I have a confession to make:
I adore each Herbie movie, and everytime I'm in Best Buy, I seceretly lust after the box set. My VHS *ahem* "copies" from my childhood are pretty much dust at this point.
I do thank Disney for not taking the easy way out and using a New Beetle. I do take issue with the CG effects. What made Herbie so insanely unique is that it was the ultimate test of your imagination, in the same vein as Harvey the invisible rabbit. At a certain point, you believed that the car was alive for no other reason than everybody else said so. I guess my faith in kids' imaginations today is a bit stronger than Disney's. I'll deal.
And I'd pay $8 to see a Herbie movie. I can get Lindsay Lohan - without a digital boob job - for free on the Internet. Hell, on both Internets.
(Also, a nitpick: At some point, there better be a "fully loaded" rendition of the original Herbie music.)