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LIMBO |OT| What awaits at the edge of Hell?

ACE 1991

Alright GAF, I give up.
I'm having trouble solving the puzzle where there are two crates and a pressure sensitive button that when activated reverses gravity, shooting the crates to the ceiling. I understand that I need to some how get one of the crates to rise so I can jump up to the ladder, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get myself to rise close enough to the ladder so that I can jump on.

If someone can explain how to solve this I would be very grateful :lol
ACE 1991 said:
Alright GAF, I give up.
I'm having trouble solving the puzzle where there are two crates and a pressure sensitive button that when activated reverses gravity, shooting the crates to the ceiling. I understand that I need to some how get one of the crates to rise so I can jump up to the ladder, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get myself to rise close enough to the ladder so that I can jump on.

If someone can explain how to solve this I would be very grateful :lol

If it's the part I think it is
push one of the crates up the hill to the right, it will slide down and hit the pressure plate, allowing you time to use the other crate to get up to the section so you can then grab it when it falls.


Official GAF Bottom Feeder
ACE 1991 said:
Alright GAF, I give up.
I'm having trouble solving the puzzle where there are two crates and a pressure sensitive button that when activated reverses gravity, shooting the crates to the ceiling. I understand that I need to some how get one of the crates to rise so I can jump up to the ladder, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get myself to rise close enough to the ladder so that I can jump on.

If someone can explain how to solve this I would be very grateful :lol

Push one crate all the way left, then push one all the way right up the ramp, then run back down the ramp, jump over the button (very important, don't hit it) and climb up the left box onto the ramp. The right crate will slide down, hit the button and launch the left crate up to where you can not get to it. Should be obvious from here.

Nelo Ice

well this is surprising

just went downstairs and my sisters boyfriend(who mostly plays mw2/tiger woods) bought limbo

then my sister is like i was playing it last night and i bought it for him

me:O_O :lol


Steroid Distributor
ACE 1991 said:
Alright GAF, I give up.
I'm having trouble solving the puzzle where there are two crates and a pressure sensitive button that when activated reverses gravity, shooting the crates to the ceiling. I understand that I need to some how get one of the crates to rise so I can jump up to the ladder, but I can't for the life of me figure out how to get myself to rise close enough to the ladder so that I can jump on.

If someone can explain how to solve this I would be very grateful :lol

This part owned me for a quite awhile. I actually turned the game off twice without being able to finish it.
Finally got it and felt like a champ.


So, I ran into a frustrating glitch and from the looks of things I'm the only one who's gotten hit by it :D

First, the backstory:
I had my gamer profile (as well as my wife's) stored on a 64mb memory card. More than likely it was near the space limit. When I started the game, and saw the path leading right, I immediately went left to explore and stumbled on the first egg(?) and then I got this error message:

"Achievement could not be awarded because the Storage Device containing the active gamer profile is no longer present, inaccessible or full."

So, I moved it to the hard drive, freed up some space, and the error message continues to pop up.

At this point, I play the game and finish it, grabbing more eggs along the way. Complete the game and still no achievements.

I try starting a new game and get the same error when I start the game.

I'm guessing its related to the avatar award (no idea how big those things are) which is tied to the memory card, and since the DRM is in place to prevent you from copying it between consoles/etc, I'm out of luck I'm guessing.

Anyone else run into this or heard of anyone else hit by it?


Death and trial and error wasn't what made this a shit game. Why do people feel like either of those conventions did nothing besides were purely game conventions that are supplementary to the puzzle mechanics. If you fail the puzzle you die, otherwise you proceed. It is rather straight forward. Too bad the puzzle aspect was shit.
I liked it, but it got a lot less interesting as time went by. I liked the woods area much better than the mechanical and city area that makes up 90% of the game (seemingly).

All in all though a solid game if for no other reason than the atmosphere and the pretty graphics.


Neuromancer said:
I liked it, but it got a lot less interesting as time went by. I liked the woods area much better than the mechanical and city area that makes up 90% of the game (seemingly).

All in all though a solid game if for no other reason than the atmosphere and the pretty graphics.

Pretty much my exact thoughts


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
wizword said:
Death and trial and error wasn't what made this a shit game. Why do people feel like either of those conventions did nothing besides were purely game conventions that are supplementary to the puzzle mechanics. If you fail the puzzle you die, otherwise you proceed. It is rather straight forward. Too bad the puzzle aspect was shit.
Why was it "shit" in your eyes?

