So, Utada Hikaru has finally released a PV for Beautiful World, the ending of Rebuild of Evangelion 1 and 2. It's celebrating her 15th anniversary working with music, I think. Evangelion fans will dig it.
I have been trying to write an essay and getting nowhere all week,, but it's not due for ages...Call the Ghostbusters ASAP.
Seriously though, are you in some stressful period such as Exams or something like that? I rmember I once spaced out a bit because of too frequent all-nighters.
I don't get nervous around girls. Just guys.
Today there were the two hottest/cutest guy at a table at this community fair. We talked but just about hiv prevention in nursing.
Do you guys get nervous around pretty girls? I figured that I shouldn't, but I do... it's weird. I wonder why.
Well, I just get nervous around people. So I swear at them a lot. Makes them less likely to make me any more nervous. :c
It's normal! Well, not the swearing part, the nervous part. Nothing to be worried about, dearie~
I have been trying to write an essay and getting nowhere all week,, but it's not due for ages...
This currently my song right now.
Yea yea sexism is bad but who is number 11?
I get nervous around everyone. I suppose with girls who are nice and pretty, it would matter to me not to make a fool of myself just because there's no fun in giving a bad impression to people who have a generally admirable presence.
Just a high anxiety and worrisome person all around.
Well, I just get nervous around people. So I swear at them a lot. Makes them less likely to make me any more nervous. :c
It's normal! Well, not the swearing part, the nervous part. Nothing to be worried about, dearie~
Girl: Hi, I'm -
Do you guys make eye contact with people, especially guys? Like when walking by?
Since I came out, I've gone all out on eye contact. Not inappropriately, but just sort of long enough that there can be a question of interest. Before I couldn't let a guy see me staring at him, but now I can just keep it going with whomever. It feels a bit empowering to be able to look someone in the eyes and not be worried about being a guy staring at a guy.
Girl: Hi, I'm -
Thanks! I call dibs.
I'll invite GayGAF to our wedding.
I try to avoid eye contact with strangers, especially cute guys. I do worry about a guy staring at another guy in a sense that it might make them feel uncomfortable. It is also safer for me to assume that every guy I see out in the streets is straight. Unless I'm having a conversation with someone, I will avoid eye contact.
Actually, it's more a dismissive 'Oh, fuck off, you cunt' thing, regardless of gender. But yes, I think I'll employ that phrase from now on. It'd certainly eliminate some meaningless conversations and allow me to get the hell on with whatever it is that I'm doing without some idiot trying to talk to me and unnerve me.
... Aww. I called dibs in my mind. ;-;
Thanks Nick! It's coming along slowly. The paper's not blank, but it's full of sentences to the effect of 'obviously this is nonsense but go with me' and 'look I found a blog that's totally a credible reference right' and 'this fictional 18th century woman is totally a codependent'...Totally know the feeling! Don't worry about it, sometimes you may feel pwerless against a blank paper, but I'm sending you positive inspiration and all my greek muses so you'll be successful in it!
Well, maybe I overdid my excitedness
Buh the way, am I the only one who doesn't know how to move around GAF. I want to post somewhere but I'm too scared of it >.< and I really wanted to see if someone bought Game of Thrones today.
What? Why? I hope you aren't serious. This is why I'm also afraid of starting a random conversation with someone. >.>
Oh well, everyone's horrible and raw-faced over here, anyway. I'm not like that to people who are polite (Who I am yet to meet yet). Just to normal people/scumbags, yes~?
I have no gaydar. I am just never sure a guy is gay unless he says out loud it in some way. But nonetheless, I find it nice to be able to look rather than glancing and always looking elsewhere when any guy or girl is looking around and lands on me.
Oh well, everyone's horrible and raw-faced over here, anyway. I'm not like that to people who are polite (Who I am yet to meet yet). Just to normal people/scumbags, yes~?
Hmm okay. So that means that if you didn't know me, I could strike up a conversation with you, without any cursing? I'd be polite and you would reciprocate? Sounds goodbut what if you find my conversation meaningless and boring?
you sound pleasant! 'normal people' lol
Despite the tech troubles, Unity's incredible creative success convinced me that I should buy 2015's AC no matter what because I'm sure they know not to screw up a launch again. And sure enough, I'm going to Victorian London.
At the very worst, I will listen to someone who makes the effort to be polite, regardless of how interesting they are being. And I'm rather easily interested, so long as the conversation isn't the usual sectarian/homophobic/sexist babble spouted by most people over here. A conversation with you would... Certainly be a welcome change.
Oh, and swearing's EXTREMELY common here, from toddler to pensioner. I don't exactly live in a lovely, well-off neighbourhood.
Normal people here are scumbags. Well, actually, normal people everywhere tend to be that, intentionally or otherwise.But still, yeah, normal people here in particular are especially crude and nasty.
IGN just posted this article:
Victorian England is like one of my favorite time/places in history! I'm still playing Unity, and despite all the bugs, glitches and poor performance, I'm enjoying it. Co-op is fun when it works and with friends.
Well I would talk about Mexican stuff, like Tamales, and Chiles Rellenos and things you wouldn't know/understand unless you're MexicanWhich would make the conversation extremely boring for you, I'm sure. I would also rant about Taco Bell and how their Tacos are not real Tacos and how Americans just seem to call anything with a crispy shell a Taco >.> All of this while talking in a Sofia Vergara accent. It would be a very boring conversation
Blind loyalism is never a wise thing, but that's just my personal opinion. 😉Despite the tech troubles, Unity's incredible creative success convinced me that I should buy 2015's AC no matter what because I'm sure they know not to screw up a launch again. And sure enough, I'm going to Victorian London.
