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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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My first forum was Newgrounds, I believe. Don't even remember when that was, sometimes in my teenager years probably.


I was fairly active on Gamefaqs. Honestly never found it to be that bad, maybe I just stuck to the right forums.

But random movie fact: not sure if my ultimate favorite, but I absolutely love The Social Network. Had to watch it for a class as a freshman, thinking "ugh can't believe this teacher is making me pay to see a movie."

Then I watched it, and many times since. I love that movie. I love that it cast many lesser known actors in roles were that mostly outside their well known roles (I mean, Brenda Song blowing a guy in a bathroom stall was a huge departure from London Tipton). I think it's very easily quotable and just really great.

Got the Mala from my father who is a Buddhist, and even though I don't really use it to pray I still have it on my arm all day.
Oh, that's pretty neat actually. I wasn't familiar with a mala before. It's cool it's a sentimental item too. I wish I had more such accessories to wear, but the only sentimental one I had (a cross) disappeared years ago, sadly.

I want this watch.

Great, now I want this watch. yudodis2me

I'm not a fan of jewelry on men. Classic watch and a wedding band are the max imo.
Have to disagree. It depends on the outfit and what the accessories are, but I think guys can wear way more than that and still look nice.


It turns out my best friend (straight male) has a better gaydar than mine :| Not that it takes much to beat mine, I guess.


omg I used to make sprite movies on adobe flash and put them on Newgrounds :') I made a DBZ one and it got some views and good reviews lmao
Cool! I wasn't a creator back then, just a simple Watcher like many there. It is an amazing place for aspiring devs (and musicians, etc) though, I think Super Meat Boy or some other game first came out there as well.

Oh, that's pretty neat actually. I wasn't familiar with a mala before. It's cool it's a sentimental item too. I wish I had more such accessories to wear, but the only sentimental one I had (a cross) disappeared years ago, sadly.
It is like a talisman for me, yeah. Sorry to hear that you lost a trinket with a great sentimental value, I know I would be devastated if I lost my Mala.


That video of Jimmy Falloon interviewing Nicole Kidman recalling the time they met on a failed date on her apartment and she confessing she liked him but he didn't talk and put on a videogame when she was there is so cute. The look on that man's face is PRICELESS. I understand him! Imagine if a friend brought Tom Daley to your apartment in a 10 minutes notice. I would remain in shock too.


I come from nowhere and arrive at nothing, unborn and immortal

I am the voice reaching even to the deepest ends of the cosmic abyss, where man can never tread

Hear my name and engrave it in your craven soul

For I am

Mr. Roboto

I started out at Gamespot

It turns out my best friend (straight male) has a better gaydar than mine :| Not that it takes much to beat mine, I guess.

I have the opposite problem where my friends are really, really bad at figuring out my (or much of anybody else's) sexuality until I mention it in conversation.


It turns out my best friend (straight male) has a better gaydar than mine :| Not that it takes much to beat mine, I guess.

Don't worry my gaydar is pretty much defective as well.
Is there hope for us gaydar-deficient beings to improve over time?

That video of Jimmy Falloon interviewing Nicole Kidman recalling the time they met on a failed date on her apartment and she confessing she liked him but he didn't talk and put on a videogame when she was there is so cute. The look on that man's face is PRICELESS. I understand him! Imagine if a friend brought Tom Daley to your apartment in a 10 minutes notice. I would remain in shock too.
She's one of my faves.


I have the opposite problem where my friends are really, really bad at figuring out my (or much of anybody else's) sexuality until I mention it in conversation.
Actually, it was the same for me, but my friend was correct about two guys that play SSB sometimes with us. I'm not sure how he figured it out! As far as I know we haven't seen them having intercourse with other males! :p


Well thanks to "reflecting on life" as I try to fall asleep, it's pretty much dawned on me that's I'm a sad, lonely loser. I though those night time pills were suppose to make you fall sleep! Curse you!!!!!! Haha.

With that said, goodnight folks.
I think it's easier for straight people to seem like they have better gaydar because they don't really give a shit. For us, even if we're not interested in someone, we probably don't want to presume because it's possible we could be projecting our identity onto other people or something.
My first forum was Newgrounds, I believe. Don't even remember when that was, sometimes in my teenager years probably.

So not that long ago :p

I come from nowhere and arrive at nothing, unborn and immortal

I am the voice reaching even to the deepest ends of the cosmic abyss, where man can never tread

Hear my name and engrave it in your craven soul

For I am

Mr. Roboto

I started out at Gamespot

I have the opposite problem where my friends are really, really bad at figuring out my (or much of anybody else's) sexuality until I mention it in conversation.

Styx fan?


Is there hope for us gaydar-deficient beings to improve over time?

