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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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does dragons do

Oh my god the dragons in GoT are so gooooooooooooood


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
All about that Red Eyes brehs. What kind of self respecting dragon is white???


Hunky Nostradamus
Legend of Korra finale spoiler question:
don't give me the details, since I haven't seen anything beyond the first season, but does the series really end with a lesbian relationship?


Legend of Korra finale spoiler question:
don't give me the details, since I haven't seen anything beyond the first season, but does the series really end with a lesbian relationship?

I should probably watch it past season 1 at some point. Season 1 just left me with such a sour taste in my mouth, though.


That's pretty surprising from a cartoon :0 Has it caused any outrage? I would be surprised if it didn't, to be honest.


Hunky Nostradamus
The best route for this show tbh. The week to week wait sometimes soured my interest in this show.

Yeah, I heard really negative things about the way Nick treated the show (as well as TLA, which I saw the first season of live and then just binged the whole thing a year or two after it ended).
Thanks for the welcome guys :)
And the wise words... letting go it hard, but I'm gonna look back on this and laugh one day at what a ninny I was.

I should post more often! What's up with the dragons?

That makes sense.
I think I know the kind of personality you're talking about. He has a lot of friends because he is charming and generous with his attention, seeming to get more energy from other people or their feelings (and responding to them in appropriate or fluent ways) than necessarily involving people in his own feelings. He doesn't really like to talk about himself very much, has a goofy sense of humor, and can be absurdly sweet, almost in a way that is scarily intense, when the mood strikes him?

I think he doesn't know how he feels, he sees feelings as existing in a constant state of flux or field of indeterminacy, and is used to playing off other people and accommodating other people. With his own feelings he is a bit of a coward (I don't really mean this as a criticism) or lacks a degree of self knowledge. What this all means is that he probably does care, but not enough. If he did there wouldn't be any doubt. I would let him go, let it die on its own like others have said.

You kinda hit the nail on the head. Not as extreme as your example, but within the same template. He has built walls and locked his own feelings inside, and instead channels his energy into work and responding to people instead of examining his own. We've talked about this before... I sense a degree of insecurity and futility when he has his occasional weak moments, but even though I try and reach in, progress is barely in inches, if milimetres.

I do sense some (maybe) jealousy on his part. I love to travel and I took 2014 off work to travel the world and now I'm back to jobhunting. Sometimes he sounds a bit bitter when we talk about it - he does moan about his lack of money and time a lot. I also get the occasional whiff of 'I'm not good enough for him' from his direction. I'm as guilty of putting up walls as he is, hiding behind a jovial facade of optimism, but I've let my vulnerabilities show with him sometimes. I wonder if he can see that.

But yeah, let go. I just danced around the room to All I Want for Xmas and Killing in the Name of with my cousin and the endorphins are helping :)


Any of you watch porn before figuring out your sexuality, and just deny what you saw in porn like it didn't apply to real life?

I avoided straight porn from the beginning, but it took me years - probably somewhere around 7th grade - to admit that I was choosing to exclusively watch men due to being gay, and not because of some passing fascination or curiosity. Though that's an entirely different set of issues.

I used to totally ship it when I was younger
but only cus I never could get into Roxas/Axel. Much cuter Aesthetically but the implications of it trouble me.

I didn't venture into shipping even in my embarrassing fanfiction phase, but the popularity of that pairing was known even to casual fans. I never understood the appeal - was it mainly pushed by straight women who liked how closely it could be made to adhere to the imbalanced ingenue/corrupter power dynamic of your average trashy romance novel?

Oh yeah, your right. It was really sweet. Glad for a cartoon show to be progressive. Even if it was a small step. :p

Konietzko's blog entry about the finale is a little bit on the self-congratulatory side, but it's mostly in line with the kind of mindset I'd like to see more mainstream creators adopt when it comes to representation in media, especially for that which is directed towards kids. Treating it as important to normalise a same-sex relationship on-screen in that kind of media might be an incredibly minor and almost imperceptible bit of progress, but in terms of its impact it's probably slightly more benevolent than harmful. And allowing your central cast to display same-sex attraction instead of playing it safe and regurgitating the same group of token 'very special episode' characters who largely exist to be victims, and queer-coded villains the audience is invited to mock; is at least worthy of praise when it comes to cartoons and kid's shows.


Still a junior, so I figured here would be a good a place as any to ask.

