I was going to write the story but i had to go to work. But anyway..
I could've sworn I meet him in person at my job a few days ago. Dude walks in, looks JUST like him but a bit less muscular, and his cheeks weren't as full, He even sounded close to him it was scary. Helping him around the store and then his mother comes in, and then a moment later my manager comes in and the two dudes lock eyes and "Ian" we'll call him for the hell of it, makes this big grin and wants to wave but his mother is in view. Meanwhile my manager noticed it and runs away in the back again. My manager comes back out and the two start talking a bit with the mom and then "ian" and his mother leave. My manager goes, "holy crap that was awkward"
I go "wait, you went on a date with him didnt you. oh god i dont think his mom knows abotu him does she?" He goes "yeah.... and i'm pretty sure he doesnt know about her son. talk about an awkward reconnect"
So yeah.. And thats my
and now back to our regularly programed broadcast.