Just have to ask the right questions and pay close attention...

But not too close because then you end up overshooting the mark and always end up disappointed like I do.

Of course even when I am right my chance of getting a date or laid are still irrational numbers.

Actually, it was the same for me, but my friend was correct about two guys that play SSB sometimes with us. I'm not sure how he figured it out! As far as I know we haven't seen them having intercourse with other males! :p

Well did you ever see them apart? :V

I think it's easier for straight people to seem like they have better gaydar because they don't really give a shit. For us, even if we're not interested in someone, we probably don't want to presume because it's possible we could be projecting our identity onto other people or something.

Well that, and they don't wonder about it quite as much as we do. Less guesses, fewer occasions where they get it wrong.

Styx fan?

Never heard of 'em.
My first forum was Xbox Addict. Out of nostalgia, I read some of my old posts just now. My god, I was the worst. Such an insufferable teenager, haha.

I then went to 1Up, and now I'm here! ^_^

And again I'm noticing that there are a lot of good looking people here! It really motivates me to keep exercising and to improve myself as much as possible. I'm at the 30 pounds lost point now. Wooooo!
Comicbook Resources was my first major forum. After that, I spent some time on Rangerboard. Then I gravitated here.

I'm really glad I found this place.


The Nanny is such a hilarious show. Pity it hasn't been fully released on DVD nor is it available on Netflix. A crime, I tell you.
The Nanny is such a hilarious show. Pity it hasn't been fully released on DVD nor is it available on Netflix. A crime, I tell you.

I totally forgot that show existed! I remember the dad being kinda hot for an older guy -- that British accent, mmmm. And the son was quite hot too, from what I remember. Important note: I was 7 when that show went on air. :p

Edit: actually, he's not too shabby now either.



The Nanny is such a hilarious show. Pity it hasn't been fully released on DVD nor is it available on Netflix. A crime, I tell you.
It's pretty funny when it's not trying to be I Love Lucy.
And the son was quite hot too, from what I remember. Remember, I was 7 when that show went on air. :p
Heh, Brighton. Probably one of the first cases I remember of catching myself staring too long at cute boys on the tv screen.


The Nanny is such a hilarious show. Pity it hasn't been fully released on DVD nor is it available on Netflix. A crime, I tell you.
It's available in European Netflix iirc. At least that's where I think I watched it last year, they had all the seasons.
Fun nerd fact about The Nanny. The butler on that show was also Professor Moriarty on two episodes of Star Trek: TNG. He was also another tv show Niles at the time (the other being Niles Crane on Frasier played by David Hyde Pierce)
That video of Jimmy Falloon interviewing Nicole Kidman recalling the time they met on a failed date on her apartment and she confessing she liked him but he didn't talk and put on a videogame when she was there is so cute. The look on that man's face is PRICELESS. I understand him! Imagine if a friend brought Tom Daley to your apartment in a 10 minutes notice. I would remain in shock too.

like i've said elsewhere, it wasn't Naomi Watts so he did the right thing


Sometimes I wonder how I haven't had sex in 2015 yet and then I look at my steam playing time
It's been only like 6 days

Only right? Who's with me? Only 6. That's not enough time to have gotten action, right? Nothing wrong with that?

Logan was obviously the most handsome Gilmore boy.

Logan looks like he had his vegetables and his mattress stolen many times while he was growing up.
It's been only like 6 days

Only right? Who's with me? Only 6. That's not enough time to have gotten action, right? Nothing wrong with that?

I can't believe you'd ever have trouble finding someone to give you said action, CannonO.

Me, on the other hand... It's been almost a year ><


My first online forum was a Resident Evil themed one, "A New Blood", but I didn't stay there for long and quickly moved to another one; I think it was "Dark Matter" - I remember it was connected with Project Safehouse, first page with mods for RE 1, 2 and 3. :D

Are any of you participating in the 50-50 challenge this year?

I think I'm going to pass this year. I did the 52 books challenge last year (I'm finishing the 52 one right now but since I started the challenge on January 14th last year it still counts ;)) and I found it pretty draining. I love reading and have always read at least 2 books per month, but to reach the quota of 1 book per week I noticed that I ended up picking books that I knew I was able to read in 7 days (300-350 pages max) ignoring longer books that I have in my backlog. :/

Not to mention, I tend to read books only in public transit (weird thing: I can easily concentrate on reading the book standing in a moving bus/cable car with all those loud people around me than in my room; I'm sure Internet isn't the reason for that >_>) so that gives me about 2-3 hours of reading per day.

At the rate this thread is moving we'll have OT6 by February.

