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Lords of the Fallen |OT| Not that one. The other one.


Wakes up play the game, somehow 10 hour vanish today.
Going to jog right now , but the game is great for me. Umbral is absolute clusterfuck I love it

how is this game compared to lies of phil for though that have played both? Once I am done with dark souls remastered. I want to play one of these next.
Im only 2 boss in in this game but so far lies of p levels are really linear but its gameplay+graphic very polished. I cant say about what the later bosses do in this game but pi's bosses are really guilty of choppy animation and plagued with "deliberately delayed attack" that you cant reflect your way out of the timing.

Both of pi and fallen have better movement than ds1 but I like fallen more because I prefer faster pace in these.
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Gold Member
how is this game compared to lies of phil? for those that have played both? Once I am done with dark souls remastered. I want to play one of these next.

I like this much more but I'm a medieval fanboy. I do love Lies of P though! I also like Dark Souls 2 more than Bloodborne for that very reason(and because of build variety) so take my opinion with a grain of salt maybe. :p

Anyway, I'm guessing bosses get a lot easier than Pieta going by what people said about the boss difficulty because she is owning me worse than almost any boss in Souls boss right now...
I gave it a go for a couple hours but the game feels way too messy. Animations and sound effects are wack, not sure how to describe it but something about the art direction and the environment designs just looks ugly to me. Playing this directly after Lies of P feels like a huge downgrade in terms of overall polish.


Gold Member
Hmm, does anyone know if there is a way to change the length of a character in the character creator? I just defeated Pieta, but I have a feeling that my character is quite tiny compared to other NPC's? It's bothering me.


Gold Member
Playing the PC version. The menu is jankey as fuck. The controller can't select all the menu options.

Also, this is on a 3070RTX laptop and the graphics are hitching. I will try dropping it from 1440p to 1080p.

Not certain how this passed QA with the rickety menu.
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Welp, found my Pyro NPC, she was hiding in plain sight all along, not straightforward to gain access to her...

A bit more photo mode goodness 📸


Lokaum D+

how is this game compared to lies of phil? for those that have played both? Once I am done with dark souls remastered. I want to play one of these next.
Imo LoP is way better, they are not even at the same room, i consider LoP a souls game not a souls like, it feels like a From game, LotF just feel like the standard generic souls-like that u can find anywhere.
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I can only speak for myself, running on a decent but modest gaming laptop with an RTX 3080 laptop card. I am running all settings on high, with film grain and chromatic aberration off at 3440x1440 21:9 on an ultra-wide monitor. With DLSS set to performance I am getting rock solid 60 fps.

Personal opinion with about 1.5 hours of playtime in:
  • I think it looks really nice so far.
  • The Umbral lamp seems just a touch tedious.
  • Overall gameplay is good and what I'd expect from a souls-like.
It's no Sekiro, but really what is? (Sekiro is the all time greatest game ever. Fight me.)
For what it's worth, I like it enough so far that I will definitely continue. We shall see if it holds up over the long run.
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how is this game compared to lies of phil? for those that have played both? Once I am done with dark souls remastered. I want to play one of these next.
Lies of P is an extremely polished, linear souls experience. Fun weapons, rock solid performance, no bugs. It’s tough and some people dislike the difficulty spikes.

LoTF is more ambitious. Huge, gothic souls experience. Plays like absolute ass on PS5 and the combat is nothing like as refined. Might be ok in with about a year’s worth of patches.

On console, Lies of P is objectively a better performing game. It’s also (imo) miles better as a game.


Gold Member
This PC version did a weird thing where it did not recognize my bonuses until the second time I booted up. It also did not recognize my agreement to the terms of use until the second time.


Cretinously credulous
Playing the PC version. The menu is jankey as fuck. The controller can't select all the menu options.

Also, this is on a 3070RTX laptop and the graphics are hitching. I will try dropping it from 1440p to 1080p.

Not certain how this passed QA with the rickety menu.

a couple of suggestions-

1.update the drivers and the game
2. Make sure resolution scale is set to 100. For some reason it was at 50 for me and caused massive stuttering
3. Disable Ray-tracing (set reflections and global illumination to medium)

These made the game totally smooth for me
Anyway, I'm guessing bosses get a lot easier than Pieta going by what people said about the boss difficulty because she is owning me worse than almost any boss in Souls boss right now...
She kicked my ass so bad. Took about 50 attempts and I finally "got good" (lucky).
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The enemy variety is shockingly low in this game and the mob spam in umbral world is annoying af based on some streams i watched. Hopefully they will balance this shit alongside the performance fixes and audio improvements


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
I could write a thesis of how this game is the worst game of not only 2023 but makes Gollum and RedFall look like GOTY contenders.

Just some few other awful decisions they made:

Boss rooms aren’t noticeable. You walk into an area and oh you’re in a boss room. Never a checkpoint right by the boss unless you farm souls for seeds to find one close enough.

Example is the third boss where I wasted my last seed in a tunnel area prior to this boss so I always have to run past like 3-5 enemies in a tiny tunnel rolling hoping I don’t get hit before I reach boss area.

Let’s talk about the third major boss. He’s in a room with 6 or 7 enemies. All of these enemies are condensed into one spot and the boss plus these dudes cannot take damage because you have to use the lamp to rip the floating protection thing , of which there are two. The boss is no slow lumbering guy to let you tackle these extras and get rid of the protect buff— he’s rushing your shit down. Oh and I’m using a strength build with a high damage weapon , and these extra enemies should be a 1-3 hit right ? No. Try 7+ hits. For the adds. Of which there are 6. Of which they all sling spells or try to attack while the boss is going ape shit.

