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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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look at this cat tho


Hunky Nostradamus
He's always been clever, and that is a pretty awesome response, but I'm still pissed off at him over the whole bisexual thing. He sort of took steps away from his early position I think, but I still want to smack him real hard.

He's totally reversed his position on male bisexuals iirc. I mean, a lot of gay men, particularly the older ones, have a thing against bi guys, so I can't say I'm surprised that he once held those views. The important thing is that he no longer holds them and freely admits to the mistakes of his past.

These panels say more about the guy than they do about the Big 3 tbh.
He's totally reversed his position on male bisexuals iirc. I mean, a lot of gay men, particularly the older ones, have a thing against bi guys, so I can't say I'm surprised that he once held those views. The important thing is that he no longer holds them and freely admits to the mistakes of his past.

Is he still virulently transmisogynistic?


Hunky Nostradamus
Is he still virulently transmisogynistic?

er, I don't know what that means. >__< I've only been reading him for a few years, but I've never seen/noticed him saying anything negative about trans people. When someone asks him a question about trans issues, he usually passes the question on to someone who is a trans advocate.
Trans people tend to be those that members from all sides of the spectrum are unitedly and openly more bigoted against, unfortunately. It especially bothered me when I met so many gay people that are unashamedly transphobic, but I guess it is naïve of me to expect the oppressed to be more enlightened.


Hunky Nostradamus
Apparently Fuck No, Dan Savage! is still an active thing

I don't mean to sound dismissive, but of course it is. It's tumblr.

Most of the "Dan Savage is anti bi/trans/asexual/rape victim" links that I could find were all several years old and I don't think people should keep bringing up incidences from 2002 and shit in an effort to, well, savage him. As I said, he's made a lot of strides in the last few years, which I think is very commendable.

In fact, I just listened to a podcast from last year where he was pretty asexual positive, so at the very least people can stop banging on that drum.

The most recent scandal that I could find is from about a year ago where he refused to "taboo-ize" lgbtq related slurs such as "fag, tranny, dike, sissy, etc", and talked about not "needing permission to use certain words" and things like that, which, I think, is less __phobic and more an issue of free speech.
I don't mean to sound dismissive, but of course it is. It's tumblr.

Most of the "Dan Savage is anti bi/trans/asexual/rape victim" links that I could find were all several years old and I don't think people should keep bringing up incidences from 2002 and shit in an effort to, well, savage him. As I said, he's made a lot of strides in the last few years, which I think is very commendable.

In fact, I just listened to a podcast from last year where he was pretty asexual positive, so at the very least people can stop banging on that drum.

The most recent scandal that I could find is from about a year ago where he refused to "taboo-ize" lgbtq related slurs such as "fag, tranny, dike, sissy, etc", and talked about not "needing permission to use certain words" and things like that, which, I think, is less __phobic and more an issue of free speech.

This is from 2013, and if you don't see the issue with, well, all of it, I don't know what to tell you.

Edit: misread, that's 2003, but still, ugh. I believe that he needs to get a handle on using slurs that are often accompanied with real-world violence against trans people. The people fighting for the right to use t-slurs are predominantly not trans themselves...
This is from 2013, and if you don't see the issue with, well, all of it, I don't know what to tell you.
He's still not good (he's still about bis should be out more, while he's the person with the loudspeaker who doesn't help, and still says 'o rly come back in ten years' to audiences regarding young bi people coming out), though that is actually from 2003.


Dan Savage is a privileged asshole who is occasionally funny. At least he's not Andrew Sullivan I guess? IDK.

The guy in the last frame is kinda cute though. :p

*insert joke about insemination*
Did you just call Grover Norquist cute? I can't. Him and that bullshit tax pledge, ugh. I haven't heard anything about him lately, so hopefully he's not relevant anymore.


Everyone looks so good *. *

this looked way better on my phone but whatever just browsing gaf ~

also how does young avengers stack in comparison to teen titans?

(i know different publishing companies and all but)

You look damn fine. don't worry. :p

I haven't read read a TT comic book yet, but I'm planning to do so when I got the money to import them. (They are not available here in English)
Young Avengers has beautiful art, a great set of characters (very diverse cast) and the humor is in harmony with the Zeitgeist.

If someone manages to legitimately piss me off I never forgive them for it.

Thankfully only two people I've known personally have ever managed to do that.

The amount of people that I wouldn't give the time of day however numbers in the millions.

Are there meaty pectoral muscles everywhere


Bailey 87

Cosmos was my other regular program; that show was a religious experience to me. (Greg & I waited in line in the rain for four hours to see Neil Degrasse Tyson a few months ago - totally worth it!)

I'm so jealous, Neil Degrasse Tyson is my idol.

Arrested development is one for sure lol

Oh yeah I love me some Arrested Development. I wasn't really feeling the new season though.

here's a pic of me and my uncle at the gym.

The World Health Organisation has announced for the first time that all men who have sex with men should take antiretroviral drugs, in a bid to try and contain the growing rates of HIV in gay communities around the world.

In the report, it says that homosexual men are 19 times more likely to have HIV than the rest of the population,

Some scientists predict that the antiretroviral drug use for all gay men could lower the spread of HIV by 20 to 25 per cent.


So what do you guys think? should we all pop pills to save our community?


