guys knowing his status is fucking despicable and irresponsible to say the least.

As for open relationship, I don't think I can do it. I don't want many partners. I just want one person that love me as much as I love him.

Bailey 87

Although, I can see how it's selfish for him to want you to himself, isn't the inverse selfish, too? Since you are the one who wants the open relationship to have more penises in your life. :p

Personally, I'm definitely not open to the idea. I don't care about people enough to want to have sex with them. And it takes a lot of time for me to open up to someone before sexual activities would even be something worth considering.

Oh I don't think he is selfish for wanting me for himself, that's normal I just find it selfish that we had an open relationship at the start he got his fill and now won't even consider allowing me to explore a bit, especially when I've only been with one person.

I accept his decision and you never know when we hit our 10 year anniversary maybe we will open it back up again :p


the piano man
hello dear LGBTGaf :)

I was wondering, can someone help me with a gif here? I don't know how to put text (standard white words) in gifs,

in this gif, which is taken from the video "shit girls say to gay guys" on youtube, the guy is saying "fierce" in the first frame and "so fierce" in the second frame with the shoes.


could someone with spare time be kind enough put that text in the gif and then put it here so I can save it? and while you are at it,probably make it run slower? lol thanks a lot in advance!
You probably mentioned it already, but how long have you two been together?

'bout two years, since 2012. :) There's a cute, NSFW story behind how we got together.

So jealous...I tried talking my bf into turning our relationship into an open relationship but he was having none of it, which I think is slightly selfish. When we met he was in an open relationship and I was fine with it even though it was one sided (he had the extra partner not me)

Now before people judge me, let me explain why I wanted an open relationship. I've only ever been with my bf (sexually and relationship wise) and I'm almost 27. I'm scared that I'll be in my 40s, he will end it, I'm past my prime and I die only ever experiencing one person which would suck.

Sadly the talk ended with the open relationship off the table so I guess I got to push my thoughts and feelings to the side and focus on what he wants :\

It's always difficult when one person expects the other to completely conform to something outside their boundaries. I view polyamory as something akin to sexual orientation--if it's you, suppressing it causes incredible emotional pain and stress. Monogamous people have successfully dated polyamorous people, but forcing someone to be monogamous (or polyamorous) themselves when they aren't is asking for trouble, in my experience.

Bailey 87

'bout two years, since 2012. :) There's a cute, NSFW story behind how we got together.

It's always difficult when one person expects the other to completely conform to something outside their boundaries. I view polyamory as something akin to sexual orientation--if it's you, suppressing it causes incredible emotional pain and stress. Monogamous people have successfully dated polyamorous people, but forcing someone to be monogamous (or polyamorous) themselves when they aren't is asking for trouble, in my experience.

share the story, use spoilers this time :p

and yeah I agree with everything you just said
share the story, use spoilers this time :p

and yeah I agree with everything you just said

Haha, okay! Basically, we'd both been strongly attracted to each other the first time we saw one another (which we both remember, though we didn't communicate that day), which happened in an HEB shortly after I'd moved to the city. As luck would have it, she turned out to be a member of an organization I was joining, so not only did I get to see her again a couple of weeks after our initial encounter, but I actually got to talk to her!

After our third mutual-meeting meeting together, she took me home to her apartment to porch-drink and cap off the weekend. Our conversation eventually turned to the sexual tension that had been present from the beginning, and
in response, I offered to give her a massage, which she gladly accepted. We went upstairs, where I rubbed her neck, back, and shoulders for a long while, and suggested that she take her shirt off so that I could better soothe her aches. The evening had been going wonderfully, but I wasn't expecting her to take her shirt off, turn to me, exposing her shockingly toned body, and pounce on me the way she did <3! We ended up exploring and enjoying one another all night long with a tireless thirst, we were still going at it when her work alarm went off.
We walked a couple of miles to El Milagrito's for some early breakfast, and then I caught a bus home in my rumpled 'elegant' clothes from the evening before, feeling like the happiest slut in the city.

