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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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The 'caught looking' awkward gif is funny too

Has anyone here had any experience with LGBT groups? I think I may attend the one at my university soon, but I want an idea of what I'm getting into. I'm not out yet, so I'm not sure how big of a step it is.

I'd like to be out by next summer or so, but I'm already fighting through depression and want to avoid added stressors if possible.

I'm a member of my university's society and am hoping that I'll be able to get on the committee next year, and I would highly recommend joining one if you can. We accommodate for a huge diversity, of people, from individuals who are asexual, to those who are gender fluid, to individuals uncomfortable labelling themselves, to people who just want to sign up and have a good time and are heterosexual. Weekly, we generally have two (depending on what other events are on) coffee 'mornings' (I say mornings hesitantly as a 'coffee morning' spans two hours and can be at 9am-11am or 4pm-6pm, it depends on the day and who on the committee is free to look after the room) a week, a night out to a Student Night in an LGBTQ+ club every second Thursday with the society (obviously people are free to go themselves, we get free entry into the club on the student nights and a reduced entry fee other nights), a movie/TV showing every once in awhile, and a diverse array of events depending on what can be organised, from burlesque classes, to pumpkin carving, to art competitions, to an occassional drag show. Typically, we are very busy in terms of the events that occur weekly, with 'three events' (coffee mornings included) being roughly the mean from observation. Outside of social events, there is a 'buddy system' in place so that nobody has to attend an event alone, and can get to know somebody before coming along and meeting everybody events, and there are also social welfare hours so that anybody experiencing issues with being LGBTQ+ (from coming out, to bad reactions, to STIs, to relationship issues, and more) has somebody to talk to given that the university counsellors are typically very busy and it can be hard to get an appointment without making one weeks in advance/

In terms of opportunities it may present to active members, currently, there are two volunteering schemes that members can participate in. The first of these is "ShoutOut", a scheme designed for LGBTQ+ individuals to speak to secondary school children about being an LGBTQ+ individual, providing information about homophobia that may be experienced and the emphasis on being accepting towards LGBTQ+ individuals, and to encourage LGBTQ+ secondary school children (teenagers, to be fair) to be accepting of not just their own sexuality and gender, but of those who are of a different sexualiy and/or gender. The second is an LGBTQ+ helpline, so that LGBTQ+ individuals experiencing difficulties can ring up and talk to somebody who is non-judgemental and willing to listen. In addition, there is room for political activism. While this may not be relevant to your location, next Spring in Ireland there will be a referendum on same-sex marriage, and the deadline to register to vote easily is fast-approaching. As such, the LGBTQ+ society, working with the Student Union and an outside organisation called the Gay and Lesbian Equality Network, are registering students to vote so that they can have a say in the upcoming election and they can make a difference. Members of the LGBTQ+ society are encouraged to participate in the "YesEquality: Register to Vote!" campaign, which consists of minding the stands we have organised, making lecture addresses (note that while these are terrifying to do, you don't have to even if it will make a big difference if you do), printing off leaflets and encouraging people to vote as you walk around the campus to classes, and giving out badges and sweets so that people can show their support and encourage their friends to do the same. That aside, there are opportunities to write for the university tabloid and broadsheet regarding LGBTQ+ issues, in both opinion pieces and more journalistic articles, so that's a good way to make your mark also.

Finally, no group would be possible without the people themselves, and the LGBTQ+ Society, in my opinion, is one of the nicest groups of people that I've experienced on campus (part of the reason why I want to get involved so much within it). Obviously this may differ in other universities/elsewhere, but where I am anyway, the greatest draw is that there really are no cliques. At coffee mornings, it everybody generally sits within a large circle/eliptical figure composing of about thirty people (more or less depending on the day and how busy people are obviously), and everybody talks to everyboy else. At the start of the semester, generally, there are constantly different people at the events. Later on, 'similar' events tend to attract similar people (a regular group go to coffee mornings, regular group go to more 'unusual' events such as the burlesque classes, a regular group that goes to the nights out, a regualr group go to the movie nights, and a regular group that goes to pretty much everything), so you tend to see the same people, but there are still a few new people who show up at some events later on in the semester, either because they were too nervous to go earlier, they hadn't come out (and please note that not everybody there is out, a very large percentage are not out to family, and a substantial percentage are not out to anybody not in the society with one or two members regularly trying to sneak into the room), or for other reasons. It really is a place where you can make friends with a huge group of people with a diverse range of interests from varied backgrounds. While not everybody gets along with everybody else, and some people can have rather eccentric views, this typically does not become an issue and there is very rarely tension. In comparison to something like Film Society, where cliques can form between those with an interest solely in watching films, those with an interest in the production of films, and those with interests in specific genres, or Game Society, where cliques may form depending on what people are interested in (this is extremely common in my experience), or even other more general societies like Law Society, in my experience, there is a much more welcoming, and friendly atmosphere.

