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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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It is like a talisman for me, yeah. Sorry to hear that you lost a trinket with a great sentimental value, I know I would be devastated if I lost my Mala.
Thanks man. Let's hope your Mala stays safe then!

Actually, hm. There was another pendant I had once, also sentimental. I think that is still in my possession somewhere. I should see if I can find it...

Don't worry my gaydar is pretty much defective as well.
Mine too.

Well thanks to "reflecting on life" as I try to fall asleep, it's pretty much dawned on me that's I'm a sad, lonely loser. I though those night time pills were suppose to make you fall sleep! Curse you!!!!!! Haha.

With that said, goodnight folks.
Ah, don't say that man. There's nothing ti be gained from running yourself down.


Well thanks to "reflecting on life" as I try to fall asleep, it's pretty much dawned on me that's I'm a sad, lonely loser. I though those night time pills were suppose to make you fall sleep! Curse you!!!!!! Haha.

With that said, goodnight folks.

I hate my thoughts as I try to get to sleep...
They can keep me up for hours...
Life is far too depressing =(


My first forum was probably game FAQS, followed by just us boys. When I found out about GAF it became my only forum. I got all my gaming news, as well as crazy and interesting stories in OT.

My first forum was Cruise Critic in 2009, haha.

A fellow cruiser? I joined cruise critics in 2006.


I hate my thoughts as I try to get to sleep...
They can keep me up for hours...
Life is far too depressing =(
I have an exercise/fantasy that I've gone through when I can't sleep (which is chronic).

I play with the question: "if I could pause and unpause time, what would I do with that power?"

So, for example, I start at 930am, CST, and I go through the fantasy as realistically as possible on what I would do, where I would go, etc. If I'm at work in the middle of a task when I decide to start The Pause, I usually start off by leaving myself a detailed note about what I've done up to that point in my workday, just so that I don't forget when I finally re-start time (since The Pause could last for a very long period).

Sometimes I explore the world. Sometimes I'm criminal. Or engage in political sabotage/intrigue. Or enjoy pervy pursuits. Or marathon video games.

Instead of my mind wandering, I try to stick to that one "what if?" scenario. Usually I end-up passing out..
I hate my thoughts as I try to get to sleep...
They can keep me up for hours...
Life is far too depressing =(

My depressing thoughts before sleep usually pertain to mortality, like the "tomorrow is not promised, we're all getting older, people are so fragile etc." shit that then turns into a "what if _____ passes away tomorrow" which makes me even more depressed. A few nights ago this happened and I was so fed up with it that I sat up and told myself out loud to stop, and then tried to think about drag queens or video games or something so far removed from that storyline that I get distracted and sleep. lol

I have an exercise/fantasy that I've gone through when I can't sleep (which is chronic).

I play with the question: "if I could pause and unpause time, what would I do with that power?"

So, for example, I start at 930am, CST, and I go through the fantasy as realistically as possible on what I would do, where I would go, etc. If I'm at work in the middle of a task when I decide to start The Pause, I usually start off by leaving myself a detailed note about what I've done up to that point in my workday, just so that I don't forget when I finally re-start time (since The Pause could last for a very long period).

Sometimes I explore the world. Sometimes I'm criminal. Or engage in political sabotage/intrigue. Or enjoy pervy pursuits. Or marathon video games.

Instead of my mind wandering, I try to stick to that one "what if?" scenario. Usually I end-up passing out..

Haha I play this in my brain a lot too. Then I argue with myself as to whether I'm supposed to do some kind of political/social justice with it or whether I just wanna sneak around and be a perv. But I guess if time's standing still I can do both :p


Back to work today, I'm so miserable :(

My first forums were on AOL.
They're all gone, without a trace =(
Other than broken English and heavy use of horizontal text emoticons, I wonder if my teenager posts were that cringe worthy. It turns out I never posted on any "permanent" forum back then, so it's all gone for better or worse :p


I have an exercise/fantasy that I've gone through when I can't sleep (which is chronic).