She had a love/hate relationship with me for the longest time... she loved the way I made her feel, but hated the idea of getting into a long-term relationship with 'someone like me'--she was raised in the upper class, and I've been in poverty my whole life. I didn't see how it made a difference when in the present we were both poor, but I didn't want to push her boundaries, so we tried to keep it casual. Every weekend, she'd call me to apologize for pushing me away and ask me if I'd like to stay over for a night or two, sometimes during her workweek, too. It went on like this for many months, where we'd get together for a couple of days and then she'd ask me to stay away... until she missed me too much, and asked me over again. I'd gotten used to the pattern, and was accepting of her desire to avoid a serious relationship. Our dates were always a ton of fun, and
our sex was starting to hit a tier that my previous 12 years of sex with an incredibly diverse pool of partners hadn't reached
. It wasn't a bad arrangement for two people as independent as we.

So, it was quite a surprise when I was needing to find a new apartment last summer, and she told me that I should forget all that and move in with her, instead. I was hesitant, not wanting to ruin our awesome-but-awkward arrangement, but eventually accepted her offer after having some trouble finding a place suited to my needs. The first month or so was tough, but we both made adjustments, and it ended up being a really positive decision. We were both a lot happier, accomplishing more of our personal goals, and instead of having a tough time cohabiting, it turned out that it was exactly what we needed.

Nowdays, it's hard to remember what life was like before her. She fits into my arms so well, her soul fits with mine. We've shared a ton of skills with each other, and bring out the best in one another. We exist so well together, but also enjoy our independence and have our own interests. We can have the difficult conversations without feeling like we're in a minefield--at worst, we're in the minefield together, making sure we both make it out okay.

:3 Also, she poses for my paintings. (nsfwwwww)
thanks man, yeah I feel like I'm 6 months away from being too big that people think it's gross. I guess it's a good thing that I've got the man flu now. Maybe I'll shrink a bit :p

Thanks man, yeah I love deadlifts and squats as well


So hot!
Wahhhh thank you o___o!! <3

When you do look like a lumberjack you can then call yourself "The Singing Lumberjack". ;)
Could you imagine that, mister? I'd be unstoppable o___o! LOLL! <33. I'm also in the same boat as you, handsome. I personally wouldn't be able to do an open relationship, I don't think o_o.

Also I would personally be sketched out by someone who wants it bareback if you haven't known them for too long.. They're being a bit too casual about it, which to me would kinda make me wary about their status.. Although, I'm someone who's used a condom every single time so maybe I'm a bit biased?


So jealous...I tried talking my bf into turning our relationship into an open relationship but he was having none of it, which I think is slightly selfish. When we met he was in an open relationship and I was fine with it even though it was one sided (he had the extra partner not me)

Now before people judge me, let me explain why I wanted an open relationship. I've only ever been with my bf (sexually and relationship wise) and I'm almost 27. I'm scared that I'll be in my 40s, he will end it, I'm past my prime and I die only ever experiencing one person which would suck.

Sadly the talk ended with the open relationship off the table so I guess I got to push my thoughts and feelings to the side and focus on what he wants :\

saying "no" to your request for delving into an open relationship isn't selfish at all, even if he was previously in one -- you two just view the relationship differently. this can be a dealbreaker, but ofc it's up to you


Kittens I admire how true and honest to yourself you are...it's refreshing, not particularly my lifestyle, but it's nice to be so open and honest.
BlueBadger: You look good with a beard but even better without. ^_^

I wish I could grow even the slightest bit of a beard without it looking weird, lol.

People usually say I look my best in a bit of stubble but most guys like it better all shaved off, what do you think? Maybe a bit longer than in the pic?

Personally I think you look better without it (on the right) but admittedly I'm not a huge fan of facial hair anyway. It is possible that it's merely the change in lighting levels that is affecting my view.

EDIT: On a side note, it is disappointing, although not unexpected, to see Ireland so low in the list of European countries by their LGBT individuals' rights. While the country has come quite a long way, in some issues, in relinquishing itself from the Catholic Church, it still has a long way to go in this area (although the referendum is certainly a start, even if I fear a wave of vocal bigotry and desire for tolerance towards the intolerant as we get closer).


