Haha that's a little different.It's theoretically possible that they weren't actually bigoted...
I heard enough to know they were saying the guy's (stereotypically gay) mannerisms were bothering them.
Back when I first started at my job, the first person I told I was gay got me to say it out of discomfort. He wouldn't stop asking me about girls we worked with and customers. He'd ask if I would "fuck her?" A couple weeks after I told him, he said I was good at keeping it quiet and that a guy who used to work their "tried too hard to be out." I think he was just trying to say the stereotypical mannerisms bothered him, but overall he seemed fine with me in general after. We were never close to begin with and he eventually quit.
I know what you mean, but I'm sure you get what they mean too.And your point...? -_-
I don't see how a high pitched voice can be consider as a "gay mannerism" considering that there is no direct correlation between voice pitch and sexuality. Lisp? Well a lot of people have that... and again has nothing do with sexuality or how a person identifies.