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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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Guys guys I have my first internship interview, I'm so nervous :X
Also had a "Photoshoot" (eh) for my CV, do I look professional?

my aunt got LASIK and her eyesight still goes up every year

i thought it was a permanent solution :(

I'm not sure what you mean by 'her eyesight still goes up every year' but assuming you mean it deteriorates yearly, my mother has noticed the same thing. Having gotten it done in 2004/2005/2006 (I can't remember which year, only the class I was in in school while she was getting the procedure done which puts it in one of those years), she's almost certainly going to need glasses again in a few years (she's now 45) and is quite displeased to have done laser-eye treatment given the cost. My understanding is that it isn't particularly common (but admittedly I've not researched it clearly) but it's certainly a factor to consider when combined with more substantial risks, and the cost.
i just found out about the male g spot today. my friend hit it and it felt amazing.

it really does feel amazing. the last time I ever had sex with my ex, he hit it, I came, and had an intense orgasm. that was the first time that's ever happened for me. we had such good sex, he really knew how to please me (lol). makes me even more disappointed we're not together anymore. though that was just one of the aspects of the relationship i liked, obviously. ugh now I miss him again, i really shouldn't though cause the way he handled the breakup frustrates the hell out of me.

do you and your friend have a fwb kinda thing going? that must be fun


No weird laser thingy is ever touching my eyes, ever. I love my eyes, I love my glasses. I can't live without them.

I've read Lasik also gives you weird halos around some things depending on light, it's minor apparently but is enough to freak me out, no thanks.
No weird laser thingy is ever touching my eyes, ever. I love my eyes, I love my glasses. I can't live without them.

I've read Lasik also gives you weird halos around some things depending on light, it's minor apparently but is enough to freak me out, no thanks.

It can have that side effect in some people.

I dislike my glasses. Gonna zap and sizzle away my corneas with LASIK. #Yolo


2 of my friends got lasik and they love it. but i am scared of the long term effects. that and the fact that someone going to slice my cornea open.
2 of my friends got lasik and they love it. but i am scared of the long term effects. that and the fact that someone going to slice my cornea open.

I'm not afraid of the long term effects for various reasons.

1. Tech may improve in the future to reverse any negative consequences.

2. There might not be long term consequences.

Idk. I feel LASIK will improve my confidence and thus improve my chances of not dying alone.


All of this eye talk has made me remember that I have to get glasses :(. I want to be fucked by a sexy librarian, not be one myself.

2 of my friends got lasik and they love it. but i am scared of the long term effects. that and the fact that someone going to slice my cornea open.

Ah man, I am so tempted to post what happens when you fail the eye surgery in Dead Space 2.
hiiii queergaf o/

i did LASIK a few years ago. my vision is 20/20 now and it has not deteriorated. best decision of my life. i donno why i waited so long

was scary though ;___;
they gave me valium. i was high like a kite.

i kept asking the technician, "so, what will i be viddying today then, my brother?" over and over again

i think he hates me by the end of it

each eye only took like 20 seconds to do, but there were like 20 minutes between the one and the other eye

the next day it was blurry blurry blurry, but by the following morning, i was able to see properly

cant remember about the burning smell


I don't really know how each person differs in this regard, but I'm a big Thanissaro fanboy, personally. In essence it's meditation on breathing, but the way he presents it is generally as a subtler phenomenon of 'the whole body breathing', it's this sensation you notice in relation to the physical process of inhaling and exhaling, where you can feel a kind of sensation (sort of like an 'energy') through your whole body. You observe that in the background, and then you take a fixed location to act as your center of focus. For me the center of my head works best, but I think that area can cause headaches for some people.

Again, I'm not really sure if this is a particular thing to me since I did a lot of trial and error (learning from a teacher is sure to be the best way, I was obstinate about trying to figure it out on my own for what I know now in retrospect was some silly reason), but first I notice a kind of energetic sensation in the middle of my head. It's weird because it feels really neutral, and sometimes even pretty overwhelming or like it will make me anxious, yet I often hook myself up to a brainwave monitor at the same time and it actually shows that I'm more relaxed. So I guess what I mean is sometimes stuff happens that actually seems kind of scary, but it's actually not how it initially seems.

Anyways then I notice a pleasurable quality within this energetic sensation, maybe even fabricating it a bit if I have to and if it doesn't come as naturally, and then I extend that to the whole breath-body sensation kind of mentally overlapping the peripheral focus and the central focus with each other while paying attention to both. I find I reach a really nice balance between energetic-alertness and tranquility this way. It naturally leads to a substantial feeling of calm, but mentally doing these activities requires just enough alertness that I never run the risk of becoming mentally dull or foggy, or overexerting myself by trying too hard or doing some kind of unnaturally vigorous activity and destabilizing myself.

Cool, dude. Thank you for the insight. I've got it open in a tab on my tablet and I'll probably start reading a bit tonight or tomorrow :) I'll let you know how things are going or something, haha.
they gave me valium. i was high like a kite.

i kept asking the technician, "so, what will i be viddying today then, my brother?" over and over again

i think he hates me by the end of it

each eye only took like 20 seconds to do, but there were like 20 minutes between the one and the other eye

the next day it was blurry blurry blurry, but by the following morning, i was able to see properly

cant remember about the burning smell

Viddying? Are you from Clockwork Orange?

Also I decided to download Duolingo and start learning some Spanish. Gonna be fun learning it alongside Japanese.


Dat feel when you fall in love with someone who won't ever reciprocate.

Inb4 "it isn't love, just obsessive infatuation." Yeah well it still sucks. :(

I know this feeling too well too tbh, though mine is more of a crush than being in love, but the guy is so emotionally stunted than even if he was gay I'd doubt he'd ever reciprocate, in any case I feel ya *hugs*


If anyone is needing a pair of glasses coastal.com is a really cool site that gives you your first pair free (shipping and handling is $19 I believe) and you don't need a signed prescription. Though I didn't add any of the special features on my glasses so they get dirty SUPER FAST and I have to clean them like 3 times a day. I've been wearing these glasses for like three years already (I'm sorry I sound like a broken record but its just such a nice deal I tell everyone that compliments my glasses (Derek Cardigan 7003 Black) about them).

I have a question do any of you have straight friends that go out of their way to watch and like any form of media with gay protagonists/messages? I think I see a few people on the manga thread that like yuri that aren't lesbians (which is pretty cool).


I have a question do any of you have straight friends that go out of their way to watch and like any form of media with gay protagonists/messages? I think I see a few people on the manga thread that like yuri that aren't lesbians (which is pretty cool).

How do you start a lawn mower? I've a Mulcher that seems to be from 1996 (it says "Model: Mulcher, Motor k/w: 3.2, RPM: 2950, and Mass: 27kg" on a faded sticker at the back) without a primer that I can see, and no matter how hard I try to pull the cord I just cannot get it started. I only need to cut the grass once (right now) but will need to start it in the back and front garden, and so far my efforts are futile. Is there anyway to easily (or not easily, even if it means some Goldberg-like starting idea) start it that isn't "phone a friend"?
Make sure there is gas, try pulling the cord when you are on a flat service (it feels like it's hard to start on the lawn).
I both love you and feel like an idiot right now. Thank you. I would be lying if I said that after over an hour of futilely pulling that damn cord I didn't start grinning from ear-to-ear the moment it started. It's quite clear that I will never become a groundkeeper.
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