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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Congratulations Grizzo!


[2]!! That's super awesome. :)


Anyone know a nice way to tell a friend to stop texting you every single day?

A guy I worked with and had a sort of benefits friendship with for a while still texts me every day, even though I ended the benefits part a couple of months ago (it laster about 6 months with a total of maybe 6 hook ups). He talks to me like I'm his best friend or more, but he's in long term a committed open relationship. That's probably the biggest reason I ended the hooking up. From the rules he outlined of the relationship, I think he was going way too far emotionally.

He eventually told his partner we were "having an affair" and that I was his "boyfriend" which was apparently not within the rules, but not the first time either of them have gotten into that kind of situation in their relationship. That was over the top for me, who still thought it was a friends with benefits thing and wanted nothing to do with being told I was the most important thing in the world by this friend.

But now we still hang out as friends (I hung out with him and his partner in a group of their friends months ago and it went great, but obviously after disclosing that we were "having an affair," I am not comfortable ever seeing his partner again because he definitely has the wrong idea about how far it went in reality). I don't want to be rude, but there is absolutely no one I feel like texting every day. I speak to my parents maybe three times a week. My best friend of 10 years and I speak maybe once a week. My other closest friend and I speak nearly every day, but that's a girl who I have no issue hearing from often.

This guy texts me every day and I don't respond for over a week at times. And he bought me some gifts over the months which I kept saying not to do because I don't like feeling obligated, so I convinced him to let me pay for a bunch of our meals hanging out recently to make me feel better about the gifts.

So, it's stupid, but I don't want this friend texting me every day. Especially with his sometimes sappy tone. He's much
older so I was hoping he'd be way less 'swept away' and I'm not that cool honestly.


Well, at least it is not Tingle.

@CannonO: The guy does seem way too much involved emotionally, unless this is the result of you leading him on (in that case, you are partly to blame for the current situation). The gift-thing is kinda annoying. You told him to stop, but he didn't, and you accepted them nonetheless (bad move). I understand that it is a tricky situation, and that it is hard to refuse gifts from friends, but after the whole "I'm having an affair with you", "you are my boyfriend", and the "I'm texting you every single day", while you clearly do not feel the same way, I think that you need to be firm with him. Honestly, I don't really know if you can make this situation works: he obviously wants more from you, and doesn't stop. I understand that you want to keep him as just a friend (and that you don't want to hurt his feelings), but I'm afraid he is not on the same page as you. This is the perfect recipe for dramas and other problems later.


When I read the Link-Postman thing I went crazy because of the possible shorts he would use. When I saw the pic, /dead. HW has the best Link evah


Well, at least it is not Tingle.

@CannonO: The guy does seem way too much involved emotionally, unless this is the result of you leading him on (in that case, you are partly to blame for the current situation). The gift-thing is kinda annoying. You told him to stop, but he didn't, and you accepted them nonetheless (bad move). I understand that it is a tricky situation, and that it is hard to refuse gifts from friends, but after the whole "I'm having an affair with you", "you are my boyfriend", and the "I'm texting you every single day", while you clearly do not feel the same way, I think that you need to be firm with him. Honestly, I don't really know if you can make this situation works: he obviously wants more from you, and doesn't stop. I understand that you want to keep him as just a friend (and that you don't want to hurt his feelings), but I'm afraid he is not on the same page as you. This is the perfect recipe for dramas and other problems later.
Every time he said I was most important I said not only that I'm not interested in being that to him, but also that it sounded totally against his commitments. And he tried again to give me something last time I saw him and I refused. I flat out said I would leave the gift on the Starbucks table we were sitting at. It's never been anything major as a gift, but dang, the only ones I did accept were ones I thought were coming from a simple place of friendship and he was being pushy becauase it made him feel better to give friends gifts.

I am glad to have conversations with him, but he keeps pulling moves and he texts saying he's thinking of me randomly and I'm never sentimental like that with him so I don't get how long he can keep this up.