LGBT-GAF, need some help.

Bit of background, I've had quite a few LGBT clients from referrals. Apparently respectful secure straight guy + experience with clients on hormones = good trainer for the LGBT community out in Tennessee. Not exactly the most friendly place for quite a few population groups and I don't have a problem doing what I can to try and change the culture around here. I've had a lot of success with programming so diet and exercise is never difficult to prescribe.

Anyways, I'm looking for a few good online resources so I can learn more about the procedure in general and depression issues the Trans community might run into. As my standard approach of "tell 'em to fuck off" doesn't work when the very place you live treats you like a subhuman. I can only inspire so much confidence a few hours a week.

I have a young male to female client going through a rough time and any help I can give would be awesome.


LGBT-GAF, need some help.

Bit of background, I've had quite a few LGBT clients from referrals. Apparently respectful secure straight guy + experience with clients on hormones = good trainer for the LGBT community out in Tennessee. Not exactly the most friendly place for quite a few population groups and I don't have a problem doing what I can to try and change the culture around here. I've had a lot of success with programming so diet and exercise is never difficult to prescribe.

Anyways, I'm looking for a few good online resources so I can learn more about the procedure in general and depression issues the Trans community might run into. As my standard approach of "tell 'em to fuck off" doesn't work when the very place you live treats you like a subhuman. I can only inspire so much confidence a few hours a week.

I have a young male to female client going through a rough time and any help I can give would be awesome.

people here can probably help, but there's also a transgaf, just in case.


I'm coming for you Blue....
You mean you're coming pink
This thread is stupid when it's just about posting selfies and people responding "thirsty LMAO"
Well you're free to start intelligent debate.!

I for one want to discuss Glee, why do you people like Glee, they reuse the same top 40 hits each month in the most asinie situations, with bland arrangements and cheesy storylines. I find insultig when people tell me "YOu must LOVE Glee, you're gay after all" I mean, why.


I saw an episode of Glee once and I didn't understand anything. Some people believed the world was going to end and got married, and it was supposed to be funny or something. Maybe I'm just not the target audience :x
I for one want to discuss Glee, why do you people like Glee, they reuse the same top 40 hits each month in the most asinie situations, with bland arrangements and cheesy storylines. I find insultig when people tell me "YOu must LOVE Glee, you're gay after all" I mean, why.

Glee is ass.

if you want a good show, check out Rick and Morty, most hilarious show I've seen in a while

I saw an episode of Glee once and I didn't understand anything. Some people believed the world was going to end and got married, and it was supposed to be funny or something. Maybe I'm just not the target audience :x
Glee is awful
I watched it up until last year because of Darren Criss.
It sucks, though, because the first 10 or so episodes showed interesting potential. It was weird and quirky and focused much more on broadway style performances, rather than rehashes of top hits. The show has become a vessel for iTunes sales, nothing more.

Everyone in the world needs to watch Rick and Morty. That show is master class.


Glee had its moments, but has overstay its welcome. Now, the show is gay-friendly... So what? I like Santana and Brittany, but can't stand Kurt and Blaine any longer. Though, Kurt, who I found to be insufferable at the beginning of the series, definitly grew into a much more mature and strong character, who is actually quite likable.

The writing can be quite lazy at times, each character carried the idiot ball at a point or another (especially Rachel whose decision-making skills hit a new low in the current season), and some storylines were dropped without further explanations, while others were derailed for weird reasons. Not to mention characters who pop and go, who are not developped as well as they should be, and/or who are meant to be viewed as funny or as a satire of the groups they are meant to represent/parody, but who come off as just plain offensive.

This TV show can be fun at times, and some episodes were even great, but overall the quality is just too random, and even good singing/dancing shows can't save it from its bad writing.


*Googles Rick and Morty*

How come I didn't know this existed? Oh, I remember, because we don't have Adult Swing in Mexico anymore. Apparently you can watch it online, though :D I'll give it a try when I'm home. I hope it's not blocked outside of the US or anything.
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