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LGBTQIA Thread |OT5| Can't even drink straight

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The Most Dangerous Yes Man
Hm, maybe. But in all of the instances I was thinking of, it was the opposite of that.

Ah, so it seems as though I was conflating race with ethnicity. Shows how much I know! u__u

I'll look into it. Thanks!
Thinking about it, I'm sure Stumpokapow would know a few books or texts if you're really interested, since he studied sociology.

That's definitely a thing that happens, people who look more native Mexican than European are far more likely to experience racism :/ But in the end even the racists who look down on "indios" consider themselves Mexican, so identity-wise I don't think it's anything like America's "melting pot" situation.
I wasn't talking about the melting pot, since that's a completely different phenomenon with a lot of different opinions. I don't think "transracial" people have to live in heterogeneous societies to experience a desire to be a different race.

Again, there is a Mexican identity, but it's not as color-friendly as we would like to believe. For example, La Raza -- although I don't know if that's more of a Mexican-American thing -- literally means "The Race" and it's used as a way of unifying Mexicans and other Latinos. Although there is a factor of sharing a "race," there are still people who play up their white-ness in some way.

So most people see that there are two main "races" in Mexico, native and European. People may not even consider themselves being "transracial" because they may already have some white features or have European lineage; that's what being mestizo is all about. I'm sure we've come across people who go a little too far in their quest to be "white-er." It makes them feel that they're of a special (upper) class, just like a person who is transracially motivated.

This actually reminds me of a nice article I read in one of my classes (which I won't talk about now), and how later my professor, a Mexican-American, talked about how her aunt would use skin lighteners on her face to look more white.

I think it's something that's definitely a part of Mexicans (the whole native-white divide), but it may not be clear to everyone.


I cant tell if Aaron tyler johnson does it for me. Definitely not with long hair. But he looks different depending on the angle. Hes got a bad dye job in the avengers so i dont know. Hes a master of disguise.
WTF, he got totally jacked since Kick-Ass. I kind of knew this from his appearance (I won't say performance) in Godzilla, but still.


I have heard too many homohobic comments, is so disgusting. As I have said before, my french teacher is clearly gay, and many of my classmates have made some rude comments about him and I do nothing to shut them up. *sighs*
I have heard too many homohobic comments, is so disgusting. As I have said before, my french teacher is clearly gay, and many of my classmates have made some rude comments about him and I do nothing to shut them up. *sighs*

I understand the "I do nothing to shut them up" aspect to what you're going through. When my family members make homophobic comments, I just sit there and take it. I dare not speak out against them for fear of accidentally coming out to them. Just not ready for that yet. :/

Ugh, I don't like to vent but just FML at the moment. My uni messed up and now I have to quit and start next year.... I'll be 26 =(

Damn, that really sucks to hear. It has to be next year and not next semester (although technically next semester IS next year)? And don't worry about the age thing - it doesn't really matter as long as you are wanting to go and further your education.
I haven't read this thread in so long and I don't recognize like anyone :(

Where did everyone go D:

EDIT: Wait, I see a post by Sai :D Yay!


Damn, that really sucks to hear. It has to be next year and not next semester (although technically next semester IS next year)? And don't worry about the age thing - it doesn't really matter as long as you are wanting to go and further your education.

Afaik, most universities in Europe don't go by semesters most of the time but by entire "years". So if something happen and you're past a certain deadline, you're screwed for that entire year.


I wasn't talking about the melting pot, since that's a completely different phenomenon with a lot of different opinions. I don't think "transracial" people have to live in heterogeneous societies to experience a desire to be a different race.

Again, there is a Mexican identity, but it's not as color-friendly as we would like to believe. For example, La Raza -- although I don't know if that's more of a Mexican-American thing -- literally means "The Race" and it's used as a way of unifying Mexicans and other Latinos. Although there is a factor of sharing a "race," there are still people who play up their white-ness in some way.

So most people see that there are two main "races" in Mexico, native and European. People may not even consider themselves being "transracial" because they may already have some white features or have European lineage; that's what being mestizo is all about. I'm sure we've come across people who go a little too far in their quest to be "white-er." It makes them feel that they're of a special (upper) class, just like a person who is transracially motivated.

This actually reminds me of a nice article I read in one of my classes (which I won't talk about now), and how later my professor, a Mexican-American, talked about how her aunt would use skin lighteners on her face to look more white.

I think it's something that's definitely a part of Mexicans (the whole native-white divide), but it may not be clear to everyone.
This is definitely true (except maybe for "La Raza" which is indeed not something you hear around here), and white washing in Mexico is huge. Mexican media is basically devoid of people with dark skin, the beauty standards in Mexico lean heavily towards European looks. Still, my point is that I've seen little use of having a strong racial identity since we're still relatively homogeneous even if some people see a "division" between native and European (especially since we're more of a gradient), and especially culture-wise Mexico is pretty homogeneous regardless of skin color. Most people are catholic, most people enjoy similar food and music, most people feel the same towards Mexico, most of us have a dumb, juvenile sense of humor, etc. :p

So from that Raven thread I mostly got that some people were not okay with her statement because she wants to somehow hide her roots and culture, and I don't see Mexico's situation as quite the same. I'm a pale Mexican, but that doesn't mean I'm more or less Mexican than someone with dark skin, and in the end we're all a product of miscegenation regardless of the final result. Plus in my case (as I was originally speaking for myself :p) I was lucky to grow up in a racism-free household so I never developed a "us vs. them" mindset.