Since my stroke, I've basically just tried staying awake as long as I could, until I end up practically passing out and have to go right to sleep.
Which would end up with me staying up until like 4AM and sleeping until like 1PM many days.

I've been trying to get on/stay on a more normal sleep schedule the past few months though...
Which means a bunch of laying in bed thinking about things >.>

My depressing thoughts before sleep usually pertain to mortality, like the "tomorrow is not promised, we're all getting older, people are so fragile etc." shit that then turns into a "what if _____ passes away tomorrow" which makes me even more depressed.

Yeah, pretty much what I go through =(

A few nights ago this happened and I was so fed up with it that I sat up and told myself out loud to stop, and then tried to think about drag queens or video games or something so far removed from that storyline that I get distracted and sleep. lol

Heh, interesting idea :þ


I think that was a feeling a lot of us who were posting on the internet as teenagers feel honestly. It's a shame there isn't the possibility to wipe everything you've ever written from the internet below a certain age.

I still wish I had it, honestly. It might make me cringe sometimes, but it's interesting seeing how I've changed.

Indeed, it's odd, but I think it's related to my imagination regarding visualisation being rather poor; I don't tend to 'form pictures of what's happening in my head' as many seem to report, and, as such, my ability to retain the information is lacking. I appreciate how it may be written, but few books have really resonated with me (I do love Shakespeare's plays admittedly, but I generally watch them first and then breeze through the scripts afterwards before watching them again). For writing, in contrast, I like the problem solving aspect (how to phrase sentences, composition, remove characters from situations, connecting events, creating thematic parallels, etc.) so the need to actually try and visualise it doesn't come into play. It definitely is quite uncommon though I will agree.

You should read Jeff VanderMeer's Wonderbook: The Illustrative Guide to Creating Imaginative Fiction; it covers a lot of those aspects about writing and it has visuals so you don't have to visualize anything because it's right there.

I also don't really have a strong sense of "visualizing" things in my mind. I think this is also why I have some trouble with Go; I can't visualize the stones on the board if they aren't there. This has never affected my ability to recall information in a book, though.

In relation to "Journey to the West", I haven't heard of it before but it sounds quite interesting (albeit extremely long). Have you any idea as to which translation of it that you wish to read?

Anthony C. Yu's translation is the one I'm going to read. It was first published in 1983, and was recently revised for a 2012 release. I have the first two volumes right now.

I've read Three Kingdoms, which was ~1400 pages, and The Story of the Stone, which was about 2550 pages, across five volumes. Journey to the West is ~1700 pages in this edition, across four volumes.


I have an exercise/fantasy that I've gone through when I can't sleep (which is chronic).

I play with the question: "if I could pause and unpause time, what would I do with that power?"

So, for example, I start at 930am, CST, and I go through the fantasy as realistically as possible on what I would do, where I would go, etc. If I'm at work in the middle of a task when I decide to start The Pause, I usually start off by leaving myself a detailed note about what I've done up to that point in my workday, just so that I don't forget when I finally re-start time (since The Pause could last for a very long period).

Sometimes I explore the world. Sometimes I'm criminal. Or engage in political sabotage/intrigue. Or enjoy pervy pursuits. Or marathon video games.

Instead of my mind wandering, I try to stick to that one "what if?" scenario. Usually I end-up passing out..

Might consider trying something like this as well. Was so confident last night that I would for once get sufficient sleep despite my 06:45 alarm. I went to bed early enough. I was so close. Then the thoughts flooded in as usual. Now I'm tired as shit again. I reaally suck at falling asleep.




You know, I feel like I should basically just stick to this thread to talk about relationship issues or life issues or general depression and such.
There's too much nonsense and noise out there on the rest of GAF.

