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Logitech Wireless controller = wow


not an idiot
that would be neat. i just hope they don't put a cord on the transceiver, i hate that so much. the idea is to NOT have cords, not to just move the cord down to the xbox. i can't figure out why they do that, i fucking hate it with a passion, it's sloppy.

p.s. i was talking about the new logi precision wireless pad for xbox, not the old one. yes, i hate it and i think it sucks. shitty analog sticks, transceiver that has a wire with a big blob on the end (the dual memory card thing). i hate the short throw triggers that have been placed at a different angle, i hate that the analog sticks have a dome top and are slippery, and that they have almost no tension at all to them. i hate the ergonomics of the whole thing and the buttons sometimes have to be pushed extra hard to respond.
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