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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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There is an episode of a podcast I listen to that went into lubricant types and recommendations (the show is a furry podcast called KnotCast that I listen to because of the queer content of it and the people are fun).

Going back to look for the episode to link it, I realized a thing.

The episode is called

How To Lube Your Dragon

This is actually a pretty good podcast, thanks again for it.


im going to make a resolution:

absolutely 0 soft drinks for an entire year (which shouldn't be hard since i almost never drink them but this time im also swearing it off for occasions too)

I haven't had a soft drink since September. Used to drink like 3-6 sodas a day. Feels good :)

Any preferred brands for lube?

Gun Oil

Use your spit. Or maybe that's a bad idea. I think you'd burn Lucario with it since the inside of a dragon must be similar to a boiler.

I think I used Durex once, but mostly I just rely on spit.

Nah, but you can really only do it with a seasoned bottom.

I'm a bottom and had a guy do me once with just spit.
Jesus Christ, it was awesome. Lol

And I like that phrase, "seasoned bottom". I'll be using that haha


I haven't posted in this thread in a while.

On the other hand, I also haven't done anything sexual since before when I last posted here.

Wonder how the 'A' section of this thread is doing.

Dead Man


Its worth the extra money.
Was going to post this. Fluid of the gods.

Damn right.

Another vote for plan "bed the girl, then bed the boy".

... I'm the first vote? Huh.
Heh :)


nonexistent atm :/

They're too busy not having sex.
Am I right?

On a serious note, I've had a pain in my shoulder/neck/back for the past few weeks which has kept me from wanting to even do anything at all to my wife (never mind sex, not even other stuff).
She's been less than pleased, needless to say >.>


Hunky Nostradamus
They're too busy not having sex.
Am I right?

what does one do when not having sex?

On a serious note, I've had a pain in my shoulder/neck/back for the past few weeks which has kept me from wanting to even do anything at all to my wife (never mind sex, not even other stuff).
She's been less than pleased, needless to say >.>

go to the doctor


what does one do when not having sex?

Have someone complain about the fact that you're not having sex >.>

measure their penis, duh

Not as impressive in the flaccid state :þ

go to the doctor

It's probably just a muscle strain, not sure what they'll really do, but, I mean, I figured it would've gone away by now, and it hasn't (hence why I'm awake with only like 3 hours of sleep), so I'll set of an appointment today.


Hunky Nostradamus
measure their penis, duh

how much time could that possibly take up though

Have someone complain about the fact that you're not having sex >.>

doesn't she have like a vibrator or something

Not as impressive in the flaccid state :þ

grower, eh?

It's probably just a muscle strain, not sure what they'll really do, but, I mean, I figured it would've gone away by now, and it hasn't (hence why I'm awake with only like 3 hours of sleep), so I'll set of an appointment today.

get a massage at the very least


doesn't she have like a vibrator or something

Yeah. And goes through far too many batteries with those things.
She had gotten a rechargeable one at some point, but I guess she doesn't like that one as much.

Even still though, apparently she has expectations of things that I'm supposed to do as a husband or something >.>

get a massage at the very least

I hear massage parlors are happening places :þ


Had 4 cups of espresso so I could stay awake until my wife gets up (in like 15 minutes) so I can try to go back to sleep for a bit (I'm going to steal her bed/pillow, see if it helps any).

Problem is, 4 cups of espresso, between like 3AM-4AM, on like 3 hours of sleep, on an empty stomach...
Now I feel like I'm going to throw up =(


I cannot and will not just drink water. There are other liquids that I'll drink including the natural occurring ones, if you guys know what I mean. :)
I can't have water with most of my meals or snacks. I need flavor. I usually do one 16oz bottle a day of soda that I spread between two meals (Coke is GOAT) and something like Lemonade or water for the third meal.

Water is sort of just the drink I force myself to have throughout the day because the Man says to, and only occasionally is it a preferred drink.

Also omg I think I get what you mean
and it's not my drink of choice

Those times when you are watching cute dog videos and all of a sudden you end up watching a cute guy video.

Sean Sarantos
cute indeed

Though it kind of looks like he got that tattoo when he was a few pec sizes smaller...


Had 4 cups of espresso so I could stay awake until my wife gets up (in like 15 minutes) so I can try to go back to sleep for a bit (I'm going to steal her bed/pillow, see if it helps any).

Problem is, 4 cups of espresso, between like 3AM-4AM, on like 3 hours of sleep, on an empty stomach...
Now I feel like I'm going to throw up =(

I did the opposite. Got my sleep schedule all screwed-up over Christmas break to where I was waking up around early afternoon each day, and had to quickly get back to waking at 6am today. So how did I do it this morning? I took NyQuil at 1am to basically force myself down. I think I finally passed-out around 230.

Dumb, dumb, dumb.

Woke up in a NyQuil haze, with a lovely bit of nausea as a bonus. Today is going to s.u.c.k.


