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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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There is this girl I would like to talk to but I don't get the courage or a reasonable excuse to do so. Hopefully I see her again to get another chance. Which I wouldn't use so blah.


They should make a Forrest Gump-like biography film about your life, Tom. I'm sure it wasn't as much fun but it all reads so very exciting.


I got my hair cut yasss



I'm amazed at how much things have gotten better in such a short time.

Forgot to include the first family member I told: my sister.

It was December 18, 1997. I told her in our parents' bedroom while we were both home from college. We were wrapping presents, and she had made a comment about what a positive influence Pedro Zamora (of MTV Real World fame) was for younger folks.


The first words out of her mouth?

"Don't you go get AIDS on me."

It kinda took me by surprise. I told her that I was in a monogamous relationship, but she was still freaked, and didn't warm back up to me for about a year. That hurt.

(Edit: Who IS that guy? WOOF!)

lol, that shit still happens. It's assumed that AIDS is a gay disease, so when I came out my previous stepmom told me pretty much the same thing, ugh.

There is this girl I would like to talk to but I don't get the courage or a reasonable excuse to do so. Hopefully I see her again to get another chance. Which I wouldn't use so blah.

Gotta just set your inhibitions aside and barrel through. It's hard, but possible!


They should make a Forrest Gump-like biography film about your life, Tom. I'm sure it wasn't as much fun but it all reads so very exciting.

The sad thing is that I haven't travelled enough for it to be truly epic.
We keep saying we'll travel once the house is built. Any vacationing we did was with Jake, because leaving him behind would've broken his heart.. which meant lots of family visits and camping trips.

Furthest north? Wheeling, West Virginia

Furthest south and east? Orlando, Florida

Furthest west? Fredericksburg, Texas


The sad thing is that I haven't travelled enough for it to be truly epic.
We keep saying we'll travel once the house is built. Any vacationing we did was with Jake, because leaving him behind would've broken his heart.. which meant lots of family visits and camping trips.

Furthest north? Wheeling, West Virginia

Furthest south and east? Orlando, Florida

Furthest west? Fredericksburg, Texas

Artistic liberties will make it work. You totally met Bill Clinton, worked a day on the set of Titanic and you probably even hosted an LGBT panel in NYC in 2001. (Yes my immediate knowledge of this time period in the US is schockingly limited at this late an hour).
But you definitely were at the forefront of the biggest thing ever: the internet. That much is true.
It's awesome, it'll sell. I should totally become a film producer.


Artistic liberties will make it work. You totally met Bill Clinton, worked a day on the set of Titanic and you probably even hosted an LGBT panel in NYC in 2001. (Yes my immediate knowledge of this time period in the US is schockingly limited at this late an hour).
But you definitely were at the forefront of the biggest thing ever: the internet. That much is true.
It's awesome, it'll sell. I should totally become a film producer.
I'm on-board!
(Does this mean I'll finally need to watch Titanic? I've resisted seeing it forever, ha!)

HylianTom you were in college in '96? Man I was
entering my Junior year of HS then.
Yup! Started in August of 1996. I remember getting absolutely toasted on Election Night a few months later, gloating about Clinton being re-elected with such a nice margin. The hillbillies in my dorm building were all cheering for Dole because, in their words, "the n*ggers were voting for Clinton." (like I said earlier.. Ole Miss was a tough environment)

Graduated just in time for the dot-com bust.


I'm on-board!
(Does this mean I'll finally need to watch Titanic? I've resisted seeing it forever, ha!)

Was my favourite movie (until I saw Gravity on one orgasmic night at the cinema). To me it's an ode to nostalgia, to memories stashed away in the inconspicuous hearts of old people, the impact that love can have on your life and also to one helluva interesting catastrophe all by itself. The romance part is almost the least important to me. But fuck me, those underwater shots of that dead ship visibly haunted by memories of lives intertwined. Of people forever changed by people nobody else remembers. It never gets old for me.

Also it's the best execution of the modern Hollywood blockbuster dreamfactory type film that I've yet seen. Despite being one of the first (if not the first). Cinematography, set design, technology, all that stuff is extremely fascinating how they achieved that in 97.

I'm even a sucker for the story behind the film. How James Cameron was determined to ruin his career just to finish making his vision a reality. The subject of ridicule, scandals and financial problems, it turned out that the one guy who no one had faith in anymore was the one with the winning formula of how to make the most successful film of all times. This is true vision and ambition. It's so perfect. (And his 'I'm the king of the world' at the Oscars was so deserved).

It's a pity that I don't share his vision for Avatar like one single bit. Like, really? This is your dream project, Mr. Cameron? WTF? (I really hate Avatar)

Oh and it's among the best use of 3D as well which is crazy considering its 2D origins. It adds so much. (Man was I happy to get to experience on a cinema screen due to the 3D version. So good)


Some people are old :( I was in the army in 1996.


HylianGreg was in the Air Force in 1991 (he's 6 years older). Met me ~2 years after leaving. Didn't want to continue to live under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

Nah, I don't feel old, just everyone around is so damn young! :)

GAF's keeping me artificially young. If it weren't for the OT, I'd be totally clueless about everything pop culture related.


In 1996 I was 2.
So this'd've been around when I cried because security at the jail my father was in wouldn't let him see us, I think. If I'd been watching porn it'd've been shitty early internet stuff. Luckily by 2007 there was a lot of fanfiction for me to read (and try and trick myself into thinking it was a coincidence I mostly read slash stuff).




Hah I used to read Buffyverse slash fiction when I was like twelve.
"It's just a coincidence all the fics I read end up ith Spike and Angel fucking! I sware they just happen to be the one's I stumble across!" Yeah OK young Vegi, suuuuuuure.
Ohhh, I always thought slash fiction was like murder fiction, or slashing someone.
Ha ha no
I think it got the name because the nomenclature the stories would have, like "Character A/Character B".
It's this. Because of that. :p


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
The only thing getting murdered in slashfics is your favorite heterosexual pairings.


The only thing getting murdered in slashfics is your favorite heterosexual pairings.
Depends what you read. I'm not into canon defilement so yeah. If you can convincingly write 'Ginny and Harry have a fight and break up and he screws Ron while confused and sad' it's not murder. As long as you have the skill.
Or like so I would imagine I dunno whatever.
or Spike and Xander (even though Xander is terrible), or Oz and anyone but Giles. I wasn't too picky :p
Hmmm, Spike and Xander got the whole "I hate you grrrrr" thing going on but Oz is a dangerous warewolf. Both fine choices.


I am a guy.

Oh okay! I apologize for asking. My gender class taught me not to assume anyone's gender, especially online. Always ask politely. And ah, I see... hmmm... do some of her interests and your interests match? Do you guys like the same type of music or movies and TV shows? I would try to talk to her about the things she's interested in that are also interesting to me, so that I can have something to converse about (and not be boring about it). :p
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