Given that I assume you're asking what think the best shows in the medium are, I would say "The Wire", "Breaking Bad", "Mad Men", "The Sopranos", "True Detective) (these five being what I'd consider the best of the dramas), "Deadwood", "Six Feet Under", "The Shield" "Arrested Development", "Band of Brothers" and "The Simpsons Seasons 1 - 8". Other shows I would very much advise people to consider watching include "Hannibal", "Boardwalk Empire", "Fargo", "Carnivale", "Rome", "Luck", "Treme", "The Good Wife", the early seasons of "Futurama" in addition to "The Late Philip J Fry" and "Meanwhile", "The Pacific", "Twin Peaks" (not necessarily due to the quality, more due to how unique I find it), "Archer", the first season of "24" (because it's digestable, pulpy entertainment and the best, or second depending on who you ask, of the lot), "Spongebob Squarepants" up to the movie (more because they made a 'good' character interesting and I enjoyed it as a child), "Pinky and the Brain" (a children's show done right), "Cosmos" (the original, as a great documentary), "Planet Earth", "Orange is the New Black", "House" (up until season six's opening'd conclusion, simply for Laurie's fantastic performance and the gripping "Three Stories"), "The West Wing", "Friday Night Lights", "30 Rock", "Community", "Curb Your Enthusiasm", "Louie", and I think that's everything (but I've probably forgotten something), EDIT: Forgot "Les Revants" and "Rectify". EDIT 2: And "Sherlock". EDIT 3: And "Blackadder", and "Father Ted". EDIT 4: And "Game of Thrones". EDIT 5: And "Fawlty Towers".

I feel obligated to mention a little show called 'Battlestar Galactica' (2005) at this very moment in response to this very comprehensive list of certainly commendable shows.
I implore you to binge-watch BSG and add it to your list. Of course, one finds himself required to embrace this gem without preconceptions about its title. But the Pilot/Miniseries should take care of that within a few minutes.
Oh btw, is Carnivale or Boardwalk the better show (or Treme even, who knows)? Not seen any of them but always open to suggestions.
I feel obligated to mention a little show called 'Battlestar Galactica' (2005) at this very moment in response to this very comprehensive list of certainly commendable shows.
I implore you to binge-watch BSG and add it to your list. Of course, one finds himself required to embrace this gem without preconceptions about its title. But the Pilot/Miniseries should take care of that within a few minutes.
Oh btw, is Carnivale or Boardwalk the better show (or Treme even, who knows)? Not seen any of them but always open to suggestions.

I'd be lying if I said that I hadn't acutally done that, despite always hearing good things about it. I guess I'll have to go and breeze through it. Regarding "Carnivale" or "Boardwalk Empire", well, that's really a tough one. Both are of a quite high calibur, both are directed quite admirably, and both are acted in a supremely fitting manner. The issue arises in that "Carnivale" is quite unique in its rather bleak atmosphere that touches every aspect of the show. It also has an extremely complex, dense mythology. Perhaps, most importantly, the cancellation really works against it as some clear potential is lost with unanswered questions and unresolved plotlines. In addition, the polarising nature of the show is unlikely to appeal to all, and while it isn't a major time commitment in comparison to something like "The Shield", it's still a sizeable amount if time if you end up dissatisfied with it. "Boardwalk Empire" is a much more typical show but, personally, it falters in that it never convincingly portrays the atmosphere it wants to me. When a character walks along the beautiful sets, it doesn't 'feel' authentic to me, it feels like a character walking down a set. It's hard to convey what exactly is missing, and what the issue is for me, but there is just something 'lacking' from the show despite it, techically, being very impressive. I recognise that this is a personal issue, even if I've seen it elsewhere, so don't let it deter you too much. The plots are generally well thought out, the characters are both complex (in general) and numerous, and it has a much wider appeal. Overall, while it wouldn't be my favourite by any means, I think "Boardwalk Empire" would be the safer option. Both are definitely worth seeing, but if you like shows such as "The Sopranos" and "The Wire", you really cannot go wrong with "Boardwalk Empire", at the worst you may be lukewarm towards it as I am (where as you could end up hating "Carnivale").

EDIT: I never heard of Ryan Kelly, but he is a really lovely man.


Cue Penny and the Community devil - Florida is up!


Keys judge: Gay couples can marry, but not before Tuesday

Monroe County Circuit Judge Luis Garcia overturned Florida’s 2008 constitutional gay-marriage ban on Thursday, and ordered that two Key West bartenders be allowed to wed but not before Tuesday.

“The court is aware that the majority of voters oppose same-sex marriage, but it is our country’s proud history to protect the rights of the individual, the rights of the unpopular and rights of the powerless, even at the cost of offending the majority,” Garcia wrote in his opinion, release about 1 p.m. Thursday.

Read more here: http://www.miamiherald.com/2014/07/17/4240865/keys-judge-gay-couples-can-marry.html#storylink=cpy
Great pics everyone!

Croatia has just passed a civil partnership law (with 89 votes for and six against). Sadly, same-sex couples who legitimize their union won't be allowed to adopt (yet), but still, for a conservative, predominantly Catholic country this is huge, because the law finally gives those couples legal recognition. I'm so proud of my country right now.

Congrats! It's still not what it should be, but it's a step in the right direction, and Croatia joining EU will help LGBT matters hopefully.


Great pics everyone!

Congrats! It's still not what it should be, but it's a step in the right direction, and Croatia joining EU will help LGBT matters hopefully.

You live in one of the EU countries as well, right?
How is the situation there regarding same sex marriage and general LGBT rights?
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