Guys, grow beard or no beard?
You look better with minimal/no facial hair. You have a nice jawline, so hair would just draw attention away from it.
That's an excellent rare combo
Probably part of why I'm still single (other than introversion, social ambivalence and a lack of charisma, but that's a story for another day).
My favorite kinds of men are ones with an abundance of both masculine and feminine features, which is of course hard to come by when our society and socialization patterns emphasize conforming to either end of the gender spectrum as opposed to freely mixing the two.
Hmmm, my taste is always the outlier here. XD
I'm just a special snowflake I guess.
Same. :[
I do, but I'm not sure if it's the bad boy thing in particular. I like people that are more worldly and have more action oriented or 'doer' personalities, because I am not those things, so it makes me feel safe if someone naturally thrives on that stuff.
There is a lot to like from those kinds of people. That said I tend to shy away from them because most of the people I've met like that also tend to be aggressive.