Holy shit, yesssssssssss. I've been wanting this setting for fucking years. Please Christ don't fuck it up, Ubisoft.IGN just posted this article:
Victorian England is like one of my favorite time/places in history! I'm still playing Unity, and despite all the bugs, glitches and poor performance, I'm enjoying it. Co-op is fun when it works and with friends.
Oh, well, er. I can't say that I could relate to it, but I could get the general gist of Mexican Tacos being superior to US Tacos, and raise you other instances of where native foodstuffs are superior to their pathetic imitators. Let the conversation spiral on from there, perhaps? And I doubt that you'd be able to understand what I'm saying, either. It's a little known fact that people from the UK are the worst at speaking English so that other people can understand. :c
And in regards to Victorian England... It's a fascinating and interesting place and time to look back upon, but I'm just going to say one thing: I'd rather be dead than living there. It seemed so... Horrific to live in for almost all concerned.
Blind loyalism is never a wise thing, but that's just my personal opinion. ��
I would wait for reviews and other customers opinon on the game befor I buy it. Maybe even view an LP of it before I buy the game for myself.
Holy shit, yesssssssssss. I've been wanting this setting for fucking years. Please Christ don't fuck it up, Ubisoft.
I have Irish friends, I can understand Irish accents just fine. You are from Ireland right?
Yep, even if Fallout 4 would be released tomorrow I wouldn't buy it blindly (as someone who is really obsessed with apocalyptic settings, mods and the Fallout lore). I just can't stand getting de-valued and regarded as a blind consumer who doesn't have any critical thinking by publishers.
I don't get nervous around girls. Just guys.
At the very mildest, public figures and politicians thought it would look bad on them to back anything supporting gay people. AIDS was a gay problem to the public at the time, so that meant helping those affected would be helping gay people and not many were empathetic or daring enough to do so as I understand it.
Yep, even if Fallout 4 would be released tomorrow I wouldn't buy it blindly (as someone who is really obsessed with apocalyptic settings, mods and the Fallout lore). I just can't stand getting de-valued and regarded as a blind consumer who doesn't have any critical thinking by publishers.
Right, but even the movie mentioned that at the time (I dunno, I wasn't alive at the time) that AIDS was being transferred heterosexually in Africa. Surely the doctor and protest group could've pointed to that and said: "No. It isn't just homosexuals that are getting this?"
Yep, even if Fallout 4 would be released tomorrow I wouldn't buy it blindly (as someone who is really obsessed with apocalyptic settings, mods and the Fallout lore). I just can't stand getting de-valued and regarded as a blind consumer who doesn't have any critical thinking by publishers.
Worse. I'm from Northern Ireland. Basically, Ireland is South Korea. Northern Ireland is North Korea. And our voices are absolutely revolting.
Here is a... Tutorial:
Yes. That's literally how most of us speak.
Yep, even if Fallout 4 would be released tomorrow I wouldn't buy it blindly (as someone who is really obsessed with apocalyptic settings, mods and the Fallout lore). I just can't stand getting de-valued and regarded as a blind consumer who doesn't have any critical thinking by publishers.
I'm drunk again. Sandeman got to me. Spanish wine, I love you so much.
Far Cry is a far cry from being a good game, so be glad you didn't get it. (This is a bad joke, so disregared it)Hey, I've been a bastard to them on social media and didn't get Far Cry 4. But nah, I'm not letting AC go. It speaks to me. Stutters sometimes, but speaks to me nonetheless.
Nah, I could wait if Bethesda really screwed us with a new buggy game again. I don't want to beta test games of multi million dollar studios, they have the playtesters for that.I agree with the principle, but I think Fallout 4 would break me. It's been too long, praying for a reveal at the VGAs (or whatever they're called now) this Friday.
I try to stay consistent.This is the first time that I have met someone who can think critically while being drunk, lol.![]()
Nah, I could wait if Bethesda really screwed us with a new buggy game again. I don't want to beta test games of multi million dollar studios, they have the playtesters for that.![]()
Well I found this video too:
I can understand the guy on the left. He's also cute, lol.
I would feel more confident if it was confirmed they had ditched that horrible engine...but I'm not sure that's the case. Also I sort of wish Obsidian was getting another go, New Vegas was leagues ahead of Fallout 3 in my mind.
I would feel more confident if it was confirmed they had ditched that horrible engine...but I'm not sure that's the case. Also I sort of wish Obsidian was getting another go, New Vegas was leagues ahead of Fallout 3 in my mind.
Pretty sure that they won't use a new engine since I bet that they still count on the modding community to support the new game until their next game releases.I would feel more confident if it was confirmed they had ditched that horrible engine...but I'm not sure that's the case. Also I sort of wish Obsidian was getting another go, New Vegas was leagues ahead of Fallout 3 in my mind.
Hawt. 😘Yoshi is ready for christmas
Can't wait to be stuffedfor overeating
Yoshi is ready for christmas
Can't wait to be stuffedfor overeating
... Is the right answer! Well done~
God that engine just has the most antiquated PC principles stabbing at your eyes. The floating, disjointed motion is so awful.
Pretty sure that they won't use a new engine since I bet that they still count on the modding community to support the new game until their next game releases.
And yeah, FNV was way better in it's writing than FO3 but only because it felt way more like the first two. Fallout 3 was really awkward since it seems so determined on you being a good guy (you have to side with the Brotherhood) while New Vegas let you choose everything for yourself.
Every DLC in FNV was near perfect, really. There are people that say that FO3's DLC was better but they are talking trash. Even Lomesome Road is better than playing Fallout 3 main story again, let alone the awful DLC missions.Definitely. Not only that, but I found the setting/conflicts a lot more interesting in FNV. The DLC was way stronger too (loved Old World Blues)., I might have to start a new character.