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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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It's a Slim. Most likely HDD issues. And lol at Toadette spanking Glorified Texture Swap Peach with red shells :3

I will have nightmares with Toadette tonight. :'(


I love you too :3
I was joking, I was just being lucky ;)

Wow Blue Badger really got offended, I fear he's not coming back :(


Hunky Nostradamus
It's a Slim. Most likely HDD issues. And lol at Toadette spanking Glorified Texture Swap Peach with red shells :3

Speaking of PS3 HDD issues, I tried to delete my Resistance 3 game data (two and a half gigs - gotta make room for Ni No Kuni!) but the data was somehow corrupted during the deletion process so now I have a "Corrupted Data" thing on my HDD that I can't delete. WTF

And then I deleted Ratchet and Clank A4O's game data and it took nearly 15 minutes to erase. WTF

Fix this shit Insomniac!


I know this is grandpa talk, but man, my launch N64 is currently plugged and it has never been repaired. And it got exponentially more use than my now broken PS3. Same with my SNES, Game Boy, etc.
Hey gays, I saw a post about this site called Daggr on tumblr and their about us page says:

Gamers like you.

DAGGR is a community for LGBT gamers and their friends.
Meet and make allies with like-minded players.
It's time to come out.

I think that's pretty cool but it's really new I think, it only has like 574 people signed up
Way to screw up the link!

Anyway, this seems pretty cool. Not sure I'll sign up just yet, but I'll definitely bookmark it. Thanks.


Btw, I have to mention how much I like this thread. There's so many genuine, sweet, smart and kind people here, and most are willing to listen and give advice without being condescending.

I also wanted to comment on some of the things you guys said to SpaceBridge, all of you speak the truth. dragonlife, chronos4590 and Natetan all gave great advice, although I believe Rez hit the nail on the head. I guess sometimes only an epiphany can help, that a-ha! moment after which everything starts to change. I hope SpaceBridge has his a-ha! moment sooner than later. Fingers crossed.

I haven't gone to a psychologist and really don't want to because my father would know that I have problems and he is not a comprehensible person and I really don't want him to know about aaaaall of my problems (and it includes my homosexuality).

I'm trying to improve this things myself and I think it has not worked that well but I feel there has been an improvement, enough to keep me sane.

Oh :/ I see. If he's an unreasonable person, then I guess it wouldn't be a good idea to tell him. I'm glad to hear that you're trying your best, though. Keep it up. And whenever you feel insecure about something, I hope you talk about it, whether with your friends or anyone here at LGBTGaf, there'll always to be someone to hear you out.

As far as my looks go, I'm not insecure, but I'm not delusionally confident either. I mean, I recognize that I don't have the hottest face in the world, and that I'm skinny fat, but I don't really care.

There are people out there who find me attractive, and I frequently wink at myself in the mirror, so....

You seem to have a healthy amount of confidence, that's awesome.

I was so insecure about my body until I went to an onsen in Japan. I'm fine now.

yes, got naked in front of 100 people make feel secure


Tell me more ;)

I'm seeing a pattern here. You, Soulscribe and mantidor actually dealt with insecurities by tackling them head on, that is, not avoiding the source of those insecurities, not running to our safe spots. I find that admirable.

Oh real pic january is the only opportunity you people had! I guess I'm not that confident after all hehe.

Ok, it took me a while to find a recent pic of me on facebook without holding a drink D: (yes I have a problem), and excessive lighting to hide my face, but this picture will do, it isn't exactly the most flattering, which is kind of the purpose here. Sorry to disappoint! :p

It's kind of creepy the amount of pics my friends upload with me in it... well, who cares at this point.

You kind of remind me of my sister's friend a bit, you look foine <3 And thank you for answering all my questions. I'm happy to hear you're managing your insecurities well.
As for your tactics/cheats, I am well aware of the first cheat you mentioned, sadly I rely on it too often, but the second tactic is something that I understand very well, and something I don't do as often as I should.