That's not the point! I'm not just going to go from virgin to threesome with some girl I just met. That's crazy. I would need to be on a ton of drugs to allow that to happen.

And that orgy post was a quote from Seinfeld.

Ohh, I totally missed the reference.

I haven't posted in this thread in a while.

On the other hand, I also haven't done anything sexual since before when I last posted here.

Wonder how the 'A' section of this thread is doing.

Yo Terrisus!! What's up? What's new? :p


are you trying to get me killed? ;_;
That's just one of the things you do for the ones you love. :p

I'm a bottom and had a guy do me once with just spit.
Jesus Christ, it was awesome. Lol

And I like that phrase, "seasoned bottom". I'll be using that haha
Right? One of the best things in the world.

Yeah, it sounds like something you'd order at the restaurant. "I'll have the seasoned bottom, please".


Right? One of the best things in the world.

Yeah, it sounds like something you'd order at the restaurant. "I'll have the seasoned bottom, please".

I'll have a seasoned bottom with garlic sauce, extra curry and Tikki Masala sauce at the side please.


To update from last night/this morning, after getting like 6 hours sleeping in my wife's bed and using her pillow, my back/neck/shoulder feel pretty good. Not perfect, they're still sore, but not in terrible pain like I had been. And, that seems to have been the case the past couple of times I've used her bed/pillow as well. So, I'm thinking it's probably either my bed or my pillow that's causing the issue, or at least causing it not to get better.

I had actually gotten a new bed right around when the issue first happened - going from the twin bed that I had been using for like the past 17 years to a full-size bed. So, not sure if it's just some getting used to that. Her bed is a full-size as well, but mine is harder than hers.

More likely though is the pillow. She has one of those fancy $80 "Memory Foam" ones. Up until a week or so ago I was just using a couple of cheap cotton (or whatever) ones. Last week with some Christmas money I had gotten a "support" pillow for like $15 which at least has some support for the neck. But, I think I might just need to get a pillow like hers. No idea when I'll be able to do that though.



Since Christmas is over. what is everyone's NYE plans? and what will 2015 bring?

inb4 get laid bf/gf/etc.


Hope the "odd year curse" doesn't continue.
2009: Finish Master's, fail to find teaching job
2011: Cancer
2013: Stroke
2015: ???
2017: Profit?


Who's Tikki Masala, and why did he spill his sauce off to the side?


It's an Indian dish. It's actually Chicken Tikki Masala.

Since Christmas is over. what is everyone's NYE plans? and what will 2015 bring?

inb4 get laid bf/gf/etc.

Same, hopefully. lol


Hope the "odd year curse" doesn't continue.
2009: Finish Master's, fail to find teaching job
2011: Cancer
2013: Stroke
2015: ???
2017: Profit?

terrisus plz... we've had this talk before. You'll live many long long years and see your great-great-great grandchildren :)

Edit: Oh wait, I misread your post. 2015 is your year, woooo!! Go it for it Terrisus, kill it wooo!! :p




On Miami Beach right now.
So many hot dudes down here. :p
Wish this beach vacation could last forever but alas I have to go back at some point.

This is your year Terrisus. Be positive man. :)

Oooh... having some eye candy there eh? ;)

Yeah, I mean, we were talking about a seasoned bottom, and the sauce was on the side...
Sounds like the top didn't do a good job of aiming

If there's one thing I'm good at, it's being very negative/pessimistic about myself! :þ

Or probably the top was just shooting too much it spilled to the side.

Well you have to be positive and take the bull by the horns :)


Woah, Irish car bombs are really effective. Mixed myself two before and chugged them down "like the wind" like I got told by ab.aeterno and I'm feeling woozy already. Nice.
Woah, Irish car bombs are really effective. Mixed myself two before and chugged them down "like the wind" like I got told by ab.aeterno and I'm feeling woozy already. Nice.
Haha, yissss. So very happy to convert people to the delicious amazingness of car bombs. I'll be doing them later tonight. Try not to get too wild, Khajiit.

Edit: I should figure out or find a cocktail named after skooma.


I took my industrial piercing out for just one day and it partially healed and I had to stab my earring through my flesh. Hurt like hell


Haha, yissss. So very happy to convert people to the delicious amazingness of car bombs. I'll be doing them later tonight. Try not to get too wild, Khajiit.
I'll try to keep that in mind.

Good gods, I have lost any sense of orientation. I bumped into my bathroom door two times before.

Glad to hear that you'll be joining me in the drinking, Khajitt brother!

Kinda related:

(Khajiit brothers: Inigo and Kharjo)


I don't get how it is related to my inebriated state. Khajiits have an affinity to Moonsugar, not to Mead or any other sort of alcohol.

It is snowing here as well. Went on a walk today through the wood and it was amazing looking. I hope this snow lasts longer than the one last winter.


I took my industrial piercing out for just one day and it partially healed and I had to stab my earring through my flesh. Hurt like hell

Ouch. :(
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