So in short I would highly recommend signing up as you can meet some good friends and have a lot of fun.

(side note: YesEquality has a Facebook page so if anybody wants to show their support for the campaign, you can like the national one here: https://www.facebook.com/yesequality)


Just saw "Interstellar". What a convoluted mess. But Wes Bentley was hot in it and wasted in a thankless role. Come to think of it, he could be Jack Falahee's ("How to Get Away with Murder") equally hot older brother.


I like The Dark Night and Batman Begins which were both only good because of the villains acting, Christian Bale has done better acting before. Inception was just boring.

I also tried to watch Memento once but stopped the DVD after 15 minutes or so. Wasn't my thing.


Nolan is one of the more talented blockbuster directors, but I can't help but feel that his films would end up better if Hollywood didn't bend over backwards to please him. Someone getting complete artistic freedom isn't always a good thing, and just as Tarantino really needs a new editor Nolan needs new writers/producers that can rein in his imagination and focus it more clearly. I think it's great to have someone that lets his films be powered by ideas rather than commercialism, but his films just end up inarticulate and cold.

I mean a lot of The Prestige centres around the idea of "what will you do to become successful", but it delivers it so bluntly with necessity the killing a bird to do a magic trick and how Hugh Jackmans character goes from having moral reservations to having virtually none. It is such a heavy handed metaphor and the film has a ton of excess side-stories that seem to end up going nowhere significant and doesn't fuel the development of the characters or serves the central plot.
Yeah the soundtrack was fantastic.

I think my favorite Nolan movie is The Prestige. Might be in my top 10 movies ever actually. I don't know why but I fell in love with it after watching it.


I'm hoping to see Interstellar on IMAX with some friends in a week. I just hope it's still around by then because it's always hard to pin them down to go watch a movie.


The European scientist who wore that problematic shirt is a total hot ass daddy bear, look at that beard *o*

Oh goody, now you reminded me of that thread again. :p

I find the entire brogressive (i.e. often straight male self identifying liberals/progressives, who reject core tenets of liberalism when it doesn't directly apply to them) nature of gaming/technology culture so weird. Especially now with the ongoing mess that is gamegate, where people simultaneously "celebrate" sexual inclusiveness and deride something as being "gay". But uh, maybe this isn't the topic for this discussion.


Oh goody, now you reminded me of that thread again. :p

I find the entire brogressive (i.e. often straight male self identifying liberals/progressives, who reject core tenets of liberalism when it doesn't directly apply to them) nature of gaming/technology culture so weird. Especially now with the ongoing mess that is gamegate, where people simultaneously "celebrate" sexual inclusiveness and deride something as being "gay". But uh, maybe this isn't the topic for this discussion.
That's just certain individuals, not the entire liberal movement. And they get called out on that as well, even more so since they are the ones to claim to have only the progress of getting these issues (sexism, etc) resolved.

To be honest, I distrust this liberal movement at times. Some of the people in it are just way to slimy. Maybe I'm just paranoid. :/


That's just certain individuals, not the entire liberal movement. And they get called out on that as well, even more so since they are the ones to claim to have only the progress of getting these issues (sexism, etc) resolved.

To be honest, I distrust this liberal movement at times. Some of the people in it are just way to slimy. Maybe I'm just paranoid. :/

Oh I'm aware, I just find both the brogressives and the fact that they (seemingly) dominate the political sphere of game/tech weird.

I too distrust the liberals, but then again in Sweden the liberals are considered right wing, so my viewpoint is way out there in comparison.

Oh and then there's the difference between the word liberal and its usage and the political movement which at times end up getting conflated with not-technically-hilarious-but-hilarious results.


I find those people to identify mostly as libertarians more than anything, basically progressive in some issues and not so much in others.
Here in the UK, the term 'Liberal' is barely used at all. Instead, we call them 'possibly decent people'. The right wingers are commonly referred to as 'idiots'.