Or, well, rather, considering how many people I have on ignore now, there's too much of posts that I don't see, which just sidetrack any worthwhile discussion other people might have.
It's like, you would figure that if people don't like me/don't enjoy my posting, they would just ignore me and move on with their lives.

I don't really care anymore though, so I've just taken the initiative in a number of cases.
If they want to continue to talk to themselves though, that's on them I guess.
You know, I feel like I should basically just stick to this thread to talk about relationship issues or life issues or general depression and such.
There's too much nonsense and noise out there on the rest of GAF.

Or, well, rather, considering how many people I have on ignore now, there's too much of posts that I don't see, which just sidetrack any worthwhile discussion other people might have.
It's like, you would figure that if people don't like me/don't enjoy my posting, they would just ignore me and move on with their lives.

I don't really care anymore though, so I've just taken the initiative in a number of cases.
If they want to continue to talk to themselves though, that's on them I guess.

You guys like me and accept me... right?... >.>
Yes, Teri, You're the best. :)
I for one don't mind the updates on your life because I feel like at some point life will turn around for you. I know it! I'm rooting for you. 2015 will be the year of Terrisus.


What a weird and bleak day where I live (Paris) :/

The website for which I work has stopped all activities for today in solidarity with what happened to Charlie Hebdo this afternoon.

Same with friends and colleagues working in newspaper or on television. Everyone is still in shock, therefore it's like the time is... suspended or something. Nothing will ever be the same after today.


Yes, Teri, You're the best. :)
I for one don't mind the updates on your life because I feel like at some point life will turn around for you. I know it! I'm rooting for you. 2015 will be the year of Terrisus.

No. You must be this queer to ride the ride post in our clubhouse.

That A ain't for show yo, stop fretting so much, pull up a seat and stay a while.

Thanks =)

I still feel kind of out of place here. I know we discussed it earlier, and umop had a very good post (which I feel bad that I didn't reply to, since it was a very good post... I just wasn't sure what to say), but I still just don't really feel right, since the things that I want and feel and am looking for and hoping for and everything just seem so different from everyone else...

But, I'm glad that people here can accept me =)
You know, I feel like I should basically just stick to this thread to talk about relationship issues or life issues or general depression and such.
There's too much nonsense and noise out there on the rest of GAF.

Or, well, rather, considering how many people I have on ignore now, there's too much of posts that I don't see, which just sidetrack any worthwhile discussion other people might have.
It's like, you would figure that if people don't like me/don't enjoy my posting, they would just ignore me and move on with their lives.

I don't really care anymore though, so I've just taken the initiative in a number of cases.
If they want to continue to talk to themselves though, that's on them I guess.

This is pretty unspecific :p But yeah this thread is probably your best bet as far as getting people to read and respond to your posts/inquiries.

I've been mostly a lurker but the few times that I've posted here about personal things I've managed to get some discourse out of it which I love. So a big thank you to everyone here because you guys are a real community and it's nice to see. =)
Thanks =)

I still feel kind of out of place here. I know we discussed it earlier, and umop had a very good post (which I feel bad that I didn't reply to, since it was a very good post... I just wasn't sure what to say), but I still just don't really feel right, since the things that I want and feel and am looking for and hoping for and everything just seem so different from everyone else...

But, I'm glad that people here can accept me =)
For whatever it's worth, I do empathize with how you feel, believe me. But just because you're looking for something different doesn't mean you don't belong. We're all looking for different things here, even if it doesn't always seems that way. I know you probably meant that even more broadly, but honestly, don't overthink it man.

What a weird and bleak day where I live (Paris) :/

The website for which I work has stopped all activities for today in solidarity with what happened to Charlie Hebdo this afternoon.

Same with friends and colleagues working in newspaper or on television. Everyone is still in shock, therefore it's like the time is... suspended or something. Nothing will ever be the same after today.
Just saw the news, hang in there man. Thoughts are with you guys. Stay strong. My condolences on this tragedy. :<


Thanks man. Let's hope your Mala stays safe then!

