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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I used to totally ship it when I was younger
but only cus I never could get into Roxas/Axel. Much cuter Aesthetically but the implications of it trouble me.

What does it mean to ship something? I remember a friend talking about how she was into gay fanfiction and that she would totally ship this two guys. She explained what it meant, it was confusing and I forgot now, lol. Is it the same type of "shipping" or something different?


What does it mean to ship something? I remember a friend talking about how she was into gay fanfiction and that she would totally ship this two guys. She explained what it meant, it was confusing and I forgot now, lol. Is it the same type of "shipping" or something different?
Supporting a pairing which is not canon because it appeals to you. :)


What does it mean to ship something? I remember a friend talking about how she was into gay fanfiction and that she would totally ship this two guys. She explained what it meant, it was confusing and I forgot now, lol. Is it the same type of "shipping" or something different?

To ship = shipping, yeah.


Oh, makes sense. I personally hate anything age difference related, hah. Or uncle shit or whatever.
Yeah, I can't deal. 'I taught you all about the world/how to talk/how to basically relate to other humans; now let me teach you to love' is not a romantic plot. It's just creepy.


Oh thanks for explaining! Yeah she was into Supernatural gay fanfiction. It was interesting seeing a girl into gay couples, lol...
It's not that rare. What, you've never been to tumblr? Girls like that man on man action. :]

Hi GayGAF! I'm terrible at introductions and quite shy, so I have been hesitant to post anything in this thread.
Hi there Flightwave, and welcome to this community. :)


Hi GayGAF! I'm terrible at introductions and quite shy, so I have been hesitant to post anything in this thread.
Hola newbie! What's your favourite Video Game
I also think pedagogical relationships are weird. I can handle age differences and stuff but not unequal power dynamics.
Yeah, this. Age differences are understandable, lots of hot men out there 20 yeas older than me...


Hunky Nostradamus
Yes, it is known



Hi GayGAF! I'm terrible at introductions and quite shy, so I have been hesitant to post anything in this thread.

Introduce yourself :) Don't be shy. We don't bite (only sometimes) :p

Welcome!! :D

It's not that rare. What, you've never been to tumblr? Girls like that man on man action. :]

Hi there Flightwave, and welcome to this community. :)

Yeah, I am quite new to tumblr. I guess it's not that uncommon, lol.

Welcome! Are you a man or woman? Gay, bi, les, trans, inter, etc?


do they?

You just don't think we are worthy to let us in your life... *Sniffs* that's okay... :(
I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.


About six months ago, I met this guy, M. It was supposed to be a hookup that we had been trying to arrange for a while and finally happened. It was good and hot. And usually it ends there.

Then M said, let’s go for dinner. And we did. It felt very… natural. Along the way, I find out he’s into gaming as well. This, in addition to his collection of Neil Gaiman, Calvin & Hobbes, YuYin Li and Lego, seemed promising. We talked and we got on. It was nice.

We kept in touch after that, almost daily. He asks to be added to my Facebook because he wants to ‘get to know me better’. I went off to Komodo for a diving trip and he went home to Europe for his sister’s wedding. One day he asked me for my home address from there. And two weeks later, a postcard and a short letter arrived. It’s probably the first handwritten personal mail I’ve received in over a decade. He sent it because he’s ‘old fashioned.’

I volunteer at the zoo and they were having an overnight camp. M is a veterinarian who is now pursuing his Phd in stem cell research. We had talked about it before and I asked him if he’d like to come. He did and it was a lot of fun. We had a tent to the two of us, and when we settled in to bed, I leant over and kissed him on the forehead. Then led to us just cuddling and kissing for most of the night. He’s a great kisser, and apparently so am I.

A little bit about M. He’s constantly snowed under with work at uni, both on his own research thesis and as part of the laboratory staff that includes experiments, mentoring, marking papers and attending to his workaholic boss’ demands. Which, from what I’ve been told, is randomly frequent and frequently random. I sense that he’s been hurt badly in the past before and that he has built up walls. He seems to like to compartmentalize his life socially; there seems to be little overlap – uni friends are uni friends, everyone else is an island only known to him, and I don’t know where I fit in. He is a bit of a martyr, wanting to take everything onto himself and not involving anyone else; I recognize that because I can be like that too – building walls because it hurts less not to allow yourself to feel.