I did think about living abroad for a year, and since I'll be done with my thesis soon
and finally get my MA, I'll look into it. It's about time for me to step out of my comfort zone a bit.

Confidence is something that is just not found within me, mostly because I feel what I don't like about myself are things that are out of my control and I need to accept them, but I tend to ignore that aspect of myself, that's why you will never see a pic of me.

I understand. Do you ever step out of the comfort zone, or do you keep it safe?

I think I'm really insecure, but it's mostly due to previous experiences with guys, thinking they're gonna like someone else more than me of something like that.

I'm in this "long distance relationship" now and it's really hard sometimes. I got upset not too long ago because he was talking about how cute/sexy Justin and Phillips Phillips are while we were watching the Billboard awards. I know it's stupid because they're unreachable but it still hurts my ego even though I obviously still find hot guys hot :p

But he had said some other guy on instagram was cute (he was showing me a meet and greet pic with Britney, can't remember what I said, something about it being terrible or about the guy).

Also he has a tumblr where he mostly reblogs hot guys pictures and I must confess it's a weird feeling too. Because, while I know I'm "good looking" I'm not nearly as hot as any of those guys. At the same time I guess I feel flattered too because he "chose" me.

The fact that we're in different countries makes it worse because it just makes me feel like he's gonna find someone else who he finds hot and sexy in real life.

Thanks for sharing. I can relate to the insecurities you have because I was in a similar situation two years ago, and I know that terrible feeling when your bf mentions someone hot, and just like that, your stomach ties into a knot. That's the worst, that's what insecurities will do to you sometimes. Realistically, do you feel like the relationship is worth fighting for? Does your boyfriend invest the same effort into your relationship? I hope he does.

Although, you know it's not worth worrying about some of those things, I mean, if everyone feared about their partners falling for other people, then nobody would be in a relationship, there would be no point. Sometimes we need to let go of certain worries, for our own sake. If you feel like you can trust your boyfriend, then have a little faith in him :) And keep yourself occupied, because overthinking everything definitely won't help.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
hateradio, do you mind if I ask you for your strategies, that is, how do you manage to hide your insecurities?
I don't think I can actually hide them. It's more about looking past them.

Since I know my anxiety (which is fueled by my insecurities) escalates in public, I have to curve it somehow. Shake it off. I do that by ignoring it and thinking about the conversation, or whatever else I'm doing at that time. I think about it like a job: I have a task to do (talk/present/etc) and the only way I will get through it is if I focus on completing it. Once I'm focused, I don't think about myself and begin to relax.

Once I relax, then there's nothing "to hide" or worry about.

I also try to make myself acknowledge that we're all in The Matrix, and that the way I act in public will only be weird if I make it weird, by being anxious and uncomfortable. In other words, psyching myself makes me realize that there's nothing actually wrong with me at that moment. :p
Hey gays, I saw a post about this site called Daggr on tumblr and their about us page says:

Gamers like you.

DAGGR is a community for LGBT gamers and their friends.
Meet and make allies with like-minded players.
It's time to come out.

I think that's pretty cool but it's really new I think, it only has like 574 people signed up

I created my own profile! If anyone wants to add me, here's the link to it. ^_^



Tell me more ;)

I'm seeing a pattern here. You, Soulscribe and mantidor actually dealt with insecurities by tackling them head on, that is, not avoiding the source of those insecurities, not running to our safe spots. I find that admirable.

Yeah it was really weird. I wasn't pretty sure doing it at first, but it was free so why not.

For the first 10 minutes, I was covering my deek with towel from changing room to shower room, but then I got used to the place and I was like whatever, I didn't know these people, and slim chance to meet them in the future. So I put my towel on my head and walking around naked hahaha. And I didn't regret it at all, now I'm kinda used to walking around almost naked and people around me was like, put your clothes on!

