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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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No one does really.

Community threads, ot at least this one because I don't use any other :p, are basically chats, you drop in whenever and randomly talk about the current topic or any other topic you want.

I just feel like, if I don't keep up with things enough to really know what is going on for whom, that I'm out of the loop. I mean, say after this I didn't check in again until tomorrow afternoon, at which point there are a couple new pages, and don't read back over them, and during those pages someone won the lottery, someone moved half-way across the world, and someone got a new cat, and I have no idea about any of that. Then when those topics come up a few pages later, I have no clue what's going on, and when I come back I'm dropping into the middle of a half dozen conversations that had been going on already >.>

EDIT: Oh darn, and I'm at the top of the page now >.>
Eurovision is one of my fav telly things every year it's great. I love watching it with friends and drinks.

I am European so liking the stuff is not mandatory but advised. Also everyone likes Sinatra. And your Mraz cover's good to, I love that song.
...but even you Badger don't have the power to make me like Buble.

Right, time to find something sensible to do Vegi. Coursework perhaps.

Thank you so much for checking out all these videos!! It truly makes me smile :')

LOLLLL! I can understand that :p. I've actually sang with Buble a couple times, believe it or not o__o! But he's not for everybody :) He's influenced my voice a lot, but he's not what I listen to on a regular basis, if that makes sense :3


Since I post here I want to share a video with you guys:
NSFW - No Strings Attached trailer
I'm pretty sure it's NSFW even if there isn't any complete nudity, so don't watch it at work! It's a remake of the trailer for the film "No Strings Attached" done by two guys instead of Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. i thought it was kinda funny/romantic and well done.
I would have watched the full movie, lol
I asked because my first thought was Korean StarCraft progamer, but I figured it would be too odd to include that if he was a host or something. Cool to see another fan of esports here. I have tried to watch some Dota 2 and League, but there are so many different characters it's hard for me to keep track of the abilities and weaknesses :p
Understandable, actually, to be completely honest with you, I have never played League of Legends, even if I was interested, I've heard that the community is a little harsh with people like me that would probably make many mystakes. I learned all I know about League of Legends watching him and his team play. It's enjoyable, especially when you are a fan of one of the team.
Samwell? I got to see the actor at the Game of Thrones panel at Comic-Con. He was pretty funny and charming. He joked about doing nude scenes for the show. You might have meant Samwell, but I have to say Mark Addy, the guy that plays Robert Baratheon, can be cute too. :p
Yes, I was talking about Samwell, wow, I didn't know that the actor that did the king in GoT was in Full Monty too. I didn't really like his character in GoT, but he certainly can be cute as you said.
i refuse to accept this
Mmmm....something is telling me that you are joking, but in case you don't, I think it's impossible to be liked by everyone and sometime is better to move on and search for someone that actually likes you instead of spending time and energy to be liked by someone that doesn't like you, the world is big.

He's really cute in person from what I gathered from interviews with the actor.

He looks fantastic with beard by the way, he should keep that one. :)

Personality should always be king, yeah.
I had no idea who was in that image, but now I know, I completely forgot about him, but yes, haven't seen much about him but he seem to be a good/funny person. As for your last sentence I agree
but at least for now I want everything if possible, lol
Somebody had asked about increasing the amount of male nudity, and he said something along the lines of "The good thing about me and male nudity is that everybody is served because it will still get the boob count up. Everybody wins."

lol, hilarious
does this mean that there is a chance? Please someone say yes :p


Thank you so much for checking out all these videos!! It truly makes me smile :')

LOLLLL! I can understand that :p. I've actually sang with Buble a couple times, believe it or not o__o! But he's not for everybody :) He's influenced my voice a lot, but he's not what I listen to on a regular basis, if that makes sense :3
Oh, you've met him? I'm sure he's probably a great person and he's obviously a talented singer. Just too bombastic for me. I get what you mean. Oh by the way it's almost the 29th go and buy lawyer games so Capcom don't think they're dead in the west.


