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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays

Guess Who

Who the fuck gets the wrong order at a restaurant and just eats it anyway? What?

You don't look like a jerk for sending back food you didn't order. You look like a person who is getting rightly compensated for the money he or she is spending.

Yeah, fuckin' seriously.


The final episode is going to wind up with us fading into an image of a pen on a paper. We zoom out: it's Ken Cosgrove's hand.

big ander

that peggy date lmao.
Ha its funny I was thinking the same thing as it happened. I guess I wasn't really thinking they would make Don worse than a decade ago since there are only seven episodes left and the first half of season 7 seemed to end with him basically learning to behave with integrity (I mean compared to how he usually is), like when he broke up with Megan it felt very human like you said, like he had grown, or when he passed the torch to Peggy and let her do the presentation for Burger Chef because he was on his way out.
Exactly, especially having watched the phone breakup scene twice today it truly seemed clear to me that it was Don accepting the breakup, realizing he'd broken his marriage irrevocably but being far more conscious of exactly what he'd done wrong. from that I'd seen him being better going forward and finding another close relationship, not this. but we'll see where it goes.
You don't look like a jerk for sending back food you didn't order. You look like a person who is getting rightly compensated for the money he or she is spending.
ya think when they come back from commercial peggy and the dude'll debate tipping

edit: What does it mean that I assumed this wake was like, an orgy Ted had invited him to?
that peggy date lmao.

Exactly, especially having watched the phone breakup scene twice today it truly seemed clear to me that it was Don accepting the breakup, realizing he'd broken his marriage irrevocably but being far more conscious of exactly what he'd done wrong. from that I'd seen him being better going forward and finding another close relationship, not this. but we'll see where it goes.

ya think when they come back from commercial peggy and the dude'll debate tipping

edit: What does it mean that I assumed this wake was like, an orgy Ted had invited him to?

Yeah I agree with everything you say here, but like you said we'll have to see where it goes, since there are still six episodes left, which is enough time, I think, for Don to either get better and have real growth or somehow backslide even further, which is also a distinct possibility.
Do people like this Peggy girl? I've never watched this show before but she seems l I ke she gets shit on for no reason by everyone in the cast.

big ander

"this is a romantic spot" [gunshots and sirens in background] edit: ^^lmao

"I've tried new-fashioned."

I actually like Stevie a lot. I want something to work out for peggy so badly.

big ander

Do people like this Peggy girl? I've never watched this show before but she seems l I ke she gets shit on for no reason by everyone in the cast.
She's the best character on the show. Awno who shits on her. I mean she's faced a lot and some of the main OG Sterling Cooper people are still a bit grody towards her, but for the most part they know she's a badass. Even slimy Pete and Harry know she's not to be fucked with.

The Godfather?


Just because Mad Men is ending doesn't mean you have to transport back to your 2004 self, AMC.

I don't think AMC has ever NOT been broadcasting The Godfather.


Do people like this Peggy girl? I've never watched this show before but she seems l I ke she gets shit on for no reason by everyone in the cast.
She started as an entry level receptionist and through a shit load of talent and hard work (and abandoning personal things like a child) became the first female creative at the company. So a lot of people respect her because of that and because she's good, but some people resent her too.


Do people like this Peggy girl? I've never watched this show before but she seems l I ke she gets shit on for no reason by everyone in the cast.

She is the shows underdog, coming out of nowhere as some "country vs city girl" to ultimately becoming Drapers protege
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