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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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All of us? >.>


This is you tbqh...

hahaha can I maybe offer you a drink first? ;)
um, no just do it
Nope! It's almost entirely text chat. We do video calls on rare occasions, but day to day it's essentially a chat room where people pop in and out.

Ohh, maybe I'll join :eek:
Oh myy...

Boys and girls, I have a question. If you could be any animal, what would you want to be and why?

you are so good looking omg


Why would I need to be in the same egg group with another male though
I may have not thought that through adequately.

Though even if you're male, if you're planning on spending any time as a leafy seadragon, it's your responsibility to attach a few hundred eggs to your brood patch on occasion.

I like his nose/lips combo. Can I have them please?

Isn't it standard social protocol to at least buy him a drink first?

The first few seconds before the inevitable prolapse would be enjoyable, at least.


Thanks for the nice comments you guys. :)

I'll do all three!

Real life: a cheetah. They're high up the food chain, and I'd love to run that fast.

Mythological: a dragon. It's clearly king of the fantasy world. Well, short of a phoenix or something.

Furry: a wolf, I guess. It's the anthro animal that still looks pretty cool, to me.

I love cheetahs! They're my favorite big cat. I love watching every documentary that has to do with them. I saw one in real life at the zoo, and got close to me and I almost felt like jumping the fence to be with the cheetah, lol. They're such beautiful creatures.


Went to see my counselor about coursework, and in a moment of clarity I decided to go back to a Science Major at the last minute.

I think I'd probably do better (and make more money) as an Accountant, but I know I'd probably hate the work, hate the work culture and in all likelihood hate the people I'd end up working with (even more than I would doing lab or research work), and I'd never forgive myself for passing up the chance to do something I'd be more at home with.

You've just reached sanity.

Wrong. I've done RPJ before and I'm still completely insane.


First day of my graduate program went fairly well. :D

There is only 63 kids in my Nursing program, and we all got to knowing eachother fairly quick. I had a math exam today that I was losing sleep over but alas, it was nothing. My schedule is great, i basically have nothing to do this evening. Tomorrow though I'll be studying before lab, where we will wash and brush eachothers teeth. Also its cold in chicago. ;( what the fuck.

I'm so excited to learn more, i was just watching the professors talk without even thinking of taking notes at a point.


Went to see my counselor about coursework, and in a moment of clarity I decided to go back to a Science Major at the last minute.

I think I'd probably do better (and make more money) as an Accountant, but I know I'd probably hate the work, hate the work culture and in all likelihood hate the people I'd end up working with, and I'd never forgive myself for passing up the chance to do something I'd be more at home with.

Why do that, when you could be part of...

P.S. You don't want to be part of MathGAF >.>
Thanks for the nice comments you guys. :)

I love cheetahs! They're my favorite big cat. I love watching every documentary that has to do with them. I saw one in real life at the zoo, and got close to me and I almost felt like jumping the fence to be with the cheetah, lol. They're such beautiful creatures.

You can pet me anytime, HH.

...too much?

Or just enough? ;)


Charles Xavier: Just because someone stumbles and loses their path, doesn't mean they're lost forever.

So my participation in RPJ was a mistake


First day of my graduate program went fairly well. :D

I'm so excited to learn more, i was just watching the professors talk without even thinking of taking notes at a point.

I love doing that when I can get away with it. Is it mostly conceptual or is some of it quantified stuff?

Why do that, when you could be part of...

P.S. You don't want to be part of MathGAF >.>

I generally prefer the conceptual half of Science for the most part (though since Mathematics is in itself mostly concept the two are inescapably bound, I suppose). Relationships, identification of components, and systems on a broad level are my main interests when studying things, and it kind of reflects in my proficiency with the subject. You can ask me a lot about the basics and the relationships of things but as soon as you get to details and numbers, I flounder a bit.


First day of my graduate program went fairly well. :D

There is only 63 kids in my Nursing program, and we all got to knowing eachother fairly quick. I had a math exam today that I was losing sleep over but alas, it was nothing. My schedule is great, i basically have nothing to do this evening. Tomorrow though I'll be studying before lab, where we will wash and brush eachothers teeth. Also its cold in chicago. ;( what the fuck.

I'm so excited to learn more, i was just watching the professors talk without even thinking of taking notes at a point.

The classes are smaller right? Any cute guys in the Nursing program?

You can pet me anytime, HH.

...too much?

Or just enough? ;)

It's never too much!

I'm the king of thirst!
after Daripad, but actually he no longer has the yoshi avatar.


I generally prefer the conceptual half of Science for the most part (though since Mathematics is in itself mostly concept the two are inescapably bound, I suppose). Relationships, identification of components, and systems on a broad level are my main interests when studying things, and it kind of reflects in my proficiency with the subject. You can ask me a lot about the basics and the relationships of things but as soon as you get to details and numbers, I flounder a bit.

I always enjoyed the more theoretical aspects of Mathematics more. Theorems and proofs and long, wordy sorts of stuff.

Hated Calculus. And, took Physics my first semester of college, and to heck with that :þ

The classes are smaller right? Any cute guys in the Nursing program?

Well, hey, at least you have some. When I was doing my Elementary Education classes (both undergrad and grad), I was often the only male in the entire class.

Which, I mean, in theory should have been perfect for me...
But, I've never been particularly social in person, never dated someone that wasn't someone I met online, and was already dating my wife at that point...



I always enjoyed the more theoretical aspects of Mathematics more. Theorems and proofs and long, wordy sorts of stuff.

Hated Calculus. And, took Physics my first semester of college, and to heck with that :þ

Proofs! Yes!

I have a math minor, and didn't care for Calc or DE. Loooooved statistics. I was like a fish in water with stats. Aced every class. My first job out of college ended-up being with the Gallup Organization.. it was a shame that they closed their Austin office and consolidated to Omaha. Boo.


Proofs! Yes!

I have a math minor, and didn't care for Calc or DE. Loooooved statistics. I was like a fish in water with stats. Aced every class. My first job out of college ended-up being with the Gallup Organization.. it was a shame that they closed their Austin office and consolidated to Omaha. Boo.

I hate math so that's not why I quoted at all
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