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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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Everyone here knows too much about me. Like actually...


I like the idea of being able to vanish whenever I want, I think it's underrated. I don't know if that like says something about me though.

Me. You don't grow muscles without surplus protein!

The other half is in the fridge for Monday.

There's a surplus and then there's a bonus (I thought you were going to eat all of that at once. That would be gross).


Re: Posting pictures online. I mean, I've had pictures online since back when almost no one had "digital cameras," and you had to take a 35mm photograph to a computer lab and scan it in. And then after that our first digital camera used 3.5" floppies to store pictures on.

Virtually all of the pictures were either posted on dating websites or sent directly to people, but countless people had access to photos of teenage terrisus.


Yeah.. I've only tried it a few times, and when I did, we ended-up cracking ourselves up.

And for anyone watching the Panthers-Cardinals game: Greg Olsen's ass is godly. MVP of this game!

The roleplaying is impossible to take seriously, but I'm not necessarily averse to the physical component. Even if I wouldn't be able to stop laughing while being whipped.

More like a faceless set of obliques.

It took me an embarrassingly long time to figure out what their avatar was. All of you must be so ashamed...

Just pulled these out of my smoker.


Smoking meat (lol) is seriously the best way to cook it. Now to shove it into my mouth.

Looks amazing, but I can't help but feel sick looking at meat these past few days - I rented a Greek rotisserie on New Year's, and cooked around 8kg of meat, probably eating far too much of it myself. Abstaining from charred flesh for a week or two is painful, but ultimately necessary.

(I should've phrased that better. "The cravings?" Sounds like an addiction. Or a zombie flick. =P )


Even if it was, that's not a bad thing. There's nothing wrong with being old. Honestly today's youth obsessed culture has made old a dirty word and anything that isn't 20s/late teens seem decrepit seems wrong to me.

The ubiquitous fetishisation of youth can only lead to tragedy - even beyond the obvious implications behind borderline pedophilic pop art and the porn industry's reliance on marketing models as teenagers, treating those we're attracted to like livestock or produce to be harvested while ripe seems to only further a couple of unfortunate kinds of objectification. In terms of what I consider attractive on a surface level, age usually tends to vary on individual cases - some people need time to grow into their features, others wither and collapse after a few years. In any case, I definitely wouldn't put 30s in the category of old; and find it difficult to entirely rule people out based on blanket categorisation.


Just pulled these out of my smoker.


Smoking meat (lol) is seriously the best way to cook it. Now to shove it into my mouth.

omfg your arms

and i don't like tats but that style on a big bulging bicep

rap... i mean... fuc... i mean um you look good


I don't get all this age talk. In western society, we consider men better looking as they age, at least to around 50. Robert Downey Jr. is Marvel's biggest star, as is Hugh Jackman for X-men.

Re: Posting pictures online. I mean, I've had pictures online since back when almost no one had "digital cameras," and you had to take a 35mm photograph to a computer lab and scan it in. And then after that our first digital camera used 3.5" floppies to store pictures on.

Virtually all of the pictures were either posted on dating websites or sent directly to people, but countless people had access to photos of teenage terrisus.
Oh okay, gotcha, so you're gonna go ahead and post some for us since it wouldn't make much difference
Re: Posting pictures online. I mean, I've had pictures online since back when almost no one had "digital cameras," and you had to take a 35mm photograph to a computer lab and scan it in. And then after that our first digital camera used 3.5" floppies to store pictures on.

Virtually all of the pictures were either posted on dating websites or sent directly to people, but countless people had access to photos of teenage terrisus.

Lol. Would you die if it fell on your head? I'm imagining this massive brick.

Is this the '90s?
Am I looking to date people here?
It was a means to an end :þ

I wish it were the '90s again =(

If you post them then we can all laugh at the '90s together.


Photos: Eh, I rarely ever feel like posting pics, but I like RPJ because it puts a face on people I "know" online.