As for "trans-race", I just wanted to state how foreign that concept is to me, in part because I personally don't see racial identity as important :/
I have heard too many homohobic comments, is so disgusting. As I have said before, my french teacher is clearly gay, and many of my classmates have made some rude comments about him and I do nothing to shut them up. *sighs*

I myself make rude comments towards classmates of mine who say dumb shit like that. But honestly, I don't blame you. It's like talking to a bunch of rocks.
I understand the "I do nothing to shut them up" aspect to what you're going through. When my family members make homophobic comments, I just sit there and take it. I dare not speak out against them for fear of accidentally coming out to them. Just not ready for that yet. :/

Damn, that really sucks to hear. It has to be next year and not next semester (although technically next semester IS next year)? And don't worry about the age thing - it doesn't really matter as long as you are wanting to go and further your education.

Afaik, most universities in Europe don't go by semesters most of the time but by entire "years". So if something happen and you're past a certain deadline, you're screwed for that entire year.

Yeah, what Alrus said. The school system here in the Netherlands is horribly outdated and a total mess, which is one of the reasons why I've been avoiding it for so long. I did find something I find fun to study, so I guess one more year won't kill me. Need to find a job or something to pass the time.


I have heard too many homohobic comments, is so disgusting. As I have said before, my french teacher is clearly gay, and many of my classmates have made some rude comments about him and I do nothing to shut them up. *sighs*
You can try to explain to them that these sort of comments are hurtful and make people feel bad for what they are, if you think it's worth the hassle. (And I think it could be since you are stuck with them as long as you are in the same class with them)

Just started playing Stick it to the man!... Damn, that game is GORGEOUS!!! Hope it's fun as well.
Great game but I got stuck at some point (near the end). The level layout is sometimes really confusing, more than in a Metroid game. :/
You can try to explain to them that these sort of comments are hurtful and make people feel bad for what they are, if you think it's worth the hassle. (And I think it could be since you are stuck with them as long as you are in the same class with them)

Great game but I got stuck at some point (near the end). The level layout is sometimes really confusing, more than in a Metroid game. :/

A few days ago I played against someone named Gato online, he was using Greninja. Was it you by any chance? =P


Well my weekend project is finally done (two days late) and now I'm bored again.
(Then again I did just give myself an excuse to replay all of my Gamecube games....)

I think I'm going to fill out another round of applications within the next couple of days.

Nope I got ToS Chronicles. I heard about the 30FPS but it's a JRPG so I figured it didn't matter :v

If nothing else, it looks a smidge nicer at 60.

The frame rate is a bit of bummer, but this version has more content, so it's the best way to go.

Ah, I forgot that it was based off of the PS2 rerelease. Mah bad.


Hey all, first time posting in here.

Notice quite a few of you are playing Smash, so if you want to have a few battles hit us up.

FC is 0301-9822-1084, I'll add anyone once I get home.


I understand the "I do nothing to shut them up" aspect to what you're going through. When my family members make homophobic comments, I just sit there and take it. I dare not speak out against them for fear of accidentally coming out to them. Just not ready for that yet. :/

Ugh, that's the worse thing about being closeted, family insulting you without them knowing.

I myself make rude comments towards classmates of mine who say dumb shit like that. But honestly, I don't blame you. It's like talking to a bunch of rocks.

Yes, fortunately I don't see them outside classes but I'm not okay with the way they think about us.

You can try to explain to them that these sort of comments are hurtful and make people feel bad for what they are, if you think it's worth the hassle. (And I think it could be since you are stuck with them as long as you are in the same class with them)

Nah, too much trouble for me, I'll just keep silent.
I understand the "I do nothing to shut them up" aspect to what you're going through. When my family members make homophobic comments, I just sit there and take it. I dare not speak out against them for fear of accidentally coming out to them. Just not ready for that yet. :/

Damn, that really sucks to hear. It has to be next year and not next semester (although technically next semester IS next year)? And don't worry about the age thing - it doesn't really matter as long as you are wanting to go and further your education.

Are you financially dependent on your family? I believe you live in the South US and are probably surrounded by a conservative echo chamber.. Chances are pretty good that your family loves you and coming out to them might make them think to reconsider their prejudices. Its very easy to hate nebulous people who may be foreigners with ways different from their own but when these people are family members, friends and co-workers? You'll see the hate wither away (or they'll just talk shit behind your back.)

I understand that not everyone is in the position to come out, but for those who are, I consider it a moral duty.
pouring one out for Louisiana #RIP.

