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LGBThread |OT4| We're (still) Here! We're (still) Queer!

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I'm not a bad person :(

Daripad is like ー( ̄~ ̄)ξ Yeah you fools, I'm too cool for that Fantasy Life, I got that Fantasy Real Life, yeahhh

I'm joking, please don't be upset! 。:゚*+;(●´・д・`●);+*゚:。


Two Lesbians' Omnipotent Undergarments?

This feeling so complicated.

Well I flip-flop between being a humanist and wanting all unworthy life extinguished from the planet to create the perfect kingdom of Law so I can get where he's coming from.
BB came in with a new blushing gif :p
I suppose some things never change... ^^;;;

Oh, you know, bopping creeps and bringing home the gold.
That's what I like to hear <333!

No problem!
And I'm sure it will turn out fine. &#9734;

P.S.: I'm really jealous at your confidence on the stage, I remember, when I was a kid and sang Beatles songs in front of my class I almost had a panic attack from the sheer stage fright. &#65288;_&#65340;
Aww thanks!! <3 I mean.. I've been performing on stage for a long time now! You kinda get used to it after a few years :3. You shoulda seen my first time! I was shaking before I got on stage LOLL!!

Whiling away the time until I move, replaying old favorites, making plans I'll never follow through with.
Niceeeee! Sounds... A lot like my summer sorta!! LOL!


I suppose some things never change... ^^;;;

Heh ;)

Daripad is like &#12540;(&#65507;&#65374;&#65507;)&#958; Yeah you fools, I'm too cool for that Fantasy Life, I got that Fantasy Real Life, yeahhh

I'm joking, please don't be upset! &#65377;:&#65439;*+;(&#9679;´&#65381;&#1076;&#65381;`&#9679;);+*&#65439;:&#65377;

;( You fools, I'm too cool for this thread -_-
my life is a nightmare :'(

This feeling so complicated.

I can explain it...ok no, I can't :S


hey guys, I just got home from a party and thought I'd share the lovely view from the cab I took an hour ago


It's now 7:16am, sun is up (even though the sky is mostly cloudy), and I'm heading to bed. Good night GayGaf <3
hey guys, I just got home from a party and thought I'd share the lovely view from the cab I took an hour ago

It's now 7:16am, sun is up (even though the sky is mostly cloudy), and I'm heading to bed. Good night GayGaf <3
Wow gorgeous view. You live in Paris?


Are there any queer topics left? We're just stuck on the same cycle here. I guess we can talk about Smash Bros some more.



My favourite Digimon.

Aww thanks!! <3 I mean.. I've been performing on stage for a long time now! You kinda get used to it after a few years :3. You shoulda seen my first time! I was shaking before I got on stage LOLL!!

I have that every time. Doesn't seem to get better as much I speak in front of crowds.

I don't sing anymore since puberty hit me and my voice took a turn for the worse. &#65288;&#9651;&#65307;
;( You fools, I'm too cool for this thread -_-
my life is a nightmare :'(
I apologize... _:(´`&#12301; &#8736;):_
Here's a hug as well. (*>&#1076;<&#20154;&#969;<*) Don't feel bad.

hey guys, I just got home from a party and thought I'd share the lovely view from the cab I took an hour ago

It's now 7:16am, sun is up (even though the sky is mostly cloudy), and I'm heading to bed. Good night GayGaf <3
Paris is a beautiful city, hope I can follow through with my own plans and make a trip to that city next year.
Getting up at 6am to get breakfast and i caught a girls walk of shame. She was in her black party dress and heels/purse and her gentleman caller was at the door of the building in basketball shorts and a button up dress shirt.

Oh to be young again...
Had an odd dream where I was in Japan, and went to some eccentric Japanese restaurant. Shared a booth with some Japanese woman (in her 20s) named Michiko, and some overweight (in his 50s) white American dude. Anyway Michiko was talking to me a lot, and I tried to keep up using my limited understanding of Japanese. At one point the conversation stagnates so I strike up conversation with the American guy. As I'm talking to him Michiko all the sudden starts kissing my cheeks and neck. At this point it occurs to me that she wants me. Now I consider explaining I'm gay, but I realize that I'm probably an atrocious kisser and that if I kiss her back that will probably be enough to turn her off. To my surprise the kiss is enjoyable. Everything else kind of just faded away for a good half a minute. Wasn't really sure what to do with my tongue, though she wasn't doing much with hers either. I then break off the kiss, and my plan seems to have worked and she seems to no longer be interested. Though she doesn't leave the table so maybe I misread the situation. With that bit of awkwardness over I resume my conversation with the American dude. Was interesting, and almost got him to explain what he was doing in Japan. But then I woke up.

Anyway the point of sharing this story is to ask what do I do with my tongue?
I'm gonna go controversial here for a second.
I think that season 4 of Digimon is up there with the rest of them. It's my favorite season and I'm happy they did something different with it.