Meat: I'd eat that during the course of 3 days. That's why I have biceps like chopsticks, isn't it? :[

Also, fellow iOS people who have never played Game Dev Story need to buy it now that's on sale. I loved it back in my Android days, and just bought it again :p It's insanely fun and addictive. Plus in my reality, the Virtual Kid was a moderate success!



Being a teenager in any decade sucks though

that's why for me 90's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>00's

childhood years>>>>>>>>>>>teenage years


Gold Member
There's a surplus and then there's a bonus (I thought you were going to eat all of that at once. That would be gross).
I did eat all of that at once. That was half the slab on the plate. And it was delicious.

omfg your arms

and i don't like tats but that style on a big bulging bicep

rap... i mean... fuc... i mean um you look good
Thanks! But I need to get bigger. My target weight is 175, ripped. I want to look hawtsome.

The 90s are my everything.


Lol. Would you die if it fell on your head? I'm imagining this massive brick.

That's nothing compared to the video recorder we had.
It used
full-size VHS tapes >.>

The 90s don't have to end.

Hey, I'm still enjoying my SNES like it's 1995 =)

Can we at the very least get a description of you Teri?

5'11", around 240 (had been around 200 most of the time. I've put on a bunch of weight since my stroke), brown hair and eyes, messy hair (what's a comb? >.>), right now a full beard and something of a moustache (hey, I'm not working, so why not >.>), and very hairy in general (except my back, which isn't. Most everything else though). Also my left arm is a mess from cancer surgery, skin patches and such all over it >.>

The 90s are my everything.

But what about the '80s? >.>

Being a teenager in any decade sucks though

that's why for me 90's>>>>>>>>>>>>>>00's

childhood years>>>>>>>>>>>teenage years

The '90s for me covered ages 7-18.
By 2001 I was in college.
2000s, the decade of motion gaming =/

What are video games.

I did eat all of that at once. That was half the slab on the plate. And it was delicious.

K, I stand by my gross comment, in case you were wondering :p

That's nothing compared to the video recorder we had.
It used
full-size VHS tapes >.>

Hah I remember seeing those around when I was like eight. They don't even look portable.
That's nothing compared to the video recorder we had.
It used
full-size VHS tapes >.>

Hey, I'm still enjoying my SNES like it's 1995 =)

5'11", around 240 (had been around 200 most of the time. I've put on a bunch of weight since my stroke), brown hair and eyes, messy hair (what's a comb? >.>), right now a full beard and something of a moustache (hey, I'm not working, so why not >.>), and very hairy in general (except my back, which isn't. Most everything else though). Also my left arm is a mess from cancer surgery, skin patches and such all over it >.>

But what about the '80s? >.>

The '90s for me covered ages 7-18.
By 2001 I was in college.

We still have our camcorder from 87 (got it when we went to Disneyworld that year..during the summer)


90s was an interesting era for me. I spent a lot of the early years in a hospital bed. But Ended up getting to go to disney world out of that. So in the end it turned out better than how it started.


That's nothing compared to the video recorder we had.
It used
full-size VHS tapes >.>

When my Maw-Maw passed, she left me in her will the family's antique scale - and three printer paper boxes full of VHS tapes. Everyone at the reading of the will cracked-up at her leaving me such a seemingly worthless lot of items, but I loved it.

The tapes had meaning. Since leaving for college, I'd go home to visit about every other month, and we had a custom: I'd arrive at her house sometime around 6pm, we'd eat dinner, and then spend all night watching the movies that she had recorded onto on those VHS tapes (usually from A&E, USA, etc - back when the cable channels had infinitely better content than the reality schlock they carry these days - lots of old, classic movies). We'd go to sleep around 6am, wake around noon, and then go out to eat Chinese before I had to hit the road back home.