I had no idea who was in that image, but now I know, I completely forgot about him, but yes, haven't seen much about him but he seem to be a good/funny person. As for your last sentence I agree
but at least for now I want everything if possible, lol
I thought you were talking about Kristian Nairn, sorry that I misinterpreted your post.

He is a great person, yeah. He talked a little bit about coming out on a CC panel Q&A once.

The actor who plays Sam is cute too, I agree.

And I definitely ship Jon Snow x Sam Tarly. Haha
I just feel like, if I don't keep up with things enough to really know what is going on for whom, that I'm out of the loop. I mean, say after this I didn't check in again until tomorrow afternoon, at which point there are a couple new pages, and don't read back over them, and during those pages someone won the lottery, someone moved half-way across the world, and someone got a new cat, and I have no idea about any of that. Then when those topics come up a few pages later, I have no clue what's going on, and when I come back I'm dropping into the middle of a half dozen conversations that had been going on already >.>

EDIT: Oh darn, and I'm at the top of the page now >.>
Or you can do like myself and talk about something new.



Don't worry too much about missing out. People tend to check in and out of this thread quite a lot. Sometimes I catch-up on what happened and react accordingly, other times I don't have the time or will to do it. Just talk about something new, like The Absolution said.

Especially if you're on top of a new page, what better way to introduce a new topic? :p
Oh, you've met him? I'm sure he's probably a great person and he's obviously a talented singer. Just too bombastic for me. I get what you mean. Oh by the way it's almost the 29th go and buy lawyer games so Capcom don't think they're dead in the west.

Oh don't worry!! I've already got my preorder receipt!! <3 also I've finished working on my costume for pax! I just tried it on last night and I'm so happy with everything :3


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
It's pretty old and there was an hilarious thread about it :) The story gets really crazy apparently... I'd buy it but I have very low tolerance for VNs so I'm keeping myself for the gay focused ones coming soonish. My backlog is insane anyway...

That thread was amazing.

Since I post here I want to share a video with you guys:
NSFW - No Strings Attached trailer
I'm pretty sure it's NSFW even if there isn't any complete nudity, so don't watch it at work! It's a remake of the trailer for the film "No Strings Attached" done by two guys instead of Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher. i thought it was kinda funny/romantic and well done.
I would have watched the full movie, lol
Wait is that an actual movie or not? The acting isn't the best, and it seems a bit like it's trying too hard to be funny. But I would still watch it, I guess.


The Most Dangerous Yes Man
^ Yeah, he said it's a trailer for that movie with Natalie Portman. But I'm wondering if this "version" is real or not.


I thought you were talking about Kristian Nairn, sorry that I misinterpreted your post.

He is a great person, yeah. He talked a little bit about coming out on a CC panel Q&A once.

The actor who plays Sam is cute too, I agree.

And I definitely ship Jon Snow x Sam Tarly. Haha
No need to say sorry, it's not like you offended me or something, I thought that Sam was the easy one, that's why I didn't say his name. Thanks for the link about Kristian Nairn, I didn't know that he was gay. And the second link you posted is hilarious, one can only hope but I think it was kind of a miracle that we have Cam and Mitch on Modern Family and I'm happy with it, lol.

That thread was amazing.

Wait is that an actual movie or not? The acting isn't the best, and it seems a bit like it's trying too hard to be funny. But I would still watch it, I guess.
"No Strings Attached" is an actual movie with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, but there is no actual movie with the two guys that are in the trailer that I posted.

While I was watching I was like "I've seen this movie before and its awful", we should read posts more thoroughly. :p
I actually never seen this trailer or the movie, lol.
^ Yeah, he said it's a trailer for that movie with Natalie Portman. But I'm wondering if this "version" is real or not.
What do you mean by real? It's not done to promote the movie or related to the actual movie. Sorry if I caused some confusion, English is not my first language.


Well, since I'm in here, I guess I may as well post a bit about me.