Actually, hm. There was another pendant I had once, also sentimental. I think that is still in my possession somewhere. I should see if I can find it...
What does the pendant look like? :D My grandma had one and it was really pretty, had some real jewels on it. I think my father got it after she died last year.
You guys like me and accept me... right?... >.>
You so far and always come across as genuine, and I like that. I accept you and think that you are welcome to talk in here about your problems or whatever.

Yes, Teri, You're the best. :)
I for one don't mind the updates on your life because I feel like at some point life will turn around for you. I know it! I'm rooting for you. 2015 will be the year of Terrisus.
That just reminds me of the Year of Luigi thing Nintendo had going in 2014. I hope Terri will get more out of this year than Luigi got last year. ;p

What a weird and bleak day where I live (Paris) :/

The website for which I work has stopped all activities for today in solidarity with what happened to Charlie Hebdo this afternoon.

Same with friends and colleagues working in newspaper or on television. Everyone is still in shock, therefore it's like the time is... suspended or something. Nothing will ever be the same after today.
That's terrible, Grizzo. My thoughts go out to all these poor souls who lost someone through that attack, and to the ones like you who are in shock and fear over this tragedy. Stay strong. :(


Where is Christopher Hitchens when you need him I:

Seriously, what happened to Charlie Hebdo is terrible. :S

How come a deity so powerful and so omnipotent need to be protected and defended by small and insignificant humans? That deity has some serious issues, and so do some of his followers...



What if I tempted you with a list of fiction books under 200 pages that I already made for someone else? There's 42~

But I already have a huge backlog :(

If it's really good, I can sit down and read at home, but it has to be away from... the computer. :x

I know the pain. >_>
*looks nervously at kindle lying next to the keyboard*

I still feel kind of out of place here. I know we discussed it earlier, and umop had a very good post (which I feel bad that I didn't reply to, since it was a very good post... I just wasn't sure what to say), but I still just don't really feel right, since the things that I want and feel and am looking for and hoping for and everything just seem so different from everyone else...

We all look for acceptance, so that's at least one thing.
The important thing is that you feel good being here (you are, right?) and that's all that matters. :)


For what it's worth, I'm going to be out for a few hours for an appointment. So, while I will have my phone on me, and will be around some, apologies for not replying to some posts while I'm out, I will when I'm back.


You guys like me and accept me... right?... >.>
I don't even care about your dislike for Super Mario Sunshine. If that's not true love, I don't know what it is :p

What a weird and bleak day where I live (Paris) :/

The website for which I work has stopped all activities for today in solidarity with what happened to Charlie Hebdo this afternoon.

Same with friends and colleagues working in newspaper or on television. Everyone is still in shock, therefore it's like the time is... suspended or something. Nothing will ever be the same after today.
This is so awful :( Bunch of disgusting sub-humans.


I get upset every time we get a thread about masculinity on GAF and the discussion never goes deep enough for my liking, a lot of people act as if masculinity really isn't forced upon those of us who don't particularly feel much attachment to our birth sex and act in a way that is natural to us, I've always wanted to make a thread like that but I need to think of how to word it since I've trouble with words and can hardly express my thoughts eloquently.

I love when Mumei makes threads about gender issues because he expresses his thoughts fantastically but people usually don't post in them :/


Where is Christopher Hitchens when you need him I:

Seriously, what happened to Charlie Hebdo is terrible. :S

How come a deity so powerful and so omnipotent need to be protected and defended by small and insignificant humans? That deity has some serious issues, and so do some of his followers...

Keep in mind that this is not something every person of that religion supports, it's a small subset of fanatics and terrorist groups who do acts like this.


What a weird and bleak day where I live (Paris) :/

The website for which I work has stopped all activities for today in solidarity with what happened to Charlie Hebdo this afternoon.

