I really liked TR013, but felt the game was too dragged out near the end (game lost it's momentum for me). It also has annoying side characters which don't fit the narrative at all tonally. Actually, the plot is really average and forgettable, with bad pacing (story pacing, with character developments almost coming off as binary switches). The RPG elements felt out of place for me. I like upgrading systems, but I don't like them when basic moves are locked initially for the sake of having an upgrade system (isn't melee locked as a whole initially? Makes no sense). I don't remember a single puzzle, so that element didn't really leave an impression on me at all.
Still, there were moments of greatness in TR and I really look forward to ROTTR, but TR2013 is not really close to UC2-4 for me personally. Bow and the feeling of melee were elements I liked over UC, though. And I wish there were more memorable encounters like the one with
, because the memorable encounters that were there were pretty great. Unfortunately they were a bit spread thin for me.
you'll never do this in TR though
Courtesy of Sunhi -
I think the combat in UC4 is stellar. You can make the game almost seem like an on rails quick time event in how smooth and stylish it can look. And many of the encounters allow for badass moments like this. I actually recommend people giving easy mode a try and just go all out swinging, running and gunning, and punching/kicking. With that playstyle, easy still poses enough of a challenge actually.
I also remember seeing a vid here on gaf with a guy slinging trough a late game encounter with a grenade launcher like a badass,