Bailey 87

For me Ive got terrible self esteem to the point of loathing. I've always been low about myself. Despite what I may project outwardly, inside I've got serious body image issue. About a year ago I decided to start hitting the gym abd lift and serious weigh training. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I've gained 16 lbs. and even though I've gotten stronger I look in the mirror and still see a skinny kid with a fat gut and flat chest. Doesn't help that guys online haven't been receptive to me. But that's another issue, where I crave and need validation from others to feel a measure of self worth. I know it's fucked up. I'm so unhappy with my progress that I'm seriously considering going on a 12 week cycle of steroids.

You've got serious body image issues, but you want to take a drug that will give you body image issues (ball shrinkage overgrowth of the forehead) it doesn't make sense to me. Also working out for a year and wondering why you haven't got the body you want is like doing a phd and after one year wondering why you haven't got your doctorate. I've been working out on and off for 8 years and I'm still not where I want to be, do I make it get me down heck no.

Also lets say you take steroids and get the body you want do you really think you will get a better response on the apps. From my limited exposure to grindr the majority of the people have a "if it's not white it's not right" policy and I don't want you to let the racists, sorry I mean the "it's my preference I can't help what skin tone I like" people get you down.

My advice would be to hit a gay club get a few drinks down you, dance have some fun wear a tightish top and watch the hotties flock to you, because you sir are handsome :)


I know it's fucked up. I'm so unhappy with my progress that I'm seriously considering going on a 12 week cycle of steroids.

I understand the health risks, but unless you are a long term user, the risks are minimal. Many guys at gym use them, I have two friends who currently cycle and they don't seem to behave any differebt other than an obsession with their body (which I already posess). Infact many Celebraties (like Ben Affleck mentioned earlier, or Hugh Jackman) use performance enhancing drugs to bulk up. Many gay porn stars (which we ourselves in idolize) use them. Theres a body image that gay mean idolize and hold up as the standard ( muscled physique, hairy chest, broad shoulders, bearded) and sadly I can't get there naturally. A lot of guys have cycled at least once if not twice to get that boost.

That being said, I know my problems lie deeper. But maybe then I won't be told so often that I'm not muscular, big or good enough by others. Ugh. I dunno.

Ultimately it's your choice, but you shouldn't kid yourself. Rarely anyone uses steroids short term, and most of the time they stop only when they can't afford to pay for them because once you're off of it, your body can (and most likely will) lose the weight that you've gained from it. That is why steroid users are in essence drug addicts. Furthermore, you are thinking of using it because of your body image issue (which is why most bodybuilders and muscle guys have body dysmorphia), do you seriously believe that once you start looking better (and thus getting more compliments) that you will then stop your cycle? And lastly, let's face it, no matter how big you get, there is a part of you that will always be unhappy with the way you look. I am friends with some of the biggest guys out there and they still go through periods where they find themselves not big enough. It's a vicious cycle.

I am neither for nor against it. It might make you happier, but don't fool yourself into thinking that it will solve all your problems, especially when you consider all the risks involved in using steroids.
I understand the health risks, but unless you are a long term user, the risks are minimal. Many guys at gym use them, I have two friends who currently cycle and they don't seem to behave any differebt other than an obsession with their body (which I already posess). Infact many Celebraties (like Ben Affleck mentioned earlier, or Hugh Jackman) use performance enhancing drugs to bulk up. Many gay porn stars (which we ourselves in idolize) use them. Theres a body image that gay mean idolize and hold up as the standard ( muscled physique, hairy chest, broad shoulders, bearded) and sadly I can't get there naturally. A lot of guys have cycled at least once if not twice to get that boost.

That being said, I know my problems lie deeper. But maybe then I won't be told so often that I'm not muscular, big or good enough by others. Ugh. I dunno.

Unfortunately "light steroid use" probably is a moot idea for someone who's compulsively vain or insecure. In other words, you're never going to be happy with your body with that frame of mind, and that's going to inevitably lead to long-term use, all things considered. Don't fool yourself. Your body changing isn't the solution to your problems, your attitude is. If that involves not surrounding yourself with the people who feed into those insecurities (like muscular men and the boys who idolize them), then so be it.