Same with friends and colleagues working in newspaper or on television. Everyone is still in shock, therefore it's like the time is... suspended or something. Nothing will ever be the same after today.
That's awful. Sorry to hear this and best wishes to you, Grizzo.
You guys like me and accept me... right?... >.>
Glad to have you, for sure.
To quote a friend: "Isn't it sad they turned beautiful, majestic wolves... into that?"

I won't get a short nosed dog, but I still think French Bulldogs are pretty great.

I get upset every time we get a thread about masculinity on GAF and the discussion never goes deep enough for my liking, a lot of people act as if masculinity really isn't forced upon those of us who don't particularly feel much attachment to our birth sex and act in a way that is natural to us, I've always wanted to make a thread like that but I need to think of how to word it since I've trouble with words and can hardly express my thoughts eloquently.

I love when Mumei makes threads about gender issues because he expresses his thoughts fantastically but people usually don't post in them :/
Test out the post here or in a PM to some of us or Mumei


Ever have a day where you're in the foulest of moods and you can't quite pinpoint why? That's me today.

People suck. And not in a good way.


Keep in mind that this is not something every person of that religion supports, it's a small subset of fanatics and terrorist groups who do acts like this.
I'm very respectful of everyone's beliefs, I'm a rather low key atheist. But man, we do know this crap is less common in secular societies :( Fundamentalism is incredibly dangerous because religious texts are plagued with awful crap.
Morning lovely people

I get upset every time we get a thread about masculinity on GAF and the discussion never goes deep enough for my liking, a lot of people act as if masculinity really isn't forced upon those of us who don't particularly feel much attachment to our birth sex and act in a way that is natural to us, I've always wanted to make a thread like that but I need to think of how to word it since I've trouble with words and can hardly express my thoughts eloquently.

I love when Mumei makes threads about gender issues because he expresses his thoughts fantastically but people usually don't post in them :/

I bet ;)

HylianTom said:
Ever have a day where you're in the foulest of moods and you can't quite pinpoint why? That's me today.

People suck. And not in a good way.

Aw. Just think about going home to Greg, that'll make you feel better.


I get upset every time we get a thread about masculinity on GAF and the discussion never goes deep enough for my liking, a lot of people act as if masculinity really isn't forced upon those of us who don't particularly feel much attachment to our birth sex and act in a way that is natural to us, I've always wanted to make a thread like that but I need to think of how to word it since I've trouble with words and can hardly express my thoughts eloquently.

I love when Mumei makes threads about gender issues because he expresses his thoughts fantastically but people usually don't post in them :/

Speaking of topics of mine that hardly get any responses, I was just checking out The Mask You Wear Kickstarter page for updates recently and it is supposed to premier this month at the Sundance Film Festival. Once it is available for general viewing - perhaps on Netflix the way Miss Representation was - it could be a good time for a follow-up topic.

That someone else can make, so people post in it. (._. )


Keep in mind that this is not something every person of that religion supports, it's a small subset of fanatics and terrorist groups who do acts like this.

Yep I'm aware of that.

To quote a friend: "Isn't it sad they turned beautiful, majestic wolves... into that?"

I won't get a short nosed dog, but I still think French Bulldogs are pretty great.

Test out the post here or in a PM to some of us or Mumei

They're beautiful dogs. Too bad they suffer from a lot of health issues.

I'm very respectful of everyone's beliefs, I'm a rather low key atheist. But man, we do know this crap is less common in secular societies :( Fundamentalism is incredibly dangerous because religious texts are plagued with awful crap.


Morning lovely people

See, you said lovely. Now I know you're not referring to me.

Speaking of topics of mine that hardly get any responses, I was just checking out The Mask You Wear Kickstarter page for updates recently and it is supposed to premier this month at the Sundance Film Festival. Once it is available for general viewing - perhaps on Netflix the way Miss Representation was - it could be a good time for a follow-up topic.

That someone else can make, so people post in it. (._. )

Link takes me to a thread about IGN by DarienA. That's you? If so, you're in Southern Maryland? O:
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