Thanks for the response. I guess I'll wait him out a bit more. I really don't think I led him on and if anything, I was clear that I didn't want it to escalate beyond the level first stated.


Every time he said I was most important I said not only that I'm not interested in being that to him, but also that it sounded totally against his commitments. And he tried again to give me something last time I saw him and I refused. I flat out said I would leave the gift on the Starbucks table we were sitting at. It's never been anything major as a gift, but dang, the only ones I did accept were ones I thought were coming from a simple place of friendship and he was being pushy becauase it made him feel better to give friends gifts.

I am glad to have conversations with him, but he keeps pulling moves and he texts saying he's thinking of me randomly and I'm never sentimental like that with him so I don't get how long he can keep this up.

Thanks for the response. I guess I'll wait him out a bit more. I really don't think I led him on and if anything, I was clear that I didn't want it to escalate beyond the level first stated.

Ugh... That seems as a situation where you have no option besides ending the friendship, to be honest. You were very clear to him so many times, as you say, so I don't think he will stop by himself until you do it. :/
Maybe he's a grower, not a shower...

Haha, considering I'm kinda like that, I should have thought of that.

That's a tragically commonplace design decision. Even the celebrated sailor costume from Resident Evil Revelations suffered from a similar 'lack of detail'.

At least we'll always have Captain Falcon.

Yeah, it's not like designers are afraid of showing huge beasts. Maybe one day well get full packages in games. ^^


Dat feeling when you use an ATM that has been compromised and end up being robbed $1500 overnight. I'm salty... :S

Whoa that shit is fucked up. I'm always paranoid when using an ATM. Can you file a complaint to your bank or something? I hope you'll get back every penny!



Whoa that shit is fucked up. I'm always paranoid when using an ATM. Can you file a complaint to your bank or something? I hope you'll get back every penny!

To clarify, it wasn't me. It was my father who presumably used an ATM that was compromised. But I am his financier, I manage his money. He called me this morning about the generic suspicious banking activity message he received. I check his account and there were three withdrawals in an ATM of 500 for a total of $1500. I was so mad because I feel like I'm always the one keeping track of his money, and doing everything for him as far as financials. But he went to the bank and found out that it happened to three other people. Withdrawals were made in the same place, at the same time. The bank is reviewing the case, card has been canceled and he'll get his money back. The hacker/robber wasn't very smart... he should have waited in between days to let the activity go unnoticed. Also, doing everything in the same ATM/same time. They already have a lead on him/her. Clearly these type of people are not the brightest.


To clarify, it wasn't me. It was my father who presumably used an ATM that was compromised. But I am his financier, I manage his money. He called me this morning about the generic suspicious banking activity. I check his account and there were three withdrawals in an ATM of 500 for a total of $1500. I was so mad because I feel like I'm always the one keeping track of his money, and doing everything for him as far as financials. But he went to the bank and found out that it happened to three other people. Withdrawals were made in the same place, at the same time. The bank is reviewing the case, card has been canceled and he'll get his money back. The hacker/robber wasn't very smart... he should have waited in between days to let the activity go unnoticed. Also, doing everything in the same ATM/same time. They already have a lead on him/her. Clearly these type of people are not the brightest.

Haha you knownwhen you think about it, it's a pretty good thing they're not bright, so that it's easier for us to find them! Good to know everything is gonna be alright.
To clarify, it wasn't me. It was my father who presumably used an ATM that was compromised. But I am his financier, I manage his money. He called me this morning about the generic suspicious banking activity message he received. I check his account and there were three withdrawals in an ATM of 500 for a total of $1500. I was so mad because I feel like I'm always the one keeping track of his money, and doing everything for him as far as financials. But he went to the bank and found out that it happened to three other people. Withdrawals were made in the same place, at the same time. The bank is reviewing the case, card has been canceled and he'll get his money back. The hacker/robber wasn't very smart... he should have waited in between days to let the activity go unnoticed. Also, doing everything in the same ATM/same time. They already have a lead on him/her. Clearly these type of people are not the brightest.