I still have two VHS players just for the purpose of those tapes. One thing I love about them - some of the programming she had recorded had 1980s and 1990s commercials. Or local news reports. Or coverage of Mardi Gras parades. She recorded the most random stuff sometimes, and now that time has passed, the collection of videos on those tapes forms an interesting "slice of life" view of that era (about 1989-2003).

Around 2001, Greg and Jake began accompanying me to these overnighters at Maw-Maw's, and the four of us would spend nice overnights watching old movies. I never got to come out to her officially, but something tells me that she knew..
Hello beautiful people! Whats going on here?

Now I know you're not talking about me because you said beautiful people

When my Maw-Maw passed, she left me in her will the family's antique scale - and three printer paper boxes full of VHS tapes. Everyone at the reading of the will cracked-up at her leaving me such a seemingly worthless lot of items, but I loved it.

The tapes had meaning. Since leaving for college, I'd go home to visit about every other month, and we had a custom: I'd arrive at her house sometime around 6pm, we'd eat dinner, and then spend all night watching the movies that she had recorded onto on those VHS tapes (usually from A&E, USA, etc - back when the cable channels had infinitely better content than the reality schlock they carry these days - lots of old, classic movies). We'd go to sleep around 6am, wake around noon, and then go out to eat Chinese before I had to hit the road back home.

I still have two VHS players just for the purpose of those tapes. One thing I love about them - some of the programming she had recorded had 1980s and 1990s commercials. Or local news reports. Or coverage of Mardi Gras parades. She recorded the most random stuff sometimes, and now that time has passed, the collection of videos on those tapes forms an interesting "slice of life" view of that era (about 1989-2003).

Around 2001, Greg and Jake began accompanying me to these overnighters at Maw-Maw's, and the four of us would spend nice overnights watching old movies. I never got to come out to her officially, but something tells me that she knew..

Aw :)


Gold Member
what's your routine
Monday and Wednesday are jumprope/rowing days followed by dumbbells. I lift until I am exhausted. Friday, I do whatever I have to for military PT as a group, usually running and calisthenics. On all other days, I do random quantities of diamond pushups, pullups, burpees, and sphinx pushups. For example, Dragon Age has long loading screens, the perfect moment to drop and do 30 reps.


When my Maw-Maw passed, she left me in her will the family's antique scale - and three printer paper boxes full of VHS tapes. Everyone at the reading of the will cracked-up at her leaving me such a seemingly worthless lot of items, but I loved it.

The tapes had meaning. Since leaving for college, I'd go home to visit about every other month, and we had a custom: I'd arrive at her house sometime around 6pm, we'd eat dinner, and then spend all night watching the movies that she had recorded onto on those VHS tapes (usually from A&E, USA, etc - back when the cable channels had infinitely better content than the reality schlock they carry these days - lots of old, classic movies). We'd go to sleep around 6am, wake around noon, and then go out to eat Chinese before I had to hit the road back home.

I still have two VHS players just for the purpose of those tapes. One thing I love about them - some of the programming she had recorded had 1980s and 1990s commercials. Or local news reports. Or coverage of Mardi Gras parades. She recorded the most random stuff sometimes, and now that time has passed, the collection of videos on those tapes forms an interesting "slice of life" view of that era (about 1989-2003).

Around 2001, Greg and Jake began accompanying me to these overnighters at Maw-Maw's, and the four of us would spend nice overnights watching old movies. I never got to come out to her officially, but something tells me that she knew..

That's awesome. It's sad how so many people discount recordings and records of stuff just because they're on older storage formats. It's great that you're still able to experience and enjoy them, and that they bring back so many fond memories too =)
Monday and Wednesday are jumprope/rowing days followed by dumbbells. I lift until I am exhausted. Friday, I do whatever I have to for military PT as a group, usually running and calisthenics. On all other days, I do random quantities of diamond pushups, pullups, burpees, and sphinx pushups. For example, Dragon Age has long loading screens, the perfect moment to drop and do 30 reps.

I didn't find them that long. Which one you playing? Origins, 2, or the new one?