So, hey, I'm TerrisUS (or, well, I suppose I'm Eric, but, whatever >.>)

I'm male, straight, no interest whatsoever in guys. Also married, not that that's necessarily stopped anyone, but, you know, pretty well set in my ways :þ

At the same time, I was born and lived the first 28 years of my life in Northampton, Massachusetts (for anyone familiar with the area, it has a very sizable population of people of all sorts of orientations and identifications and everything. Also an all-female college), so, I've spent most of my life in an area where these sort of things were very common/open/accepted (relatively speaking, anyway), and have always just kind of seen all of it as fairly expected and nothing too out of the ordinary.

Of course, I realize the world's not like that. And that kind of sucks. In general I feel that everyone should treat everyone else nicely, and that people should do everything that they can to get along with each other and be happy. And it really sucks that the world isn't like that at all, because that would be nice.

At the same time, I'm pretty strange. I have an extremely low sex drive. As I mentioned in another topic recently, I regularly go months without masturbating (and that's been the case even back in my teens), didn't have sex until I got married (which was when I was 25), and regularly go months (or longer) without having sex (much to the chagrin of my wife, and her extremely high sex drive). So, that often creates issues in our relationship, and seems to generally make me the strange one any time the conversation comes up. So, hey, as I said, I'm strange >.>

And so, aside from the above-mentioned points of having grown up around it, and wanting other people to be considerate of how I am, I think the major thing is just the wishing everyone could be happy and get along and be nice to each other in general. The world would be a much more enjoyable place to live in. And, realistically, we're not here for that long, and any day could be our last - so why would we want to spend it being angry or upset or mean or something like that?

I don't know, I could ramble on about myself for a while longer, I guess. I've actually had this window open trying to patch together a message for an hour or so. I probably should just submit it, and I can always ramble on later as well.

So... Well... Hi =)
Well hey there, terrisus. :)

You'll always be the guy who loves Chrono Trigger
and nothing else.

Joking! <3

Sorry to your about relationship problems with your wife, though. :( If it's too personal of a question, just ignore it, but I'm curious - when your wife wants to have sex, do you do it even if you aren't that interested? I have a fairly high sex drive and luckily, most of my boyfriends have as well.

Anyways, welcome to the thread, feel free to return and chat!


Well hey there, terrisus. :)

You'll always be the guy who loves Chrono Trigger
and nothing else.

Joking! <3

Yup, that's me :þ
Although, I do love a whole bunch of other games too >.>

Sorry to your about relationship problems with your wife, though. :( If it's too personal of a question, just ignore it, but I'm curious - when your wife wants to have sex, do you do it even if you aren't that interested? I have a fairly high sex drive and luckily, most of my boyfriends have as well.

No worries, I don't mind questions. And, I mean, we do have sex occasionally, and I'll try to go through with things occasionally.

But, I mean, at other times, one of two things will happen... Either I can't have an orgasm, and once she's done her thing I'll just say we can stop and move on with things... Or if I'm really not into it, I can't even fake it/go through with it, since that requires at least having an erection, and there are times where I can't even do that.

Yup, that's me :þ
Although, I do love a whole bunch of other games too >.>

Oh yeah, that one other game...

Again, just messing with ya. :) I know you like plenty of games.

No worries, I don't mind questions. And, I mean, we do have sex occasionally, and I'll try to go through with things occasionally.

But, I mean, at other times, one of two things will happen... Either I can't have an orgasm, and once she's done her thing I'll just say we can stop and move on with things... Or if I'm really not into it, I can't even fake it/go through with it, since that requires at least having an erection, and there are times where I can't even do that.


Oohhh, I see. Well, I'm sorry to hear about those problems. :( If I recall from other posts you've made in OT, you've had other health issues as well, but have you asked a doctor about it? I mean, I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with having a low sex drive as long as your partner is understanding. Hopefully your wife doesn't make you feel bad about it.


Oh yeah, that one other game...

Again, just messing with ya. :) I know you like plenty of games.