Makes me think of all those pretty celebrity girls who decide to completely transform their bodies with surgery and implants and such, and they come out of it looking freakier and more plastic. You're apparently a cute guy (I haven't seen your pictures but everyone else here seems to think so) so it'd look downright tragic seeing you go through some kind of body transformation that, most importantly, isn't in line with your attitude about body image. If you gain a slight bit of muscle with your attitude, that's never going to be enough. You could keep adding excess to the point where it becomes a health hazard, and you don't want that.

Take eight steps back. Whatever's putting this false adoration for people with large frames into your head needs to go away. Go downtown, wear something cute, have some drinks, take your friends. Go to the more indie/hipstery gay venues where the muscle rat race isn't as prevalent. If you're unapologetically yourself and you don't wear those insecurities on your sleeve, the boys will come. It sounds like you just need to be hit on more often, so make yourself accessible to that. In other words, find ways to be comfortable with yourself and your surroundings, because that's what makes you an attraction in social settings. As far as Grindr and those apps go, it's all in how you're representing yourself on there. If you're not getting good reactions to whatever you have on there, then that sounds like an easy enough profile change for a handsome guy like yourself.

I don't think people realize sometimes that it's not your attractiveness (or lack thereof) that leads to low self-esteem, but it's your low self-esteem that makes or breaks your attractiveness. People can see that from a mile away. So really, on all accounts, your solution is to just shed whatever false insecurities you've built up, and the rest will fall into place. Trust me babe.


I understand the health risks, but unless you are a long term user, the risks are minimal. Many guys at gym use them, I have two friends who currently cycle and they don't seem to behave any differebt other than an obsession with their body (which I already posess). Infact many Celebraties (like Ben Affleck mentioned earlier, or Hugh Jackman) use performance enhancing drugs to bulk up. Many gay porn stars (which we ourselves in idolize) use them. Theres a body image that gay mean idolize and hold up as the standard ( muscled physique, hairy chest, broad shoulders, bearded) and sadly I can't get there naturally. A lot of guys have cycled at least once if not twice to get that boost.

It's your choice, but I'm still going to say it: don't do it. Even if you're unhappy with your current progress, don't do it. Celebrities or porn stars use drugs because their jobs depends on it (not to mention, celebrities usually have to adapt a certain body type in a very short amount of time because of deadlines so they have no choice). Yours don't.

Also, using steroids is cheating. And the results of this cheating is only temporary because once you put those steroids aside, sooner or later you will return to your former form (I see people at my gym who are suddenly all pumped up just before the summer and few months later, after the summer season is finished, their muscles are gone; and it's like that every year). And then what? Will you accept it then or will you keep using steroids? And how can you be sure that after using those steroids you will finally be happy with yourself and don't end up wanting more?

Not to mention, will you be happy with the way you achieved your look? Because when it comes to training, IMHO, the journey is far more important then the destination. I started going to gym three years ago, and though I'm still not happy with my body, each personal record I achieve make me proud of myself. Skipping that would be awful.

Have you tried hiring a personal trainer? Yes, they aren't cheap, but a guy who knows his shit and can lead you is a blessing and can help you achieve your goals much faster.

But maybe then I won't be told so often that I'm not muscular, big or good enough by others. Ugh. I dunno.

It looks the problem isn't you (because you do look good, great even; definitely not like a "skinny kid with a fat gut and flat chest"), but those shallow people you are attracted to and who you surround yourself with.


So what exactly is that daggr? What are its features? I really don't like when a service is hidden behind a registration form and there's no tour showing you what exactly is the service about, how can it benefit you etc. (no, those three small blurry GIFs and three short paragraphs of text in About section is not enough).
So what exactly is that daggr? What are its features? I really don't like when a service is hidden behind a registration form and there's no tour showing you what exactly is the service about, how can it benefit you etc. (no, those three small blurry GIFs and three short paragraphs of text in About section is not enough).

It is basically a compendium of gay gamers. Like, imagine Steam profiles if you were somehow able to filter them by sexual orientation. Nothing to really write home about, but I also only used it for 5 seconds and it is pretty new so who knows where it will go.