Really think about this boss and break down how insane this is. Reflect on how the lamp can’t quickly get rid of the buff leaving you completely open to all attacks. Think on why guys wearing robes need 7 hits to die when you’re using a strength build with a long sword meant to do big damage.

Next up we and in conjunction with the above and what others have said as you progress into the game you are not getting stronger. The enemies health pools are the amount of a dark souls boss , and you’re always thrown into room after room of 3-6 dudes at once trying to fuck you up at once. You’ll constantly run by enemies, and have to rely on mundane boring slow as molasses soul farm in areas. Speaking of souls you have to be dick riding on top of them to pick them up.

Constantly having issues with animations , collision detection , and more. This combat just falls straight apart for sword and board or spear. Lock on system is fucked sometimes requiring several lock on button hits just to actually lock on because the game won’t do it. Enjoy switching to the enemy closest to you but the game constantly picking something farther away. And the lock on system prioritizing the red buffed enemy that killed someone instead of the guy next to you .

The visuals , lighting, resolution or a combination of these things can and will get you lost missing the most basic things like a ladder that doesn’t look like a ladder since it blends into the environment.


And with that and my prior issues with this game I’m out. This studio needs to stick to making some Barbie’s Horse Racing games.

Edit: Their patch to nerf damage is pointless, the issue isn’t enemies hitting hard, it’s enemies having waaaaaaaay too much health. If they nerfed every enemy health pool by 50% after the first boss we would be in business.
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Cretinously credulous
OK gotta admit some level design in the game is amateur hour. Stop throwing multiple enemies at me on ledges where I cant jump or dodge or roll. If I roll I die by falling into a cliff and if I dont well the enemies gang-up and kill me. All the while there is a dude or two throwing magic shit at me from like 10 miles away!


OK gotta admit some level design in the game is amateur hour. Stop throwing multiple enemies at me on ledges where I cant jump or dodge or roll. If I roll I die by falling into a cliff and if I dont well the enemies gang-up and kill me. All the while there is a dude or two throwing magic shit at me from like 10 miles away!
It’s awful. And it gets worse.

Not sure how far you are into the game, but I’m five bosses in and it’s just gank souls. Every level is just a tedious slog of multiple mobs rushing you whilst dickheads snipe at you from miles off.


Gold Member
The enemy variety is shockingly low in this game and the mob spam in umbral world is annoying af based on some streams i watched. Hopefully they will balance this shit alongside the performance fixes and audio improvements

I use umbral to farm levels and I think you're supposed to be rushing to leave that state of being since it's the world of death so it is appropriate imo.


His title says xbox and ps5 yet his description is xbox series x. Folks in the comments says no issues with ps5. Seems like an “xbox” issue.
It’s dogshit on PS5 too.

The frame rate is more stable now, but the game has been horribly downgraded.

I think this is the worst release this generation in terms of what was previewed and what ended up being delivered.


Gold Member
I spoke to the main character from the first game after the patch and he gave me a seed to make a closer bonfire. I wonder if it's adaptive difficulty lol or an addition from the patch. I love and hate Pieta lol


Loves his juicy stink trail scent
This will likely get patched and figured you all should abuse this cheese if you want:

The boss I mentioned earlier with the big electric hammer and a bell on his head in a room with basically a cage in the middle with 6+ dudes chanting , casting spells , and has two protection orbs.

If you can manage to use your lamp to get rid of the protection on the boss , there is a small cliff on the side of the room that leads to a door with a chest. Lead him to the door cliff, hop off, you’ll take no damage, and he will hop off and take 2,000 damage. Repeat this like 5 times and he dies.

Felt no remorse to cheese this earlier today before I made my prior post.

Lux R7

killed the

horse dude in the swamp
, i farmed a little bit, upgraded my char with spells and still having a blast. I'm using a claymore type sword and a shield. I feel like you really need to be prepared in this game, with heals, ranged options, spells etc because there are a lot of enemies.


I'm enjoying it more the further I get. Was kinda regretting choosing Preacher early on (all gear seemed to be strength/agilty) but now having those extra heals is coming in clutch. Plus it put me on the path to using Pieta's lightsaber "short" sword and the spell to do her pair of summons. Good stuff!

Just got to what I assume is the proper rematch against the intro boss that one shots you. ~11 hours in.


Gold Member
I am kind of confused how the lantern thing works. Left trigger, then right trigger?

Do I have to beat down enemies before doing that?


So, my sojourn today took me through the first boss, the hub, and around it back out to what I can only describe as Plank-land. Currently At Boss 2. Having a good time.


I am kind of confused how the lantern thing works. Left trigger, then right trigger?

Do I have to beat down enemies before doing that?
I don't normally use XBox controls. Someone can correct if I fucked up the buttons.

LT activates the lamp (or your ranged option if that's selected). Using the lamp to look into the umbral world is free. LT+RB will siphon umbral resources which are the glowing blue blobs. This is also free to use. LT+RT will do a soul flay which when used to interact with the environment (such as moving platforms) is free. If used on an enemy it will pull their soul from their body which you can attack (pro tip: you can also use it to force asshole enemies off platforms to fall to their death). This costs a charge which is indicated under your health/stamina bars. LT+X moves you into the umbral world (you can NOT do this to leave umbral) and finally LT+Y in beds of flowers will let you create a temporary Vestige (bonfire) but you need a seedling to make them.
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