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Low End Steam Machine better than PS4/XboxOne specs wise for only $100 more

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Not accusing all PC users of this but why are so many invested in wanting consoles to die so much?

Did the PS4 run over your dog? If consoles die, I guarantee gaming will get a lot worse.

I love PC. I love consoles. It shouldn't be a war to see consoles die when it benefits no one.

I think it partly boils down to exclusive games, and how some PC die-hards would love to see the whole concept of a console exclusive done away with, so that everything released can come to an open platform and they don't have to resort to buying a lowly console. I've seen that very attitude on this forum - they like to dress it up as pro-consumer convenience, but it is essentially nothing more than glorified port-begging.


it was one person who said it, and that master race shit is bannable.

But it (what I and the other user mentioned) happens in plenty of threads. I can't count how many times I've had people on here tell me I should stop using a console and in general, how often the "this PC is cheaper and more powerful than the <insert console name here>" discussion has been brought up. One person in this thread but a lot in others and elsewhere.

And I don't see the issue with the term in that context, since it is exactly the reason those kinds of views get brought up. Someone should tell the guy in the PS Eye thread that as he calls himself that term in the very first post.

On topic, no, this machine isn't RIP consoles. As was stated early on, consoles get the luxury of having set components that developers get to fine tune and push to their limits.


If you read the description that machine has 2gb of ram, so four times a 360. If anyone can show me a PC that can run the game at 360 settings with a total of 512mb of ram I'd love to see it.

Past gen games had much more different streaming [very aggressive in some cases] on consoles. It cant be reproduced on PC 1:1.
Also having more memory doesnt magically give You performance.

It's not. With hUMA the CPU can simply pass a pointer to the GPU, which you can't with NUMA.
Omg. Now show me that hUMA advantage in real world scenario.
Nvidia FLEX technology shows that You dont need hUMA for anything compute related.

2.75GHz? Wasn't that supposed to be the frequency for Wifi module?
The core clock speed of Sony’s latest console is 1.6Ghz, and it can be overclocked to 2.75Ghz max per core.

2.75GHz? Wasn't that supposed to be the frequency for its Wifi module?

So it really doesn't matter that this year's is still 100 more when next year's will be even, the year after that's 100$ cheaper, etc--and the consoles all the while remain constant and unchanging

That's if Sony/MS don't drop the price tag on their consoles in the next two years.


A PC isn't just a gaming machine (yes, consoles aren't either nowadays, but their functionality is still severely limited as they're closed ecosystems), but it's a multi functional open computing system that can do gaming. Thus a PC should generally be expected to cost a bit more. Most people have laptops or even cheap desktops that they use for their basic computing needs (this is changing more and more though as tablets are getting more use in that regard, but PC still has a strong place too), so often it's more like putting in some more money after being able to fulfill that in order to be able to also play games that take more power.

That said, the RIP comment of OP was most likely a joke. I hope so at least. Either way it shouldn't have been there.
Well, yeah. That's why it's a dumb headline. Maybe if it was better performance for the same or less, it'd be something interesting.


What's wrong with you?

A 3GB reserve is not the same as taking up 3GB. Quit being so disingenuous. Your agenda is painfully transparent.

While I don't agree with his sentiments, I do find it interesting that such large reserves are required. Consoles are certainly far from being the simple game playing machines they used to be when I was growing up. From that stand point, they look to be heading more "PC" or rather multifunctional than ever. All the while, the PC space and particularly Valve, are pushing to make everything more simplified and "console-like". I find this shit fascinating. Eventually the two will probably be very similar in how they are, although of course the variety and range of machines will likely always be massive on the PC side
It's $100 more, then you need a headset and a cable to connect to your TV. Lastly you need a Windows Key to actually make it useful. Plus the controller you get is at the moment unproven as something decent.
You don't know how useful SteamOS will be. Steam started out as something that a lot of gamers hated but now its synonymous with PC gaming.

That controller argument is also ridiculous because that would pretty much apply to any new console before it's released.


Past gen games had much more different streaming [very aggressive in some cases] on consoles. It cant be reproduced on PC 1:1.
Also having more memory doesnt magically give You performance.

This was my point, if the article is comparing console and PC specs 1:1 then we have to look at results as such. A PC with 512mb of ram running MW3 at 360 settings. I doubt you could even run anything after XP with that amount of ram, let alone a game.


Well, yeah. That's why it's a dumb headline. Maybe if it was better performance for the same or less, it'd be something interesting.
Well, its also a Personal Computer on top of being a roughly equivalent gaming machine.

Not to mention all the other perks of PC gaming.


Windows x64 currently takes 3.5 GB with Outlook and Chrome open.

That's a good thing. Having memory unused is a waste of resources. Modern operating systems free that memory for use very quickly if needed. My Windows + Chrome + few other programs usually use around 5-6.5GB of memory and I only have 8GB total. Never been a problem, if a game needs 5GB, then Windows just frees up resources.

This. Love PC gaming and all of the incredible things it allows for (crazy cheap games, Steam, framerate and resolution increases, hardware flexibility) but on my midrange setup the shocking lack of optimization for so many AAA titles makes things irritating.

Meanwhile, Killzone: Shadowfall and Infamous: Second Son are absolutely stunning and easily the best looking games I've ever played, and they're running on hardware that is significantly less powerful than my PC.

If you are willing to compromise as you are already doing on consoles, mid-range PCs can usually run those AAA titles pretty easily at 30fps. However I completely agree that it's a crapshoot on PC if you want more (fps/visuals) than what consoles deliver on multiplatform titles.
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