I have told him I liked him. And he confessed the same. And it was good for a while. When I told him I didn’t know how to bike, he said he’d teach me. When I told him I had not been to the local aquarium, he said he’d take me. He suggested we take a trip together. We chatted almost every day and met up infrequently, usually at my instigation, because of his work. As dating goes, it was moving at the pace of molasses, but I didn’t mind it and I am nothing if not patient.

Fast forward to four weeks ago. I wake up to find a message from him sent at about 2am. I message back and ask him if everything ok. Answer: everything is fine. Two days later after some prodding, he admits that on the night of the 2am message, he woke up to excruciating pain and thought he was going to die. Rushed to the hospital and was told it was a kidney infection. He didn’t tell me when I woke up because he was out of the A&E and didn’t want me to worry. He had an appointment with a specialist the next day. I told him I wanted to come with him. He refused to let me. I contemplated going to the hospital unannounced, but I didn’t know which department he would be in. I was worried sick and it hurt that he didn’t want me there. But the results came back okay.

A few days later, I received a disgusting cute image from a friend. Of two cartoon penguins hugging, with the caption ‘I like you a little; it’s like a little but a lot’. I sent it to M, thinking it would be a sweet gesture. He replies with a photo of a sign questioning the motives of the guy who built the Taj Mahal for his dead wife, that he killed her husband to marry her, and after she died, he married her sister. I was a bit upset, and I just ended the conversation with ‘Fine. I get it’.’

I realized that this point that I’m the one trying hard to keep the energy going and he is reacting to that, but seemingly not contributing any of his own. It seemed a bit more dynamic when we first started seeing each other, but perhaps that’s rose tinted glasses. I also realized I might be getting too attached and that some distance might help. So I resolved not to initiate any conversation, though I would reply if one was started.

He goes off to Hong Kong (a weekend trip that I helped him plan; even though we had talked about traveling together before, I was not invited. I couldn’t have made it anyway, but it would have been nice to have been asked). Radio silence until I get a photo of him waiting at HK airport for his return flight, before catching another back to Europe for his Xmas break. We talk, but I was a bit terse and not as energetic as I’d usually be, in part to gauge his response.

He gets to Europe and we exchange a few messages on his first day. Then… nothing. It’s been about six days.

I realize he has a lot of things on his plate right now – his boss just dumped a metric ton of work on his death before he left and was apparently hounding him when he was in Hong Kong. I am trying to be patient, but there is only so much I can take. I can only hear ‘No, I’m busy’ when I ask him out so many times before it gets disheartening, especially when I see on Facebook he’s gone to have coffee with a set of friends or seen Swan Lake with another; things that I’d like to be doing with him. I surmise that’s just how he is – see earlier comment on him compartmentalizing his social life. I’ve since unfollowed him on FB though we are still friends; if I don’t know the fun he’s having then I can’t picture myself there.

I like him a lot. He’s kind, generous, sage, wonderful and just so genuine. I would like to be part of his life. There are times when I feel he wants me to be part of his life too – last month he sent me a link about Iceland saying ‘When you’re ready, let’s go’ – but most of the time I feel like an afterthought. I’ve been trying hard but his walls seem to be made from adamantium. I suppose we could keep plodding along the way we have so far, but I’m not sure I can take it. It hurts when I think of him and what he’s doing and if I figure into his thoughts at all – like that Radiohead lyric ‘I want you to notice when I’m not around’. The answer seems to be ‘no, he doesn’t.’

So I’ve decided to withdraw. Retreat to lie in bed and listen to morose trip-hop. I’ve been burnt so many times when I get attached to someone that I swore I would never do it again. M was supposed to be just a shag, but I ended up in the same trap. I’m angry at myself for that. But it also hurts. A lot. I’m going to try and let go and focus on other things. I will not initiate anything and from the looks of it, he isn’t going to and this will die a slow death.

So here’s the rub. I am debating whether I should say something or not. Should I just let this die a quiet natural death? Or should I say something? I’ve been toying with the idea of writing him a letter in January explaining my decision. I don’t want to send it now because I don’t want to upset his Xmas. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping that a letter would knock him right and spur some action. But I could also receive a definitive, crushing answer. I’m still undecided. 