Sounds like a plot to a movie.


Well we have a writer in here... a very successful one. Oh why hello there Grizzo!! :3 How do you feel about writing a screenplay? :p
lol, that Link is really cute.


Sigh, why does UPS always wait to deliver until after 3pm here? I want my Smash Bros! Friends are coming over tonight to play and I would like to unlock characters/stages before then.


Well we have a writer in here... a very successful one. Oh why hello there Grizzo!! :3 How do you feel about writing a screenplay? :p

Haha I wouldn't say that I'm successful just yet. It's my very first book after all. But that thug on radio was a really nice surprise. We'll see how it goes from there! :D

Sigh, why does UPS always wait to deliver until after 3pm here? I want my Smash Bros! Friends are coming over tonight to play and I would like to unlock characters/stages before then.

*sigh* Europe has to wait one more week so it could be worse I guess :(
Haha I wouldn't say that I'm successful just yet. It's my very first book after all. But that thug on radio was a really nice surprise. We'll see how it goes from there! :D

Well you're the most successful writer I know! :) I wish I could write a book.

*sigh* Europe has to wait one more week so it could be worse I guess :(

Damn, I forgot about that. :( I don't understand the delay over there. *comfort*


Well you're the most successful writer I know! :) I wish I could write a book.

Oh! <3 Well I hope it's gonna do well but either way I'm proud about it so that's all that matters I guess!

Damn, I forgot about that. :( I don't understand the delay over there. *comfort*

What's worse is that we don't even get Pokemon to tie us over since it's coming out next week as well!

But what hurts the most is Captain Toad... one full month later (January 2)... that's incomprehensible :(


There's this two guys much older than me that are interested in me and they're both pushy about it, I'm not interested. Any advice on how to deal with them? I tried ignoring them but it doesn't work... I see them quite often unfortunately I:
There's this two guys much older than me that are interested in me and they're both pushy about it, I'm not interested. Any advice on how to deal with them? I tried ignoring them but it doesn't work... I see them quite often unfortunately I:

IRL or what. just let them double team.


*sigh* Europe has to wait one more week so it could be worse I guess :(

What? It's not a worldwide release?

I didn't even know! Urgh. Gamepad Bundle is, according to Eurogamer still only coming out on the 5th December which is even worse. I have to wait another week if I want that one. Come on Nintendo. :/
There's this two guys much older than me that are interested in me and they're both pushy about it, I'm not interested. Any advice on how to deal with them? I tried ignoring them but it doesn't work... I see them quite often unfortunately I:

Give them the address of your greatest rival. Hijinks will ensue.


Set up your home with traps ala Home Alone. Invite them over. Again, Hijinks will ensue.


IRL or what. just let them double team.

IRL... what? No. -__- I went with one of them for a coffee at Starbucks one time, the other one for dinner. That's it. But they both would text me a lot... which I ignored. Then when I see them they're like "why haven't you replied back?" I'll say I'm busy with school and stuff. The cycle repeats, lol.

Give them the address of your greatest rival. Hijinks will ensue.


Set up your home with traps ala Home Alone. Invite them over. Again, Hijinks will ensue.

Will try this.

What? It's not a worldwide release?

I didn't even know! Urgh. Gamepad Bundle is, according to Eurogamer still only coming out on the 5th December which is even worse. I have to wait another week if I want that one. Come on Nintendo. :/

First world problems.

Anyone know a nice way to tell a friend to stop texting you every single day?

A guy I worked with and had a sort of benefits friendship with for a while still texts me every day, even though I ended the benefits part a couple of months ago (it laster about 6 months with a total of maybe 6 hook ups). He talks to me like I'm his best friend or more, but he's in long term a committed open relationship. That's probably the biggest reason I ended the hooking up. From the rules he outlined of the relationship, I think he was going way too far emotionally.

