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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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I'll definitely look into wu, thanks :)

Sorry, but one last thing in that vein that might give some insight into a shamanic 'mindset', because I thought it was a really cool way of presenting at least certain kinds of shamanism:

Shamans of many cultures refer to all techniques used to enter altered states and thence alternative dimensions as their "horses" -- the meaning is close to "meditation," which (contrary to popular belief) is a "means of transportation," a method whereby you "get somewhere." Meditation is as valuable to the meditator as a horse is to a rider, but riding a horse "recreationally" vs. riding a horse because you have somewhere to go are different activities. Shamans don't ride horses recreationally.

A shamanic "horse" is the method of meditation -- whether rhythmic drumming, spinning, not-doing, ingesting entheogens, "dreaming," fasting, singing... techniques are numerous, different shamans use different ones, the same shaman uses different ones for different purposes... but they all are thought of as "horses" (or occasionally other beasts of burden, sometimes jaguars, sometimes dragons, sometimes cranes...) used to teleport the spirit (and occasionally the body too) to other realms. A "windhorse" is a fast one. (There's a frog in the rain forest in Peru... a "windhorse" for hunters. Takes one elsewhere instantly. The "elsewhere" is not different from where you were a moment before, but you are a hundredfold faster, your eyesight is a hundred times more acute, your sense of smell, touch, hearing... everything amplified. So this "windhorse" takes YOU out of your ordinary body and transports you into an extraordinary version of your body, without interfering with your spirit or the dimension you are in. Just one example, out of thousands.)
Don't sacrifice a good wallpaper because of a creep.

I'm jealous that you get to play Captain Toad. I don't have a Wii U yet, but when I do, that's one of the first games I'm getting.

Maybe, it is a hawt wallpaper =P

Get the Wii U! I love Captain Toad so far, it constantly makes me go ''ooooooooooh, how did I not see that, duhhh'' it's such a cleverly made game, I just can't find this one gem in a certain level, and I don't want to look it up online lol.

The only time I've had anybody come up in public and flat-out ask if I had a boyfriend, I was being solicited for BJs at a bus station in a nice part of town. He didn't follow me on the bus though...

What a creeper.
I forgot to add the part where I was at that bus stop again a month or so later and saw the same guy talking up someone else. He eventually walked away and the guy he was talking too looked confused. So, this is clearly his spot.

I wonder if creepers ever have any success with this approach. Don't they realise there are better ways and that they're wasting their time.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
It's okay Gakl, for every glass of wine you don't drink, I'll drink three.

I got your back, man.


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.

You gotta get some wine! If you're not used to alcohol I suggest a dessert wine like moscato or icewine if you can get your hands claws on it.
Loss of control in any way is bad, or any kind of loosening when it comes to mental/physical capacities. Same reason I don't like weed.
To each their own; I can respect that, if that's not something you're interested in. At least, speaking personally, that's the reason I drink, really. Though, it's not a lack of control; I'm always in control of myself. It's that the walls I have up while sober come crumbling down, and I can relax and be myself more freely. More social and whatnot. Plus, I'm a happy drunk, so it can turn a bad day into a good one and take my mind off stupid shit!


You gotta get some wine! If you're not used to alcohol I suggest a dessert wine like moscato or icewine if you can get your hands claws on it.
Not really a wine guy; the few times I've had it have been red wine, types I can't remember, and it's been not to my taste. Are the desert wines just more sweet?


And on the topic of building a PC.. I did so last year, but instead of putting together another PC, I picked the parts out at NCIX.com and then paid the $50 fee for them to build it. An incredibly smooth process, I might never ever build another PC myself again.
Just caught this and bookmarked. Thanks.
Maybe, it is a hawt wallpaper =P

Get the Wii U! I love Captain Toad so far, it constantly makes me go ''ooooooooooh, how did I not see that, duhhh'' it's such a cleverly made game, I just can't find this one gem in a certain level, and I don't want to look it up online lol.
I just changed my wallpaper to a beautiful and strapping man. No jerk is gonna make me change it before I want to.

As for a Wii U, I'm def gonna get one, it's just a matter of having the extra cash.


Speaking of PC, I donwloaded Revengeance just for the lulz (since Can You RUN It told me my PC had no chance of running it even on comically low settings) and it turns out it runs great with a mix of low and medium settings :0 I'm never trusting CYRI again, it's not the first time they lie to me :mad: Game is pretty fun, BTW!

RIP. Will wait until hes divorced now.
I'm pretty patient.


Loss of control in any way is bad, or any kind of loosening when it comes to mental/physical capacities. Same reason I don't like weed.

Pretty much the same here. Not to mention those substances are harmful to the brain. I'd rather keep my brain cells intact for as long as I can.
Also, met too many people who just lived to get drunk... with desastrous/tragic results. It convinced me even more to avoid those altogether.

Son Of D

You normally have the shark guy as your avi, right?


I remember you even without it, your username is pretty unique.

(Man I'm slow at responding to posts)

Yeah I had that as an avi at one point.


So he's headed off to the airport already. I opted not to go cuz I had errands to do I've put off all week cuz my life has been consumed by him.

I met him at his hotel, we did stuff, took pics of each other, had lunch, then he got into a cab, and off he went. My eyes teared up, but I feel happy.

I need a hug.

Aawww *hug*

It's so great, I feel so happy for you, specially after all your initial frustrations and experiences.

Stories like yours and Cosmic's give so much hope, hehe, not everything is lost! I've been feeling kind of down these days for some issues with a friend but these lift my spirit :)


I had the weirdest experience yesterday, I was out to buy Captain Toad, it was sold out everywhere so I went to an electronics store that's a bit further away. While walking I noticed this guy walking behind me the whole time, kinda creepy but told myself it's probably nothing and he's just walking the same route. After a while he comes up to me and says if he can ask me something, I say sure, he asks me what my name is, I didn't wanna say, then he asks me if I have a boyfriend, I said no(really stupid that I answered that), then he asks me if I want to chill with him, I say ''no, leave me alone''... he asks why and I ignored him... then he gets frustrated and asks dumb shit like why I'm ignoring him, at that point I was really creeped out and just wanted to get rid of him, there was no one around and it was night time. I start walking slower to see if he'll continue walking and he starts walking slower too, then we came up to a traffic light, I pretended to cross the street, then quickly ran back and went into a street that lead to a bunch of houses and little streets, lost him and got the last Captain Toad in that store.

Any of you guys experienced something like this? I'm just weirded out by the whole thing, I never had something like this happen before and thought stuff like this only happens to girls.

This is messed up... no should always be no :(


The portables for the most part are a good tier or two below most of the console games.

I play through the console games at least every other year.. but the portables are a once-per-decade affair.

Still love that overworld theme. I hum it when I'm on the streetcar sometimes, lol..

GB/GBC/GBA Zelda games are great
DS ones... Nah.
3DS one is good though.


Also - celebrity crush?
Well, in the interest of the thread, I would let this guy do pretty much whatever he wanted:


<3 Pedro

Also <3 Suarez


But now he's at Barcelona and so I'm sad =(


One day I realized that sadness is just another word for not enough coffee.
Not really a wine guy; the few times I've had it have been red wine, types I can't remember, and it's been not to my taste. Are the desert wines just more sweet?

Yep. Imagine a juice like pomegranate or cranberry, then cut down on the sugar and add in some alcohol and you have something that is not quite dessert wine, but close enough.

Ice wine is my personal heaven tho.
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