This was a real long post and if you’re still here, thanks for reading. I wrote this for me so even if no one bothers to get to this part, writing this was already very cathartic.

tl;dr I’m getting too attached to a guy and I think it’s time to quit and go lick my wounds instead of holding on


Hunky Nostradamus
I never learned how to use chopsticks.

I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.

Thanks for the warm welcome everyone!

Hola newbie! What's your favourite Video Game

Tough question, as I don't really have a favourite to be honest.

I guess some stand out games from my childhood would have to be Ridge Racer, Sonic Adventure and Gran Turismo 3. More recently I really enjoyed Deus Ex: Human Revolution and Fallout: New Vegas.

Welcome! Are you a man or woman? Gay, bi, les, trans, inter, etc?

I'm a gay guy, and I'm still in the closet.

Yo. Furry avatar?

Yeah, the full image is here. http://s1120411.tumblr.com/post/95340939195/go-on-a-journey

My first post on here was over in the FurryGAF thread a few days ago.


Hunky Nostradamus
The books are what the show is based on though. Without some good foundation the show would lose something. But maybe I'm wrong. Time will tell.

Oh no, rest assured, it's gonna be a disaster. Should be fun to watch the showrunners fumble around though.

I'm a gay guy, and I'm still in the closet.

Cool! The bis were starting to outnumber the gays in this thread anyway.



I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.

This was a real long post and if you’re still here, thanks for reading. I wrote this for me so even if no one bothers to get to this part, writing this was already very cathartic.

tl;dr I’m getting too attached to a guy and I think it’s time to quit and go lick my wounds instead of holding on

Welcome :) It seems like you know what you want to do, as much as it hurts, you simply have to let them g.




The books are what the show is based on though. Without some good foundation the show would lose something. But maybe I'm wrong. Time will tell.

You don't need good source material to make a good movie/show, but I'm sure it helps to have *some* source material. AFAIK GRRM already told the showrunners how to proceed in the show anyway, before anyone else even knows how the books will go.

Yeah, the full image is here. http://s1120411.tumblr.com/post/95340939195/go-on-a-journey

My first post on here was over in the FurryGAF thread a few days ago.

Cute, thanks! I remember the post.

Dead Man


HylianGreg was in the Air Force in 1991 (he's 6 years older). Met me ~2 years after leaving. Didn't want to continue to live under "Don't Ask, Don't Tell."

GAF's keeping me artificially young. If it weren't for the OT, I'd be totally clueless about everything pop culture related.
Yeah, DADT was a pain in the arse, don't blame him one bit. And yeah, most of my pop culture knowledge these days comes from GAF :)
Any stories? :)
Nothing that would measure up to your standards ;)
Dead Man because gay death already set in long ago. ;3

And yes, please share some stories from that time!
Hah, he's got jokes now! :) Gay death is just a brief phase where you begin your transcendence, the gay afterlife is where the fun starts.
Hi GayGAF! I'm terrible at introductions and quite shy, so I have been hesitant to post anything in this thread.
I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.


That sounds like it isn't fun :( Sounds a lot like he just doesn't have room in his life for anyone else at the moment. I have been guilty of compartmentalising my friends viscously, took me a while to get over, it was a bit of a shame thing at how disparate my social groups were I think, maybe he has some similar issues? Anyway, sorry it isn't awesome for you at the moment.

For me, I would have to talk to him about it if I liked him, but I can totally understand not wanting to go through that. Sorry I don't have great advice.


Oh no, rest assured, it's gonna be a disaster. Should be fun to watch the showrunners fumble around though.
That's not what I would call "fun" or entertaining. Just painful.

Oh well, at least the CGI will be top notch again.
Cool! The bis were starting to outnumber the gays in this thread anyway.
I don't know if that is true. We should count the number of Ls, Gs, Bs, Ts, Qs, Is and As someday.

I'm a gay guy, and I'm still in the closet.

Yeah, the full image is here. http://s1120411.tumblr.com/post/9534...o-on-a-journey

My first post on here was over in the FurryGAF thread a few days ago.
I thought you drew it yourself. Guess I was wrong. :)

Hah, he's got jokes now! :) Gay death is just a brief phase where you begin your transcendence, the gay afterlife is where the fun starts.
I always got jokes, but they are mostly not all that funny.
Yeah, getting older comes also with some benefits.