Seemed perfect for a game like this. There was a bit of a challenge to them, but nothing outrageous.


Just finished the game last night. Enjoyed it quite a bit, but it did feel short. The puzzles are fine, but many are on the easy side so it feels like you fly through parts of the game. Several were difficult enough to present a good challenge, but Braid felt much tougher overall.

However, I love the atmosphere here. I wish there was more of a definite story -- or at least a hint of why the kid is there and what he's looking for. Some kind of narrative hook.

Like everyone else, I would ask for more creepy
evil kid
puzzles, less of the

A good experience overall. Glad I played it.
Scarecrow said:
Where's everyone getting the whole
car crash
theory from? Besides the
going through the glass at the end
Look at the top right corner in the main menu.

ringlord said:
However, I love the atmosphere here. I wish there was more of a definite story -- or at least a hint of why the kid is there and what he's looking for. Some kind of narrative hook.
If you read the description of the game in the dashboard it says that a boy enters limbo to find his sister. Not quite what you're asking for, but at least there is a back story to the game.


not tag worthy
Just got aroudn to playing this game, holy moly it is amazing, I love it, played it after a long day at work so my mind was not as sharp, had a couple of "..err how am I supposed to??" "oh right it's this way .." moments but I loved it, found that the eurogamer video can spoil/hint at what you need to do next lol

Get it love it :D

Oni Jazar

I found the game was very enjoyable all the way through but like others I agree the first half was much better then the second. There was such a wondrous sense of mystery when you encounter the mechanical spider. You run up to it and it's not even a threat. So was it meant for you and no one was manning their post? Why? How come these "natives" are both hostile and timid? I liked that all the traps and obstacles were grounded with the low tech environment surrounding them. Later on when the end becomes full sci-fi complete with anti-gravity devices and laser-guided turrets it becomes much more gamey. I'm sure there's a thematic reason for it all but the wonder was gone and you're just left with the desire to move on to the next puzzle as fast as you can.

Re: death as a learning mechanic: Normally I'd say trial by death is poor game design but Limbo is an exception. The death animations are so varied and twisted you kind of want to see them all. There's a creative effort that was involved with each one. It's like Dragon's Lair in that way. Near the end I got to see the kid's entrails in a death animation and it was eye opening. Nice attention to detail on what is just a silhouette.


Okay. I am downloading this game now. I had to take my Xbox back from my brother who is too lazy to call Microsoft and have his fixed... again. I kept saying I would take it back, but never did. Now I have. So I hope this game is worth it.

After turning my console on, it took me through loops just to get here. First it had to update the Dashboard. Which is reasonable since the last time I used it was in October shortly after Microsoft cancelled my Gold account for no reason a week after I PAID $50 TO RENEW IT. Once it was updated it took me to the Dashboard logged out. So I logged in and went to Marketplace where it told me I had no LIVE account. So it took me through loops to sign up for one. I thought it was just confirming my already existent info, but nooo. For some reason the console thought I didn't have an account. I finally realized this when it got to the "Pick a gamer tag" page and said jStereo was taken, suggested Jasoco then said Jasoco was taken. I assume Jasoco was my name on my old Xbox and the reason I had to use jStereo for the 360. I dunno. After shutting it off, then back on, it worked right this time and is now downloading.

I'm skipping the demo for once because I just know I'll enjoy the game. So why waste time downloading a demo when I can just Jump In and play the full thing. For some reason I already had 920 points so I just had to buy 400 more.

I'm on Silver because I don't see the reason to pay $50 a year to play online when I don't like playing online... at all. Just give me a bunch of single-player casual games and I'll be fine. As long as this game lets me still get Achievements, I don't care. Oh, it's done! Off I go!

Edit: Forgot how loud the damn console was. God. So loud! Wish I had $300 to get a new one.

Edit again: What? I fell down the hole after the part early on with the
kids running away and the two swinging traps
and I fell through the floor and into empty space. I fell for 4 seconds before resting in the middle of the air unable to move or die. Then I exited and started again from my continue and my Xbox froze. WTF?


Law of the West
I haven't booted up my xbox in a long time but am gonna pull this down tonight after reading your impressions... thx GAF! :D


played yesterday, completely fell in love.