Seriously, I don't even have time to read the "tips" that are on most loading screens before they're done :þ

Maybe he's playing on console?



That's awesome. It's sad how so many people discount recordings and records of stuff just because they're on older storage formats. It's great that you're still able to experience and enjoy them, and that they bring back so many fond memories too =)

One priority after the big move is to get it all converted to digital format. I'll still keep the tapes tucked away somewhere, but I want backup!

People are going to look back on that era with some fondness. It was the last decade before everything went digital/mobile/interconnected, the economy was booming, no huge wars, the worst worry was "hey, who's blowing Bill?"

Now, if you leave the house without keeping in-touch, most friends/family throw a shitfit!

So, even without the family connection, I tend to place a good bit of value on that decade and its media. :)


Monday and Wednesday are jumprope/rowing days followed by dumbbells. I lift until I am exhausted. Friday, I do whatever I have to for military PT as a group, usually running and calisthenics. On all other days, I do random quantities of diamond pushups, pullups, burpees, and sphinx pushups. For example, Dragon Age has long loading screens, the perfect moment to drop and do 30 reps.

That's awesome! And actually, I've been mixing gaming time with some light but effective exercise time too. Pretty swell combo haha.


Maybe he's playing on console?

Ouch =(

I kid, I kid >.>

One priority after the big move is to get it all converted to digital format. I'll still keep the tapes tucked away somewhere, but I want backup!

People are going to look back on that era with some fondness. It was the last decade before everything went digital/mobile/interconnected, the economy was booming, no huge wars, the worst worry was "hey, who's blowing Bill?"

Now, if you leave the house without keeping in-touch, most friends/family throw a shitfit!

So, even without the family connection, I tend to place a good bit of value on that decade and its media. :)

Yeah, I wish I had more stuff backed up digitally. There was a bunch of stuff at my mother's - photobooks all the way back to my birth, VHS tapes, Betamax tapes, etc. - but she sold her house and moved like 3 years ago, and I have no idea how much stuff she brought with her.

And, I hear you on that. On the other hand, I didn't get a cellphone (just a basic flip-phone) until like 2005, and didn't get a "smartphone" until 2013. And I've still never had a Facebook account. All of that stuff went right past me >.>


And, I hear you on that. On the other hand, I didn't get a cellphone (just a basic flip-phone) until like 2005, and didn't get a "smartphone" until 2013. And I've still never had a Facebook account. All of that stuff went right past me >.>

Your timeline on this tech is within a year of mine, haha!


Your timeline on this tech is within a year of mine, haha!

To be fair, now that I have a smartphone, I wish I had one much earlier.
Seriously, my life would've been so much easier with one.

It ended up working out perfectly though, since I got my smartphone barely a month before I ended up having my stroke, and having to spend the next month and a half in the hospital.

It was a miserable time regardless, but seriously, with how much time I spent there laying alone in bed without being able to do much of anything... I honestly try not to think about what I would have done if I had to spend that time just staring at the wall/into the darkness/listening to infomercials on the television.


It used to air on nickelodeon. It was a pretty good show but I remember this one weird adult guy who would hang with the kids.
That was kinda weird.

The strongest man... in the world!... Haha.

There are people who haven't heard of Pete & Pete? =(


Re: Posting pictures online. I mean, I've had pictures online since back when almost no one had "digital cameras," and you had to take a 35mm photograph to a computer lab and scan it in. And then after that our first digital camera used 3.5" floppies to store pictures on.
It was really odd shooting my first roll of 35mm film in 2014. I remember its late years so it was kinda something I should have done many years ago. It is strangely fun having to pretend what they will come out as and taking a lot less pictures while trying to set up the scenes.

Early digital cameras were bizarre. Looking at the image quality, prices and battery life it was strange why anyone would choose that mess over film cameras, but then I remember the awe from my family when they could see what image had been taken and even delete it.
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