He eventually told his partner we were "having an affair" and that I was his "boyfriend" which was apparently not within the rules, but not the first time either of them have gotten into that kind of situation in their relationship. That was over the top for me, who still thought it was a friends with benefits thing and wanted nothing to do with being told I was the most important thing in the world by this friend.

But now we still hang out as friends (I hung out with him and his partner in a group of their friends months ago and it went great, but obviously after disclosing that we were "having an affair," I am not comfortable ever seeing his partner again because he definitely has the wrong idea about how far it went in reality). I don't want to be rude, but there is absolutely no one I feel like texting every day. I speak to my parents maybe three times a week. My best friend of 10 years and I speak maybe once a week. My other closest friend and I speak nearly every day, but that's a girl who I have no issue hearing from often.

This guy texts me every day and I don't respond for over a week at times. And he bought me some gifts over the months which I kept saying not to do because I don't like feeling obligated, so I convinced him to let me pay for a bunch of our meals hanging out recently to make me feel better about the gifts.

So, it's stupid, but I don't want this friend texting me every day. Especially with his sometimes sappy tone. He's much
older so I was hoping he'd be way less 'swept away' and I'm not that cool honestly.

I know the feeling bro...
I-I-I was looking around and I found this book "The Carnivores: University of Dinosaurs - Complete Set of 4 Gay Dinosaur Erotica Stories"

This is the blurp:

Warning! This is a story about men having sex with dinosaurs. It has been written for the pleasure and entertainment of the reader. Sexual encounters within this story are graphic in nature and may be considered disturbing by some, erotic by others. Read at your own risk, or enjoy at your own pleasure.

These are the stories:

Compie Gangbang - B.D. Whitney

Magic of the Dimetrodon - Slade Hardin

Seduced By A Sabertooth - Slade Hardin

T-Rex Master - B.D. Whitney

I'm not going to buy it. But uh, this exists?


T-Rex Master sounds interesting, an so does seduced by Sabertooth. But I don't understand... do the people that find this erotic realize that if any of this animals were alive today then it would be a bloodbath for them? Imagine being torn to pieces by a Sabertooth.


Dragons > dinos though

T-Rex Master sounds interesting, an so does seduced by Sabertooth. But I don't understand... do the people that find this erotic realize that if any of this animals were alive today then it would be a bloodbath for them? Imagine being torn to pieces by a Sabertooth.

Fantasies are fantasies breh


T-Rex Master sounds interesting, an so does seduced by Sabertooth. But I don't understand... do the people that find this erotic realize that if any of this animals were alive today then it would be a bloodbath for them? Imagine being torn to pieces by a Sabertooth.

I think that is exactly what they're doing.


I-I-I was looking around and I found this book "The Carnivores: University of Dinosaurs - Complete Set of 4 Gay Dinosaur Erotica Stories"

This is the blurp:
Warning! This is a story about men having sex with dinosaurs. It has been written for the pleasure and entertainment of the reader. Sexual encounters within this story are graphic in nature and may be considered disturbing by some, erotic by others. Read at your own risk, or enjoy at your own pleasure.

These are the stories:

T-Rex Master - B.D. Whitney


And now imagine them having sex D:


I mean sure, I guess it could be erotic. But an 800 lb sabertooth with massive claws and fangs designed to kill in a matter of seconds is pretty amazing. The T-Rex, a prehistoric killing machine and other amazing apex predators that are no longer with us (thank goodness) that were ruthless killing machines. Yeah, I fail to see what's erotic about it... lol.


I mean sure, I guess it could be erotic. But an 800 lb sabertooth with massive claws and fangs designed to kill in a matter of seconds is pretty amazing. The T-Rex, a prehistoric killing machine and other amazing apex predators that are no longer with us (thank goodness) that were ruthless killing machines. Yeah, I fail to see what's erotic about it... lol.
Well duh, you don't have the fetish. Fetishes don't make sense.
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