So I live in the US, my girlfriend lives in Mexico. She's never played video games before, never watched them, doesn't know anything about them, and would really like to watch me play them.

I'm starting with KotOR II, because she's into Star Wars and I think she would dig it. Got a Twitch account, downloaded XSplit Gamecaster, booted my game up and... horrible lag. Even though it said 60 FPS, it was almost 30 seconds of lag on her end, and as soon as I got past the character creation screen, I could tell it wasn't going to be playable.

Are there any other options?


Legend of Korra finale spoiler question:
don't give me the details, since I haven't seen anything beyond the first season, but does the series really end with a lesbian relationship?

That's pretty surprising from a cartoon :0 Has it caused any outrage? I would be surprised if it didn't, to be honest.

Bwahahahaha... I have some friends who are hardcore conservative Christians (they're against same sex marriage, equality, etc...) and they're also Korra fans, super hardcore Korra fans. I couldn't find anything on their FB about it since they're always whining about "gay" stuff on the media, lol.


They're hot.

Flaming, even.

I avoided straight porn from the beginning, but it took me years - probably somewhere around 7th grade - to admit that I was choosing to exclusively watch men due to being gay, and not because of some passing fascination or curiosity. Though that's an entirely different set of issues.

Hah, that's still real early. But yeah, it seems to be a common experience.


I went to Reddit in the search for butthurt and came across these two threads (second one is pretty gross). On the other hand, I learned about
, lol.

With this and the pretty decent game, I kind of want to start watching the show now :p

Wow at the second one. Gross indeed. Also that OT (if I even got half of it) seems to say:

--Fuck I'm getting more and more accepting and tolerant of other people. What shall I do to not end up becoming, God forbid, empathetic towards other people indiscriminately? Love and understanding is totes against my holy Catholicism. Fuck fuck fuck need to pray more. Fuck fuck amen--

For realz? This is no way to restore my faith in humanity at all

Still a junior, so I figured here would be a good a place as any to ask.

So I live in the US, my girlfriend lives in Mexico. She's never played video games before, never watched them, doesn't know anything about them, and would really like to watch me play them.

I'm starting with KotOR II, because she's into Star Wars and I think she would dig it. Got a Twitch account, downloaded XSplit Gamecaster, booted my game up and... horrible lag. Even though it said 60 FPS, it was almost 30 seconds of lag on her end, and as soon as I got past the character creation screen, I could tell it wasn't going to be playable.

Are there any other options?
What's your Internet speed? Up and down. Hers?
Also what are you streaming PC specs?


What's your Internet speed? Up and down. Hers?
Also what are you streaming PC specs?

Me: Down 20 Mbps, Up 3 Mbps
I'm running it on a laptop that's a couple years old with a GT 540M and a 2.3 GHz i-5.

Ugh, I just had her run a speed test. 5 down and 0.5 up, LOL. *sigh* I have a feeling I'm not going to be able to make this work :(


Wow at the second one. Gross indeed. Also that OT (if I even got half of it) seems to say:

--Fuck I'm getting more and more accepting and tolerant of other people. What shall I do to not end up becoming, God forbid, empathetic towards other people indiscriminately? Love and understanding is totes against my holy Catholicism. Fuck fuck fuck need to pray more. Fuck fuck amen--

For realz? This is no way to restore my faith in humanity at all

I think that quote is sarcastic. Or did you write that?



No, not that one, lol. The one from Reddit:

--Fuck I'm getting more and more accepting and tolerant of other people. What shall I do to not end up becoming, God forbid, empathetic towards other people indiscriminately? Love and understanding is totes against my holy Catholicism. Fuck fuck fuck need to pray more. Fuck fuck amen--

Did someone in reddit actually write this? If so, I think that person was being sarcastic.


Hunky Nostradamus
I went to Reddit in the search for butthurt and came across these two threads (second one is pretty gross). On the other hand, I learned about
, lol.

With this and the pretty decent game, I kind of want to start watching the show now :p

lovely, ill read those after i catch up on the show

Bwahahahaha... I have some friends who are hardcore conservative Christians (they're against same sex marriage, equality, etc...) and they're also Korra fans, super hardcore Korra fans. I couldn't find anything on their FB about it since they're always whining about "gay" stuff on the media, lol.

update us when they update their status'

They were both bisexual, represent! :D

Bisexual relationship :) ^_^ :p


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