Tell me about it. The worst thing is, since most of you guys live in America, every day when I wake up there are 200-300 new posts to read. And then the thread is silent for the whole day. :|


I think it's easier for straight people to seem like they have better gaydar because they don't really give a shit. For us, even if we're not interested in someone, we probably don't want to presume because it's possible we could be projecting our identity onto other people or something.

That or your own attraction to the person clouds your judgement one way or another.


I think I'm going to pass this year. I did the 52 books challenge last year (I'm finishing the 52 one right now but since I started the challenge on January 14th last year it still counts ;)) and I found it pretty draining. I love reading and have always read at least 2 books per month, but to reach the quota of 1 book per week I noticed that I ended up picking books that I knew I was able to read in 7 days (300-350 pages max) ignoring longer books that I have in my backlog. :/

What if I tempted you with a list of fiction books under 200 pages that I already made for someone else? There's 42~

Not to mention, I tend to read books only in public transit (weird thing: I can easily concentrate on reading the book standing in a moving bus/cable car with all those loud people around me than in my room; I'm sure Internet isn't the reason for that >_>) so that gives me about 2-3 hours of reading per day.

I don't have public transit around here worth using, but that is one of the nicest things about visiting Chicago - I can read while I go from place to place! I get most of my reading done on my lunch breaks (when I'm away from the computer) or at the library (when I can walk around and stay away from a computer and other distractions). If it's really good, I can sit down and read at home, but it has to be away from... the computer. :x

I was fairly active on Gamefaqs. Honestly never found it to be that bad, maybe I just stuck to the right forums.

Not you being a Gamefaqs queen. I suppose I can overlook that. <3

Yes, excelforward. I introduced him to the site! He used to post pretty regularly but sort of fell off. He's who I visit when I go to Chicago.

Yeah, I haven't seen excel post in forever. And when was the last time you were out here?
My first forum was Xbox Addict. Out of nostalgia, I read some of my old posts just now. My god, I was the worst. Such an insufferable teenager, haha.

I then went to 1Up, and now I'm here! ^_^

I think that was a feeling a lot of us who were posting on the internet as teenagers feel honestly. It's a shame there isn't the possibility to wipe everything you've ever written from the internet below a certain age.

My first forum was, I think, a 'Next3' forum (I can't recall the exact name; there was a Playstation 3 Magazine that was very short lived which I think had some relation to "Play"; it had a forum associated with it and I signed up). That was, as mentioned, short lived, but somebody had mentioned the Official European Playstation Forum, and as such, I signed up to that in 2007 (I think I may have signed up to it prior to this though via a different account) almost exactly eight years ago actually; when I was eleven). Unfortunately, at that stage, the quality of my posts were rather dire and my sense of humour was rather dire. I primarily spam-posted rubbish in the Warhawk forum for years before starting to regularly come here about late 2011/early 2012 after a friend from the Warhawk forum linked me.

You don't like reading? I find that surprising, just because it generally seems to be the case that reading and writing go hand in hand.

I have some plans - I plan on clearing some of the backlog of books that I own and haven't read, like Journey to the West, Anna Karenina, The Three Musketeers, The Book of the Long Sun, War and Peace, the latter half-ish of Wheel of Time, etc. - but in practice it'll be a combination of whatever of my to-read list that the library has and strikes my fancy, or books I happen to hear about in the 50-50 thread, or the monthly threads.

Indeed, it's odd, but I think it's related to my imagination regarding visualisation being rather poor; I don't tend to 'form pictures of what's happening in my head' as many seem to report, and, as such, my ability to retain the information is lacking. I appreciate how it may be written, but few books have really resonated with me (I do love Shakespeare's plays admittedly, but I generally watch them first and then breeze through the scripts afterwards before watching them again). For writing, in contrast, I like the problem solving aspect (how to phrase sentences, composition, remove characters from situations, connecting events, creating thematic parallels, etc.) so the need to actually try and visualise it doesn't come into play. It definitely is quite uncommon though I will agree.

Well, it's certainly of benefit that you've an idea of where you're going at the very least and if your 'to read list is any indication you've more than enough to keep you going until the end of the year, particularly when combined with recommendations made from the thread. Just through glancing through your list, Macbeth and Othello are both quite fantastic, and they're not too long as well. In the former's instance, Polanski's 1971 adaption is magnificent, faithful, and some of the creative choices were interesting interpretations that work well in the context of the play, so I would highly advise checking that out if you do get around to reading Macbeth at any stage in the year as it works very well as a companion piece in the absence of actually being able to see it performed on stage (and even if you can see it on stage, it's still very much worth checking out). In relation to "Journey to the West", I haven't heard of it before but it sounds quite interesting (albeit extremely long). Have you any idea as to which translation of it that you wish to read?
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