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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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They can be scary good at building an image of you, but it has mine too high as well. Doing all of the research in incognito though means it keeps sending me women around the world that I'm supposed to like.
How old are you BTW? I dunno if you've mentioned, but if I had to guess I'd say 23.
Turned 22 in October
Under Armour Boxerjocks... get into them! Give UA your coin!



Tell us more. And woah, pm link plz.

Oh, I've heard this one. It's good :)
Shh Bo, dont' encourage me! XD

Well you know when you're in your teens and guys are all like unsure of their gayness but they're so horny they do stupid things?
Well it was a handjob under the desk during art class. Yes he finished and we didn't realise we were caught until a week later when we got called out of class in front of the year head. We denied everything, and all they did was separate us. We used to dirty text but nothing else ever came of it... until years later and he hit me up on Facebook. But by then I had long since moved on.


So I was looking at the boxer briefs are the best thread and now the banner ads are about boxer briefs, lol.
Jealous, I only get flash game and car ads for whatever reason.

The teacher didn't have aprons I had no choice
That's too bad. :/

Still, Art class is fun. Shouldn't hate on it just because of that.

I actually have a very naughty story about art class in secondary school...

Well Alexander has Colin Farrell making out with Jared Leto, required viewing really. You can also see his balls if you're into that sort of thing
Holy what. Jared Leto x Colin Farrell.

Although if you're really thirsting for that he also has a sex tape where he is the main focus but I doubt you'd be interested in such material. ;)

Jealous, I only get flash game and car ads for whatever reason.

That's too bad. :/

Still, Art class is fun. Shouldn't hate on it just because of that.


Holy what. Jared Leto x Colin Farrell.

I'm half joking :p It's a fun class and it's also an easy A which is why I'm keeping it the whole school year.
Like Alex said, underwear armor is the best. You can't go wrong with them.
This, seriously. Just get a pair and be amazed.
Uniqlo's are great. I especially like their heattech boxer briefs -- they're supposed to keep you warm. The leg is a little long but they feel amazing and show off your butt really well.

These: https://m.uniqlo.com/us?product=136237

Their Airism boxer briefs are great as well.
Thanks for the feedback, gays. I'll take a look at Uniqlo's too, I hear good things about their stuff in general. Didn't realize they did underwear too.


I wear these for good reasons.
Under Armour Boxerjocks... get into them! Give UA your coin!
Well, shit, these gifs are doing a pretty good job of selling me on them, ha.
Even though I will look nothing like that in them.
I read your previous post, but I'm still confused, and I want to ask you : if approved, what's the thread exactly about?
What LGBT gaffers think about sexualization in game design. What they like, what they don't, if they feel it adds/detracts from the experience, etc. Of course everyone is welcome to post, not just Gay GAF. It would be mainly to start a more positive discussion about the subject. Not just post pics of what/who you like, but also to start to delve into the thought process behind it.

I want it be very sex positive. Where people can talk about their thoughts and not feel like it's just another post in a never ending cycle of negative feedback.


It's all fine.!
Now that story about the guy you're texting seems interesting, how is it?

Now I'm sorry to come off as an attention whore, but I'm too lazy to write something new so grab your popcorn:

So, GayGaf, I am sort of very casually texting with two guys like once a week or so (weekends mostly). Yes, I am new to like everything basically since my identification as gay is a shockingly recent thing.
Anyway, my phase of overbearing obsessiveness / excitement / expectations or whatever is thankfully behind me so despite my general obsessiveness I guess I'm quite comfortable with casual texting.

I would just like to know, based on experience, does this sort of thing ever lead to anything like a meetup or something and how do you handle the casualness? Because it feels like a tightrope thing between 'it's nice to have some contacts to just chat with once in a while' and ' isn't this a dating site or at least one for finding people (to hang out with)?' ?

So, I am not inclined to have expectations or overthink any of this, but... what does it mean basically? I don't know what it is that I'm doing and thus I don't really know how to handle this.
Also, if every casual chat-buddy comes with a rather low chance of ever having a real-life encounter, how many chat-buddies does one need to fulfill the odds?

Haha, ok, now probably screw what I said as I definitely come off as obsessive and overthinking writing all this (damn!), but yeah I guess that's really who I am anyway. A 'can't sleep at night because my thoughts won't stop flowing' kinda guy. Anyway, lend a hand to a naive little fellow if you can :)

So last night the guy I've been chatting with for a month or so and me, we made plans to meet in the local gay club after the holidays. This is like everything I had hoped for. First step into real life (gay) stuff, this is so fucking exciting.