Louisiana is in a Federal appeals district that also contains Texas and Mississippi, which I believe will be the district that upholds gay marriage bans. The verdict in that case can only be appealed to the US Supreme court and I believe when they do that, this issue will be settled quickly in every state once and for all.


pouring one out for Louisiana #RIP.
Our time will come.
Hell, if the Fifth Circuit rules against gay marriage, it might be the case that SCOTUS takes-up (especially if combined with the Texas case). Just imagine the reactions around the state, lol

If the Fifth announces a hearing date with enough heads-up time, Greg & I might try to play hooky at work and go see the hearing in person. It would require a camping trip on the sidewalk, but waiting for a few hours to witness history might be worth it!
Are you financially dependent on your family?

Not really, no. They have helped me some in the past when I was in debt and wasn't making enough to comfortably pay my bills, but not anymore.

I believe you live in the South US and are probably surrounded by a conservative echo chamber..

I do and I am. My family is ultra-conservative and my parents in particular are very religious (even my grandparents were/are both pastors at our church growing up).

Chances are pretty good that your family loves you and coming out to them might make them think to reconsider their prejudices. Its very easy to hate nebulous people who may be foreigners with ways different from their own but when these people are family members, friends and co-workers? You'll see the hate wither away (or they'll just talk shit behind your back.)

I know you're right in that they would still love me, but I really don't know if it would make them reconsider their prejudices. I've heard my mom say things like gay people need to find Jesus and they will be cured of their illness/sins. I've seen them even make fun of a rather flamboyant gay person at my brother's wedding (he was friends with my brother's wife's sister), but then on the ride back to my brother's house, say that same crap about hoping he finds Jesus.

I understand that not everyone is in the position to come out, but for those who are, I consider it a moral duty.

I'm not sure if I necessarily agree coming out is a "moral duty." I think people should do it more so for themselves than some kind of duty. I will come out to my family eventually, but only when I'm comfortable and ready for it. I know I'm just afraid of the very likely shitstorm that will come as a result, and it'll probably only get worse the longer I wait, but... I dunno. :/ The next person I plan to come out to would be my brother and his wife. All my friends know (well, the friends I truly care about, anyways).


So today was pretty special because it was the release of my very first book.

It's a book... about books (ha!). 104 pages of jokes and witty reviews of books of all sorts (from classics and erotic novels to comic books and our childhood heroes). It's full of parodies and never takes itself seriously (well except when I talk about The Simpsons remake of Lord of the Flies or that old PC game called I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, because I take these things very seriously, haha).

That's why the title is a portmanteau between "lol" and "littérature" (which is basically just french for "litterature"). It was co-written with a good friend of mine, and illustrated by a cool girl who already has her own comic book series.


Feels weird to see my name featured on the Amazon website and even weirder to see it on the cover of a hardcover book. So yeah, I guess that's officially the beginning of my career as an author!
So today was pretty special because it was the release of my very first book.

It's a book... about books (ha!). 104 pages of jokes and witty reviews of books of all sorts (from classics and erotic novels to comic books and our childhood heroes). It's full of parodies and never takes itself seriously (well except when I talk about The Simpsons remake of Lord of the Flies or that old PC game called I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, because I take these things very seriously, haha).

That's why the title is a portmanteau between "lol" and "littérature" (which is basically just french for "litterature"). It was co-written with a good friend of mine, and illustrated by a cool girl who already has her own comic book series.


Feels weird to see my name featured on the Amazon website and even weirder to see it on the cover of a hardcover book. So yeah, I guess that's officially the beginning of my career as an author!

Yeah good luck! Also: you look cute! 😶
Good job, Grizzo! That looks like a rather good book~ If only I could read French. :c Well, it's a nice concept! Good luck, and keep at it!


So today was pretty special because it was the release of my very first book.

It's a book... about books (ha!). 104 pages of jokes and witty reviews of books of all sorts (from classics and erotic novels to comic books and our childhood heroes). It's full of parodies and never takes itself seriously (well except when I talk about The Simpsons remake of Lord of the Flies or that old PC game called I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, because I take these things very seriously, haha).

That's why the title is a portmanteau between "lol" and "littérature" (which is basically just french for "litterature"). It was co-written with a good friend of mine, and illustrated by a cool girl who already has her own comic book series.


Feels weird to see my name featured on the Amazon website and even weirder to see it on the cover of a hardcover book. So yeah, I guess that's officially the beginning of my career as an author!


You're on your way to become a famous writer!
like Alan Wake :p
Hmm... might be a good book to read to practice my French.


Going to my school's queer club tonight for the first time. A little nervous.

Congrats on the authoring, Grizzo, that's fantastic :)


Hunky Nostradamus
So today was pretty special because it was the release of my very first book.

It's a book... about books (ha!). 104 pages of jokes and witty reviews of books of all sorts (from classics and erotic novels to comic books and our childhood heroes). It's full of parodies and never takes itself seriously (well except when I talk about The Simpsons remake of Lord of the Flies or that old PC game called I Have No Mouth And I Must Scream, because I take these things very seriously, haha).

That's why the title is a portmanteau between "lol" and "littérature" (which is basically just french for "litterature"). It was co-written with a good friend of mine, and illustrated by a cool girl who already has her own comic book series.


Feels weird to see my name featured on the Amazon website and even weirder to see it on the cover of a hardcover book. So yeah, I guess that's officially the beginning of my career as an author!

Congratz :O
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