Art style and intelligent platforming fits awesome. Now, I'd kill for a Steam or WiiWare version.

Kai Dracon

Writing a dinosaur space opera symphony
For my tastes, it is too short. Especially because it does fall apart and seem to lose its own thematic meat by dropping the initial theme in favor of where it ends up, which is frankly, boring.

Great concept, vague and unfocused execution that pretty much goes nowhere. It will be praised as "proof that games are art" by some people just because of a spooky visual presentation, lack of HUD, and a grain filter :p

If I had to consider one of the summer of arcade games the "free game" after one got the refund for buying all five, it'd definitely be this.
Kaijima said:
It will be praised as "proof that games are art" by some people just because of a spooky visual presentation, lack of HUD, and a grain filter :p

if you're defining art as anything along the lines of something being arranged in a purposeful manner to elicit an emotional response (as i generally think of it), i'd say that's more centrally where the art of the game lies - the craft of the level and puzzle design. every scene and step of the game is unique built to make you think in difference ways and go through a fairly wide emotional spectrum - apprehensiveness, terror, satisfaction, elation, etc.

the aesthetic and atmosphere are incredibly artful, but i don't think that's even where the most interesting or stimulating parts of the game lie.


Kaijima said:
It will be praised as "proof that games are art" by some people just because of a spooky visual presentation, lack of HUD, and a grain filter :p

The visual presentation was wonderful and it goes way beyond "a grain filter", which I've no doubt you had to notice. No need to minimize its accomplishments in order to exaggerate your negative impression.


Kaijima said:
For my tastes, it is too short. Especially because it does fall apart and seem to lose its own thematic meat by dropping the initial theme in favor of where it ends up, which is frankly, boring.

Great concept, vague and unfocused execution that pretty much goes nowhere. It will be praised as "proof that games are art" by some people just because of a spooky visual presentation, lack of HUD, and a grain filter :p

If I had to consider one of the summer of arcade games the "free game" after one got the refund for buying all five, it'd definitely be this.
So you've played the last three games for SoA? Where'd ya gettum?!?


Played through it a couple of days ago. Excellent game. I really got a Portal vibe from it. Both use a simple set of mechanics and twist how they are used to create puzzles. I had 1200 MS points worth of fun easily, so sorted. :D



Did my second attempt to beat it dying less than five times, and made it up to
the second rotating section with only two deaths by that point.

Then my 360 hard locked on me. I don't think I'll be trying it again for a while.


Great game, got all the achievements except for dying 5 times or less, that is just sadistic, but plenty of people have gotten it already. There are certain parts where it seems like you could die easily and end up with more than 5 deaths. Great game, here's hoping for a longer sequel down the road. My fiance also enjoyed it quite a bit. We need more of these polished looking live arcade games in the $10-$15 range, great little games to play.

Any chance of arcade games being worth more than 200 gamerpoints down the road? Seems like for some of the longer ones 300-500 gamerpoints would be more appropriate.
Just finished it. Overall, a unique and memorable experience. Puzzles were great and challenging. There are some death and retry mechanisms, but they weren't frustrating as most of the deaths can be avoided if you're playing the game being extra cautious, or you can just "embrace" them to solve the puzzles. It was a short game though, but I still don't regret the 15€, as the production value in general in this game (visuals, design, audio, atmosphere) is just amazing. One of the most gorgeous games I played this gen.


Haunted said:
That is the end. Congratulations, mission accomplished.

See page 6 and 7 of this thread for story discussion, especially the posts here and here. :)

That's basically the conclusion I came to as well. So...haunting and sad. I really love this game.

Double D

I've managed to get through this whole game without having to ask for help. Now I'm stuck, and the worst part is that I think I know what I'm supposed to do but I just physically can't. HELP!!
It's the part where you jump into the gravity sign, hit the action button and everything flips upside down. A box comes up from the ground and lands on your left. I'm pretty sure you have to push the box to the right and have it keep sliding but also run back to the left in order to hit the gravity switch and have the box move to the right, near the buzzsaw. I can't get the box over there because I can't get the timing right.
Hopefully I'm just missing something and it isn't really this tedious.