For me Ive got terrible self esteem to the point of loathing. I've always been low about myself. Despite what I may project outwardly, inside I've got serious body image issue. About a year ago I decided to start hitting the gym abd lift and serious weigh training. I go to the gym 4-5 times a week. I've gained 16 lbs. and even though I've gotten stronger I look in the mirror and still see a skinny kid with a fat gut and flat chest. Doesn't help that guys online haven't been receptive to me. But that's another issue, where I crave and need validation from others to feel a measure of self worth. I know it's fucked up. I'm so unhappy with my progress that I'm seriously considering going on a 12 week cycle of steroids.

First, don't do steroids. The replies above gave you good reasons not to.
Second, you have to learn to love yourself. Looking for validation from others isn't good in the long run.
Third, 4-5 times a week? Isn't that a little too much? You don't want to burn yourself out, your muscles need some time to recover. If you think you are hitting a plateau, that may be one explanation. I strongly advise you to go to the Fitness thread and ask some questions there if you haven't done so already.


Hey gays, I saw a post about this site called Daggr on tumblr and their about us page says:

Gamers like you.

DAGGR is a community for LGBT gamers and their friends.
Meet and make allies with like-minded players.
It's time to come out.

I think that's pretty cool but it's really new I think, it only has like 574 people signed up

Joined last night and just went on a follow spree.


I don't think I can actually hide them. It's more about looking past them.

Since I know my anxiety (which is fueled by my insecurities) escalates in public, I have to curve it somehow. Shake it off. I do that by ignoring it and thinking about the conversation, or whatever else I'm doing at that time. I think about it like a job: I have a task to do (talk/present/etc) and the only way I will get through it is if I focus on completing it. Once I'm focused, I don't think about myself and begin to relax.

Once I relax, then there's nothing "to hide" or worry about.

I also try to make myself acknowledge that we're all in The Matrix, and that the way I act in public will only be weird if I make it weird, by being anxious and uncomfortable. In other words, psyching myself makes me realize that there's nothing actually wrong with me at that moment. :p

You know, I think I'm going to try one of your strategies :D Thanks for sharing :)

Yeah it was really weird. I wasn't pretty sure doing it at first, but it was free so why not.

For the first 10 minutes, I was covering my deek with towel from changing room to shower room, but then I got used to the place and I was like whatever, I didn't know these people, and slim chance to meet them in the future. So I put my towel on my head and walking around naked hahaha. And I didn't regret it at all, now I'm kinda used to walking around almost naked and people around me was like, put your clothes on!

Hahahah, that's awesome :D What a
way to deal with insecurities.


irresponsible vagina leak
It is basically a compendium of gay gamers. Like, imagine Steam profiles if you were somehow able to filter them by sexual orientation. Nothing to really write home about, but I also only used it for 5 seconds and it is pretty new so who knows where it will go.

There are LGBT Groups in Steam anyway LOL.


I understand. Do you ever step out of the comfort zone, or do you keep it safe?
I mostly keep it safe, I'm not much of a risk-taker if I can avoid it, I tend to make everything worse than it really is and I'm excessively paranoid, I just have some issues I need to work out

I'd love to join DAGGR but I'm not much of a gamer nowadays :(
I'd join Daggr, but I actually have started to slowly hate multiplayer in almost all of its forms. Sorry~

Well I mean, it doesn't seem geared towards multiplayer.

The only multiplayer game I consider playing nowadays is Dota2 or Team Fortress 2. But TF2 has no GAF community any more, and Dota2 requires making it your job (or second job) if you want to develop enough skill to not be yelled at.
I think i added everyone that has posted theirs. Here is mine https://daggr.net/members/1760/
Edit: if you add me tell me either on there or PM or on here maybe especially if you're on gaf cause lord i'm a bit confused right now with it lol. I dont wanna be adding randoms thinking they're part of gaf lol


Gold Member
Registered but can't get the activation email.

I'm going to pretend like I'm not interested now. Sour grapes, etc.
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