Yeah, I know, just playing around :þ

Oohhh, I see. Well, I'm sorry to hear about those problems. :( If I recall from other posts you've made in OT, you've had other health issues as well, but have you asked a doctor about it?

It was like this even before the cancer and stroke. Maybe not quite as significant, although I think the real thing that has been a factor is our inability to have a child (haven't gone to a doctor about that/specifically been told that we can't, but, haven't been able to at least).

I mean, I don't think there's anything necessarily wrong with having a low sex drive as long as your partner is understanding. Hopefully your wife doesn't make you feel bad about it.

It's been... A struggle. And plenty of instances of her feeling that I don't love her/don't find her attractive/don't want to be with her/am being with other people/etc. as a result of me not being like that. We've worked through most of the issues, but they still come up periodically, and I know it's still a difficult thing for her to deal with as well.


Hunky Nostradamus
Rats you weren't literally supposed to get grakl banned.


oh grakl come back to us spoon

I think it's impossible to be liked by everyone and sometime is better to move on and search for someone that actually likes you instead of spending time and energy to be liked by someone that doesn't like you, the world is big.

you think so? ive had great success in converting my haters into lovers

an all-female college

can't believe sexist stuff like this is still tolerated. so much for feminism
Here's that new EP snippet I promised you, YoungBlade! O___O I hope your ears don't bleed ;___; LOL! Try to keep it in this thread okie..? :)

I think my french class teacher is gay :p
I know you said he's not your type, but this just reminds me of being a gay teen and having a hot teacher. Hormones in warp drive! :D

When I was in high school, my Computer Sciences teacher was so damn hot, I legit could not focus on anything when I was around him. He had this muscle nerd Clark Kent thing going. :3

Man, was he hot.
how was his bulge
Large. :)

He always wore super tight dress pants to teach in (his ass was FANTASTIC), and he had great legs. He sometimes helped out with gym class, so I'd get to see him in a tight t-shirt too. His whole body was aces. Very handsome also. (When I say Clark Kent, I mean like pretty much the spitting image, though a bit shorter.)

I'm getting hot just thinking about him.


Hunky Nostradamus
Large. :)

He always wore super tight dress pants to teach in (his ass was FANTASTIC), and he had great legs. He sometimes helped out with gym class, so I'd get to see him in a tight t-shirt too. His whole body was aces. Very handsome also. (When I say Clark Kent, I mean like pretty much the spitting image, though a bit shorter.)

I'm getting hot just thinking about him.



The Most Dangerous Yes Man
I'm sure he demands pics. :p

"No Strings Attached" is an actual movie with Natalie Portman and Ashton Kutcher, but there is no actual movie with the two guys that are in the trailer that I posted.
I actually never seen this trailer or the movie, lol.
What do you mean by real? It's not done to promote the movie or related to the actual movie. Sorry if I caused some confusion, English is not my first language.
I meant if the trailer featuring the two guys was for a real movie. You said it's not.
tbh I became a Teacher's assistant in first period because I saw this hot student-teacher there (Teachers-to-be who observe classes and stuff) But in the end he turned out to be a pretty great guy tbh he gives me advice on what I should do for college which is really nice because literally no adult around me knows what to tell me. I'm probably going to Community College for 2 years then I'm leaving this town.
tbh I became a Teacher's assistant in first period because I saw this hot student-teacher there (Teachers-to-be who observe classes and stuff) But in the end he turned out to be a pretty great guy tbh he gives me advice on what I should do for college which is really nice because literally no adult around me knows what to tell me. I'm probably going to Community College for 2 years then I'm leaving this town.
It feels nice to get genuine advise from people that are hot, inside and out.

My nugget of wisdom for the day~
Thought I post this cute comic here.

It brightened my day, so I thought I'd share it with you. :)



Wow, amazing.
I always felt sorry for Hulky. ;-;

Also, hello there, Terrisus. Hopefully, you left our tower of quotes behind when you posted here. :c

Don't worry, there are people who talk more than you or I do here.
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