Vik_Vaughn said:
I've managed to get through this whole game without having to ask for help. Now I'm stuck, and the worst part is that I think I know what I'm supposed to do but I just physically can't. HELP!!
It's the part where you jump into the gravity sign, hit the action button and everything flips upside down. A box comes up from the ground and lands on your left. I'm pretty sure you have to push the box to the right and have it keep sliding but also run back to the left in order to hit the gravity switch and have the box move to the right, near the buzzsaw. I can't get the box over there because I can't get the timing right.
Hopefully I'm just missing something and it isn't really this tedious.

Push Crate 1 to the left at the wall, push crate 2 all the way to the right. While 2 is sliding down, run and jump onto crate 1 to get out of the ditch, then grab it when the gravity switch is hit.

Double D

Rlan said:
Push Crate 1 to the left at the wall, push crate 2 all the way to the right. While 2 is sliding down, run and jump onto crate 1 to get out of the ditch, then grab it when the gravity switch is hit.

I'm past that puzzle. This is later in the game After the

Edit: I just youtubed it and was doing everything wrong and making it more complicated than it needed to be. Also founf out it was Chapter 24, btw. Thanks.
Just bought this today and finished it (about 3-3.5 hours), it's a really excellent experience and I'm glad I got it. I played the last 2 hours or so in the dark and the sound effects and art just drew me in. I like the minimalist story that still leaves you something to think about. Definitely something I will go back to (to find more eggs and just to play again) so I feel the price is justified. A unique and memorable experience that has a real melancholy feel (with a touch of black humor sprinkled in). Good stuff.


I need to make another run through this game after reading all of this. Plus the 195/200 is killing me. Do want last achievement.


Alright I see two folks with 125% how does that work? I'm sitting at 108% with 9 extra eggs(non-achievement eggs) I believe. Does the last achievement give 17% or am I missing some additional eggs?

Also the game is sitting at 280k it's going to hit 300k in three weeks. Incredible.
theinfinityissue said:
Anyone know if there is any chance of this coming to a platform I own? I'm desperate to try it. PS3/PC version possible...?

Probably not, apparently MS is only publishing XBLA exclusives now, and the PC version may have been cancelled because of that.


i keep getting to the last bit with the buzz saws with 3 or so lives to spare, but the stress of it is keeping me from successfully getting through. so frustrating.
This might be a dumb question....

But is there a soundtrack for this game? I know there really isnt much music really in the game, but at the end theres this melody that plays (that happens to be apart of the game mechanic as well) but its in my head and I wanna listen to it lol. Wondering if they made an mp3 of it.


Fixed2BeBroken said:
This might be a dumb question....

But is there a soundtrack for this game? I know there really isnt much music really in the game, but at the end theres this melody that plays (that happens to be apart of the game mechanic as well) but its in my head and I wanna listen to it lol. Wondering if they made an mp3 of it.
Are you talking about the gravity timer sound effect, cos I thought it was awesome how they worked that into the level's theme
adelante said:
Are you talking about the gravity timer sound effect, cos I thought it was awesome how they worked that into the level's theme

yea as i said, part of the song was a game mechanic...but it blended so well...i want an mp3 of that :lol


o_O @_@ O_o
Just played through the game two nights ago. I've been fooling around with the game, trying to get faster and maybe try to get through it without dying once. Got bored and made these. I might make more, as I've got plenty of footage.

Avatar-sized if anyone wants them, but please re-host these if you're going to use them. I can't guarantee these will be available on the server forever anyway.



Dash Kappei

Not actually that important
So I've just finished installing my new home cinema projector (Sony SXRD Vpl-HW15 1080p) along with my new HD scaler processing box (Cinescaler HD) and fired this game up for the very first time a couple of hours ago... and it blew me away. I'm not saying everybody has to experience the game like this, obviously, but man this one floored me even without the shiny gfx (but I'm a sucker for artsy art) and bombastic 7.1 sound.
Going to take a few pic with my shitty cellphone (which will fuck up all the colors no matter what) and will post them in a bit.
Thread's in limbo anyway (eh!), so I guess nobody wil be bothered by the pics (just a few Kb anyway).

Be back in a bit!


BreakyBoy said:
Just played through the game two nights ago. I've been fooling around with the game, trying to get faster and maybe try to get through it without dying once. Got bored and made these. I might make more, as I've got plenty of footage.

Avatar-sized if anyone wants them, but please re-host these if you're going to use them. I can't guarantee these will be available on the server forever anyway.




Mine, thanks !
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