I had the weirdest experience yesterday, I was out to buy Captain Toad, it was sold out everywhere so I went to an electronics store that's a bit further away. While walking I noticed this guy walking behind me the whole time, kinda creepy but told myself it's probably nothing and he's just walking the same route. After a while he comes up to me and says if he can ask me something, I say sure, he asks me what my name is, I didn't wanna say, then he asks me if I have a boyfriend, I said no(really stupid that I answered that), then he asks me if I want to chill with him, I say ''no, leave me alone''... he asks why and I ignored him... then he gets frustrated and asks dumb shit like why I'm ignoring him, at that point I was really creeped out and just wanted to get rid of him, there was no one around and it was night time. I start walking slower to see if he'll continue walking and he starts walking slower too, then we came up to a traffic light, I pretended to cross the street, then quickly ran back and went into a street that lead to a bunch of houses and little streets, lost him and got the last Captain Toad in that store.
Any of you guys experienced something like this? I'm just weirded out by the whole thing, I never had something like this happen before and thought stuff like this only happens to girls.