As for me, I don't know what I am. I guess centre-left ? I'm not entirely sure.


Here in the UK, the term 'Liberal' is barely used at all. Instead, we call them 'possibly decent people'. The right wingers are commonly referred to as 'idiots'.

As for me, I don't know what I am. I guess centre-left ? I'm not entirely sure.

I was going to mention that you have a party called the Liberal Democrats and how they are referred to as liberals, but then i remembered how right you were with "barely used at all".


Oh I'm aware, I just find both the brogressives and the fact that they (seemingly) dominate the political sphere of game/tech weird.

I too distrust the liberals, but then again in Sweden the liberals are considered right wing, so my viewpoint is way out there in comparison.

Oh and then there's the difference between the word liberal and its usage and the political movement which at times end up getting conflated with not-technically-hilarious-but-hilarious results.
Yeah, in Europe or specifically in Austria where I live, liberal parties are the right-wing parties. The party here is called "Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs" which translates to Liberal Party of Austria.

No, I mean the American definition of it. Everyone is sooo liberal but most people don't even seem to know what that means. They sometimes even share a lot with the right-wing without even noticing it. Maybe these people are just not very self-aware or maybe they are ignorant.

Anyway, I think I'm just not interested in any of the parties. I wish something like Anarchism could work. I think Ukraine had some parts of the citizens living in Anarchism for a while. Or was it Hungary? I can't quite remember. I believe I read somewhere that they had a civil war and after that stopped there was no political system in place for some time, so basically Anarchism.
I was going to mention that you have a party called the Liberal Democrats and how they are referred to as liberals, but then i remembered how right you were with "barely used at all".

Mhm, and the Lib Dems are firmly right-wing nowadays. :c

So... We don't have any Liberals, in name or actions. Seeing as we just love copying terms and things from the US, I find this pretty strange.


Liberals in Europe usually refers to economic liberalism, it doesn't really have anything to do with social progressiveness.


Alrus is correct

Liberalism (more specifically, classical liberalism) as an actual Political Science term almost always refers to economic policy, more specifically belief in the development of a true laissez-faire economy or adopting principles of one.

I wish I could remember the story behind how the terms came to mean what they do in US politics (Which is kind of embarrassing since I was actually considering majoring in Political Science.)


Yeah, in Europe or specifically in Austria where I live, liberal parties are the right-wing parties. The party here is called "Freiheitliche Partei Österreichs" which translates to Liberal Party of Austria.

No, I mean the American definition of it. Everyone is sooo liberal but most people don't even seem to know what that means. They sometimes even share a lot with the right-wing without even noticing it. Maybe these people are just not very self-aware or maybe they are ignorant.

Anyway, I think I'm just not interested in any of the parties. I wish something like Anarchism could work. I think Ukraine had some parts of the citizens living in Anarchism for a while. Or was it Hungary? I can't quite remember. I believe I read somewhere that they had a civil war and after that stopped there was no political system in place for some time, so basically Anarchism.

FPÖ, isn't that the one that used to have Jörg Haider? Yeah they're not liberal in any sense of the word. Freiheitliche would more accurately be translated as Freedom/free, no? My German is quite bad tbh.

Haha, yeah hence the bit about conflating the U.S movement with the word.

Huh can't say it rings a bell. But somehow I fear that absence of organised political system probalby would've translated to fascism rather than anarchism.

Mhm, and the Lib Dems are firmly right-wing nowadays. :c

So... We don't have any Liberals, in name or actions. Seeing as we just love copying terms and things from the US, I find this pretty strange.

Nah, they just lack any conviction, vision and future.

Hey now, not in politics, I mean it's not like the politics scene recently have largely been dominated by a reactionary right-wing fring... Oh never mind.

Liberals in Europe usually refers to economic liberalism, it doesn't really have anything to do with social progressiveness.

I'm aware and amused by this. I think we already have achieved confusion in this thread.

edit: Shit, I just realised that it was my fault that things got confusing as well. I was referring to the U.S. movement rather than the Swedish Liberal Party when I was talking about how the liberals would be considered right wing in Sweden.

edit 2:
I just gave the shittest bj ever


Did it involve a trip to the hospital? If not I think you're in the clear.


I just gave the shittest bj ever

Did you bite him or what? Other than that, what could have made it bad?