God, now I am a bit anxious tho. First time in a club, let alone a gay club. First time meeting someone at all in this context. First time everything. This will be the night of first times. Hope he's not into dancing haha

So, that guy and me, we are now chatting on a kinda daily basis and more or less for about the entire time (it's a very clanky integrated messenger service, so on average a text is sent every 15 mins between us, still giving the stuff an aura of omnipresence during the day).

I'm really non-obsessed about some image of some person I could have created in my mind or something like that (which I am pretty self-pleased about actually), it's really just a fun way to spend the little downtimes in the day and that's it. No expectations or shit. (and it never turned flirtatious either)

Still, I can't help thinking what a strange preoccupation this is that we're having here. For most of human's history until at max 20 years ago, this particular type of 'social' interaction did not exist at all. That's true for most things today of course, but with this it really hits me.

I mean, as of now it's not a person any of us is talking to, it could just as well be a highly intelligent AI text dispenser. But then again there undeniably ARE real people involved here and it'll be so strange to finally meet this person (we already made explicit plans to hang out somewhere) who suddenly knows about all the things you wrote to your virtual text dispenser acquaintance. It's more like 'hey did you peek over my shoulders to read what I was writing to someone online?' than 'of course you know because YOU WERE that texting entity on the other end.'

I imagine it kinda like in Hitchcock's 'Rear Window' where the man can only appreciate the woman as long as she's an object of his voyeuristic gaze and 'lives' outside his window and where his interest quickly fades away when she enters his room to become 'real'.
The world he sees through his window and the world within his room (the tangible reality) appear and register on two entirely different planes of his mind.

Likewise there will be a real person I'll meet, one I might not even like at first, one so random he could turn out to be anyone. And somehow this person will have something to do with my current little thing of having fun at text-conversing. How strange and peculiar.

I know all this must go through the mind of everyone ever who is about to meet someone after texting first, but I wanted to share my personal experience of these thoughts. Isn't this just a very strange thing indeed? (oh btw yes he does have plenty of pics in his profile, but I couldn't for the hell of me say what he might look like / actually appear like in RL. that's another strange thing about this online stuff: knowing full well that a picture can't ever really 'show' you the real person. A picture sheds so much light on what would else be pitch black darkness, but you still feel a bit as blind as before.

Graduated to WhatsApp communication with my chat buddy. Don't know what it means tho.

I can feel my feelings towards this whole texting thing grow more intense. With even mild forms of stuff like jealousy creeping in slightly. It's really about time we met and saw if we're getting along at all irl. (But due to logistics that might still be a while away)

I just hope this thing won't go all ab.aeterno on me (no offence bud).
That would be really devastating (I can relate to your use of the word 'nightmare' in the post I found about your night, ab. -> sry for searching your history, but you mentioned it so I was curious to find out what little info there is)

To be continued...


Sorry for the pollution. I don't know if it's even kosher to do this. Tell me if not.



I switched from briefs to boxers after having surgery for an undescended testicle when I was like 14 (not that what I was wearing was the reason or anything, just a comfort matter while recovering from surgery), and after wearing boxers, I just can't go back to anything more restricting.

Most of the time around the house I just wear cotton pajama bottoms. Multiple layers are annoying >.>


What LGBT gaffers think about sexualization in game design. What they like, what they don't, if they feel it adds/detracts from the experience, etc. Of course everyone is welcome to post, not just Gay GAF. It would be mainly to start a more positive discussion about the subject. Not just post pics of what/who you like, but also to start to delve into the thought process behind it.

I want it be very sex positive. Where people can talk about their thoughts and not feel like it's just another post in a never ending cycle of negative feedback.

Ohhh. Well I have a lot to say about it. Especially after the whole controversy of Bayonetta and the Polygon review. I hope it gets approved. I will PM you later on what I think as well. That is if you're interested though.

Everyone thinks about it. Only some actually do it.

Pick which side you want to be on.

I mean my diet is really bad. Also, school + working and personal matters make it more difficult. It would be better if I had a workout buddy too. But you are right. I need to make a decision.


Well Alexander has Colin Farrell making out with Jared Leto, required viewing really. You can also see his balls if you're into that sort of thing
Although if you're really thirsting for that he also has a sex tape where he is the main focus but I doubt you'd be interested in such material. ;)
Wait, what? Alexander is now on my watch list.

Shh Bo, dont' encourage me! XD

Well you know when you're in your teens and guys are all like unsure of their gayness but they're so horny they do stupid things?
Well it was a handjob under the desk during art class. Yes he finished and we didn't realise we were caught until a week later when we got called out of class in front of the year head. We denied everything, and all they did was separate us. We used to dirty text but nothing else ever came of it... until years later and he hit me up on Facebook. But by then I had long since moved on.
Hot. You're making me wish I'd had a few stupid horny gay teen experiences.