I did something incredibly stupid tonight and I feel so awful and dumb. Fuck.

Is it something you can undo, take back? Hopefully it's not something that bad!

hey guys, I just got home from a party and thought I'd share the lovely view from the cab I took an hour ago


It's now 7:16am, sun is up (even though the sky is mostly cloudy), and I'm heading to bed. Good night GayGaf <3

Thanks for sharing the photo, it's beautiful *.*


Getting up at 6am to get breakfast and i caught a girls walk of shame. She was in her black party dress and heels/purse and her gentleman caller was at the door of the building in basketball shorts and a button up dress shirt.

Oh to be young again...

no cab? Truly the walk of shame.


We always talk about us having crushes on straight guys but we never talk about straight girls having crushes on us, have you guys had that happen to you?

The only instances of that happening to me were in middle school when some girl approached me with her friends, very visibly red-faced to tell me she thought I was cute and liked me, and in high school on valentine's some random girl just approached me out of nowhere and gave me a valentine's card saying she liked me as well, both instances made me feel awkward and just re-assured me of the fact I was gay lol.
We always talk about us having crushes on straight guys but we never talk about straight girls having crushes on us, have you guys had that happen to you?

The only instances of that happening to me were in middle school when some girl approached me with her friends, very visibly red-faced to tell me she thought I was cute and liked me, and in high school on valentine's some random girl just approached me out of nowhere and gave me a valentine's card saying she liked me as well, both instances made me feel awkward and just re-assured me of the fact I was gay lol.

In Middle School I was good friends with this girl. I'll call her Brenda, which isn't even close to her real name. Anyway Brenda and I were pretty much best friends. Everyone talked about how we should go out together. Or thought that we were currently dating. Being a human, and a middle school aged child, I caved to social pressures and eventually asked her out even though I kind of didn't see the point since we were good friends already. A day or so later we were at a school event and she pulls me aside saying she has something to give me. Cue her trying to kiss me and I instinctively pull away. In hindsight I'm not sure if that's because I'm gay or because she just kinda came at my face and anyone would flinch at sudden movement. But there was an extremely awkward moment of silence and we both kind of just walked in opposite directions. Then neither of us ever brought up the fact that I had asked her out. Though we kind of sort of remained friends? She definitely had feelings for me. But I think we both knew at that point that my feelings weren't the same as hers. Our friendship took a huge hit because she started playing games to try and get me to like her.

Funnily enough I ended up being forced to go to high school prom with her. Because she had apparently said "hey if we both don't have dates how about we go together?" and she took my "maybe" as a "yes" and then told her mother who told my mother. Months before prom even began mind you. And then prom rolls around and I tell my mother I don't really want to go and she says "but you have to, Brenda thinks you're going with her." And then I get told that even if I don't want to go, it would be extremely cruel to ruin prom for Brenda since prom is such an important memory for girls. I went. Danced awkwardly once or twice (promised I'd do one dance an hour), and then left after I felt I'd spent enough time.


We always talk about us having crushes on straight guys but we never talk about straight girls having crushes on us, have you guys had that happen to you?

The only instances of that happening to me were in middle school when some girl approached me with her friends, very visibly red-faced to tell me she thought I was cute and liked me, and in high school on valentine's some random girl just approached me out of nowhere and gave me a valentine's card saying she liked me as well, both instances made me feel awkward and just re-assured me of the fact I was gay lol.

Had that happening only recently. This time it wasn't as awkward for me (or her) because I explained it rather well. She was cool with it or so she said.

Before that there were quite a few broken hearts because of me... and since I was in bed with girls when I was still in school - even though I wasn't interested in them romantically or sexually - also quite a few moments of awkward silence when I couldn't get an erection. (&#9583;_&#9584;)
I'm glad you're back! We need more Ace Attorney fans in here. Have you played AAI2?
Ahhhhhh no I haven't yet!!! I want to soooo badly but I'm still trying to figure out how! LOLLL! Apparently I have to buy a flashcard and do something with it?! LOLLL!!
I don't sing anymore since puberty hit me and my voice took a turn for the worse.

Aww!! Well if it makes you feel better... Public speaking terrifies me wayyyy more than singing live! :( haha! My hands shake and I start to sweat wahhhh x____X!
... Do any of you guys also have the large problem of personally knowing absolutely no gay people and a ton of homophobic people...? Certainly, by being Bi, I could be in a worse position, but I'm rather tired of women at the current moment in time.
... Do any of you guys also have the large problem of personally knowing absolutely no gay people and a ton of homophobic people...? Certainly, by being Bi, I could be in a worse position, but I'm rather tired of women at the current moment in time.

I don't know many homophobic people, fortunately.. But I can say with confidence that I have zero gay friends X___X I've been trying to fix it, but it's harder than it looks ;__;

I'm really sorry for the situation you're currently in!! :( I really wish homophobes weren't still a thing by now :(
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