FPÖ, isn't that the one that used to have Jörg Haider? Yeah their not liberal in any sense of the word. Freiheitliche would more accurately be translated as Freedom/free, no? My German is quite bad tbh.

Haha, yeah hence the bit about conflating the U.S movement with the word.

Huh can't say it rings a bell. But somehow I fear that absence of organised political system probalby would've translated to fascism rather than anarchism.
FPÖ nowadays has Christian Strache as their new head. Less creepy looking, less charismatic, more of a slimer. As for to what FPÖ translates, I was just guessing. My English is still quite bad so it could be that I'm wrong.

Nah, as far as I remember it was Anarchism that reigned there for a short time. Don't remember what happened after that though, so it could be that fascism was a result of that. Can't find the article at the moment but it was either 18xx or 19xx.
Nah, they just lack any conviction, vision and future.

Hey now, not in politics, I mean it's not like the politics scene recently have largely been dominated by a reactionary right-wing fring... Oh never mind.

They do lack that, but they also are awful people. It's just that their lack of conviction, vision, and future (and also their imminent demise) is overshadowing their general awfulness more.

And UKIP's success has been EXTREMELY exaggerated so far. It's all the media, y'see. The Green Party (the first truly left-wing party I've seen in my lifetime) is actually doing better than them and the Lib Dems, and they're getting no coverage whatsoever. Media's awful over here, extremely right-wing with no sense of balance or fairness. And the UKIP boss gets to go and debate with the two biggest party leaders, in spite of being 4th/5th overall.

But still, sorry for boring y'all with politics and stuff. :p

I just gave the shittest bj ever


There's such a thing as a bad bj?


They do lack that, but they also are awful people. It's just that their lack of conviction, vision, and future (and also their imminent demise) is overshadowing their general awfulness more.

And UKIP's success has been EXTREMELY exaggerated so far. It's all the media, y'see. The Green Party (the first truly left-wing party I've seen in my lifetime) is actually doing better than them and the Lib Dems, and they're getting no coverage whatsoever. Media's awful over here, extremely right-wing with no sense of balance or fairness. And the UKIP boss gets to go and debate with the two biggest party leaders, in spite of being 4th/5th overall.

But still, sorry for boring y'all with politics and stuff. :p

There's such a thing as a bad bj?

Didn't UKIP beat the greens in the EU election and they both have MP:s since the last by-election? I would say that UKIP are doing better than the Greens atm and having more exposure in the press isn't going to change that. Even if I personally would like to see the Green party win pretty much everything (and then get on changing your horrid election system).

Also seeing how I'm the one who brought up politics in the first place, I'm the one to blame.

If there is blood and a trip to the hospital involved, then yes it's a bad bj.
Didn't UKIP beat the greens in the EU election and they both have MP:s since the last by-election? I would say that UKIP are doing better than the Greens atm and having more exposure in the press isn't going to change that. Even if I personally would like to see the Green party win pretty much everything (and then get on changing your horrid election system).

Also seeing how I'm the one who brought up politics in the first place, I'm the one to blame.

Politics are always an interesting topic, it's an integral part of all of our lives since we, as LGBTQIA people are directly affected by it.

I think that UKIP beat the Greens in terms of EU seats, but the Greens won more seats at home. They are currently outperforming the Lib Dems in terms of seats. But it matters little, because thanks to the aid of the press, UKIP will rise faster.

Perhaps the worst part of UKIP is that they're even worse than the Conservatives, and yet are far more incompetent. Anyone who solely creates policies around their ideals is very stupid. Even worse if the ideals are racist, sexist, homophobic, and just plain horrible.

Politics are always an interesting topic, it's an integral part of all of our lives since we, as LGBTQIA people are directly affected by it.

This sentence got me thinking pretty hard. The Conservatives legalised gay marriage in England, which is something that Labour seemed to had conveniently forgot. Is it wrong for me to hate the Conservatives for their awful policies that gravely affect other people, rather than liking them for their one policy that actually benefits me? I mean, they're racist and sexist, and horrible people, but this one decent thing to come out of them is annoying me.

Anything but teeth scratching the ***** is okay with me. 😄

If there is blood and a trip to the hospital involved, then yes it's a bad bj.

Oh, yes. But no blood happened, so it was probably automatically amazing.