Gold Member
What LGBT gaffers think about sexualization in game design. What they like, what they don't, if they feel it adds/detracts from the experience, etc. Of course everyone is welcome to post, not just Gay GAF. It would be mainly to start a more positive discussion about the subject. Not just post pics of what/who you like, but also to start to delve into the thought process behind it.

I want it be very sex positive. Where people can talk about their thoughts and not feel like it's just another post in a never ending cycle of negative feedback.
Depends on the game. There's a time and place for everything. I think sexualization is inappropriate in say, a game like Dark Souls where the tone is invoking a sense of dread from start to finish. Sexualization would conflict with the tone and affect immersion. Meanwhile, I wouldn't mind it one bit in say, Street Fighter V, where it's not trying to be super serious. I'll take a shirtless Cody any day of the week.


Real Pic January: That time of the year when I figure out which users I actually know by name, and which ones I just knew their avatar.


In college I joined my school's LGBT alliance club thingy. One of the guys I met there turned me on to a gay lacrosse league (that was a goldmine of hot dudes). After that, mostly bars. It might suck if you're not into drinking and/or dancing. Could try googling something you're interested in and seeing if there's a gay variant of it? I know of many sports leagues in Vegas, for instance (where I'm from).

OMFG another Vegas GayGAFer?!?!?


Depends on the game. There's a time and place for everything. I think sexualization is inappropriate in say, a game like Dark Souls where the tone is invoking a sense of dread from start to finish. Sexualization would conflict with the tone and affect immersion. Meanwhile, I wouldn't mind it one bit in say, Street Fighter V, where it's not trying to be super serious. I'll take a shirtless Cody any day of the week.
Street Fighter needs to finally introduce character customization, like Tekken / VF / SC.


Why? It would be cool, I suppose.
Because it -is- cool :p I like to make matching outfits for all my mains in Tekken, for example (usually in blue or white).

That being said, Capcom loves selling DLC costumes so I doubt it'll happen. Not complaining, though, I buy and love said costumes.


Because it -is- cool :p I like to make matching outfits for all my mains in Tekken, for example (usually in blue or white).

That being said, Capcom loves selling DLC costumes so I doubt it'll happen. Not complaining, though, I buy and love said costumes.
Oh, I thought you meant like create a character, not costume customization. I'm all for different color schemes.
Real Pic January: That time of the year when I figure out which users I actually know by name, and which ones I just knew their avatar.
I'm not sure if I want to know if any mods know me by name. I don't know whether that would be good or bad. :p

Well it's more like a series of posts
on page 181, will delete this if indiscrete.

Perspective and patience sounds like good advice. Will obv keep the info flowing, even if it turns out to be disastrous as well. Might as well turn out to be the best night ever ;)
Ah, whoops. Totally forgot to reply to this earlier, sorry.

Reading through all your posts above, I think it makes more sense now. Obviously, when you've been texting him for a while, patience might be hard to find, especially if you think you're starting to care about him more. But, my completely uninformed advice, would be to think about letting it play out and having patience, seeing how things develop. My situation was really different from yours in a lot of ways, so it's not something you should compare yours to.

I don't know if anyone else has better advice though, I'm not very qualified for that kind of advice, ha.


Wait, what? Alexander is now on my watch list.
I'm convinced some of the negativity surrounding that movie is because of all the guy love, because here in Europe it was received well but not so in the States. It's beautifully shot and Jared Leto really sells the character of Hephaestion.

Hot. You're making me wish I'd had a few stupid horny gay teen experiences.
Well when I got university it only got better. I had a serious straight crush during my teens, as you do, but when we grew up a bit I got closer to his twin brother, who then became my fuck buddy. Good times.

If I could have shown teenage self my life up until now he would have told you to get outta here! My #ItGetsBetter story really got better, ha!


I'm convinced some of the negativity surrounding that movie is because of all the guy love, because here in Europe it was received well but not so in the States. It's beautifully shot and Jared Leto really sells the character of Hephaestion.

Well when I got university it only got better. I had a serious straight crush during my teens, as you do, but when we grew up a bit I got closer to his twin brother, who then became my fuck buddy. Good times.

If I could have shown teenage self my life up until now he would have told you to get outta here! My #ItGetsBetter story really got better, ha!

Ugh... college has been boring for me. There's no gay guys, at least there doesn't seem to be gay guys. There's a lot of girls though. There are no LGBT groups or related activities other than a gender studies class. That's about it. >.>

Dam those SAT scores that tied me down... -__-
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