You don't need good source material to make a good movie/show, but I'm sure it helps to have *some* source material. AFAIK GRRM already told the showrunners how to proceed in the show anyway, before anyone else even knows how the books will go.
I know, but I'm still worried that they misinterpret his original vision. So far it was fairly controlled but if they surpass the books it could get a lot worse.


Hunky Nostradamus
So here’s the rub. I am debating whether I should say something or not. Should I just let this die a quiet natural death? Or should I say something? I’ve been toying with the idea of writing him a letter in January explaining my decision. I don’t want to send it now because I don’t want to upset his Xmas. I would be lying if I said I wasn’t hoping that a letter would knock him right and spur some action. But I could also receive a definitive, crushing answer. I’m still undecided.

Honestly? I think you should just let it die a natural death. Don't contact him, as hard as it may be. If he ever asks you what's up, then maybe say something (or maybe not), but just try to forget him until then.
I would use chopsticks if I had 'em. Using a fork isn't terribly difficult, you can scoop crumbs and lift bigger chips by sliding their edge between two prongs.

That makes sense.

I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.

I think I know the kind of personality you're talking about. He has a lot of friends because he is charming and generous with his attention, seeming to get more energy from other people or their feelings (and responding to them in appropriate or fluent ways) than necessarily involving people in his own feelings. He doesn't really like to talk about himself very much, has a goofy sense of humor, and can be absurdly sweet, almost in a way that is scarily intense, when the mood strikes him?

I think he doesn't know how he feels, he sees feelings as existing in a constant state of flux or field of indeterminacy, and is used to playing off other people and accommodating other people. With his own feelings he is a bit of a coward (I don't really mean this as a criticism) or lacks a degree of self knowledge. What this all means is that he probably does care, but not enough. If he did there wouldn't be any doubt. I would let him go, let it die on its own like others have said.
I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.

tl;dr I’m getting too attached to a guy and I think it’s time to quit and go lick my wounds instead of holding on
welcome :D I think you should let go, his spontaneity seems to be hurting you a lot so I think it's best if you end it in a natural way.

Dead Man

Honestly? I think you should just let it die a natural death. Don't contact him, as hard as it may be. If he ever asks you what's up, then maybe say something (or maybe not), but just try to forget him until then.

Yeah, I can also see the sense in this. I'm just more confrontational lol.


That chip pincer looks clumsy.

Pretty much so I can keep my fingers clean when using the computer.

We need more girls in this thread. The level of testosterone in this thread:

Not that I think it's a bad thing, but I think girls should participate more. :D

I don’t often do this but I feel like to need to do something to get myself out of my current funk. I’m usually happy lurking here on GAF and observing communal warmth. So I apologize for bursting in as a stranger, but I’m hurting and I need to express it. And GayGAF seems like the right place to post this. It’s gonna be a bit long.

tl;dr I’m getting too attached to a guy and I think it’s time to quit and go lick my wounds instead of holding on

I read the whole thing and I am very sorry for what you're going through. It's a tough one. Sadly I'm not good at giving advice, in fact I'm terrible. But I would agree with what everyone is saying; let it go. Just try to move on from this experience and time will heal your wounds. I pretty much agree with what Upside Down said:

That makes sense.

I think I know the kind of personality you're talking about. He has a lot of friends because he is charming and generous with his attention, seeming to get more energy from other people or their feelings (and responding to them in appropriate or fluent ways) than necessarily involving people in his own feelings. He doesn't really like to talk about himself very much, has a goofy sense of humor, and can be absurdly sweet, almost in a way that is scarily intense, when the mood strikes him?

I think he doesn't know how he feels, he sees feelings as existing in a constant state of flux or field of indeterminacy, and is used to playing off other people and accommodating other people. With his own feelings he is a bit of a coward (I don't really mean this as a criticism) or lacks a degree of self knowledge. What this all means is that he probably does care, but not enough. If he did there wouldn't be any doubt. I would let him go, let it die on its own like others have said.

And welcome!! If you need to vent, it might not mean much, but we'll be here for you :)
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