I think that UKIP beat the Greens in terms of EU seats, but the Greens won more seats at home. They are currently outperforming the Lib Dems in terms of seats. But it matters little, because thanks to the aid of the press, UKIP will rise faster.

Perhaps the worst part of UKIP is that they're even worse than the Conservatives, and yet are far more incompetent. Anyone who solely creates policies around their ideals is very stupid. Even worse if the ideals are racist, sexist, homophobic, and just plain horrible.

This sentence got me thinking pretty hard. The Conservatives legalised gay marriage in England, which is something that Labour seemed to had conveniently forgot. Is it wrong for me to hate the Conservatives for their awful policies that gravely affect other people, rather than liking them for their one policy that actually benefits me? I mean, they're racist and sexist, and horrible people, but this one decent thing to come out of them is annoying me.

I feel your pain, thanks to a similar party over here we now have a vice speaker of the house that has written extensively about "the gay cabal", compared homosexuality with beastiality, armed himself with an iron pipe after an argument with a comedian and is an all-round asshole.

You can condemn someone for being awful and still appreciate the good things they do.
I feel your pain, thanks to a similar party over here we now have a vice speaker of the house that has written extensively about "the gay cabal", compared homosexuality with beastiality, armed himself with an iron pipe after an argument with a comedian and is an all-round asshole.

You can condemn someone for being awful and still appreciate the good things they do.

Mhm, I do believe so, too. I'd rather not let legalised gay marriage overshadow sexism, racism, a hatred of the immigrants who are the very backbone of the UK, and the general hate for anyone who isn't rich. They're trying to slowly privatise the free healthcare that the last government established. I couldn't afford health insurance. Well, not without being unable to afford car insurance, so I lose any future chances of a job. So I'd be fucked, like many others.

So, I must say... Thanks for the gay marriage, Conservatives. For an encore, could you make it possible for us to actually be able to afford it?


This sentence got me thinking pretty hard. The Conservatives legalised gay marriage in England, which is something that Labour seemed to had conveniently forgot. Is it wrong for me to hate the Conservatives for their awful policies that gravely affect other people, rather than liking them for their one policy that actually benefits me? I mean, they're racist and sexist, and horrible people, but this one decent thing to come out of them is annoying me.
I think it isn't. Of course it's good that they at least consider the interest of a minority and I would appreciate that, but the greater good is also very important, maybe even more important than yourself. (That's why I wish for Anarchism, everyone can live out his life their own way without standing in the way of others, on their own. But maybe the whole of humanity is not quite ready for that. I'm pretty sure it's not ready yet)

Oh, yes. But no blood happened, so it was probably automatically amazing.

Nah, I mean it's good that at least there was no one hurt. There's always room for improvement, of course. But hey, everyone makes mistakes at their first few tries, right?

I want to play Smash with any of you right now. Pm me if you are available :p
I wish I could, but my budget is tight and I cannot afford the 3DS version at the moment. I hope I can play against you in the Wii U version though! 😳
I think it isn't. Of course it's good that they at least consider the interest of a minority and I would appreciate that, but the greater good is also very important, maybe even more important than yourself. (That's why I wish for Anarchism, everyone can live out his life their own way without standing in the way of others, on their own. But maybe the whole of humanity is not quite ready for that. I'm pretty sure it's not ready yet)

Yeah, believe me, I'm in no doubt that I don't like them. They affect me positively in one way, and ruin the lives of many others, so I don't like them, not one bit. It's rather confusing when bad people do one nice thing, is all. Perhaps as a morality thing? Or something to brag about as a legacy. Eh. What matters is that they never worked a day in their lives, and say that we should work until 70. No thanks~

Also, I personally believe I anarchism as well, but there's no denying that neither I nor you will see it functioning properly in our lifetimes. Hell, I doubt that I'm ready for it either.

Nah, I mean it's good that at least there was no one hurt. There's always room for improvement, of course. But hey, everyone makes mistakes at their first few tries, right?

But it doesn't seem THAT hard. Unless it is.
Hey all.

Looking back at that gif on top of page (don't judge me. It's mesmerizing) and noticed that the guy on the left doesn't have a "eww why is he starring at me" look on his face ;p
Hey all.

Looking back at that gif on top of page (don't judge me. It's mesmerizing) and noticed that the guy on the left doesn't have a "eww why is he starring at me" look on his face ;p
lol it's Dan Osborne, just google his name in google images and you'll find out he really doesn't care lol
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