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Mad Men - Season 7, Part 2 - The End of an Era - AMC Sundays

big ander

Oh DIP. that was triumphant for Ken in the short term but...really depressing long term. No writing, just Dow chemical bullshit.

Aw no Peg don't go back on Stevie. they legitimately worked!

big ander

First time seeing how nonsense the previews are, lol. "where were you", I want to have dinner with you, etc. So cryptic.

That diner conversation was heartbreaking, and clarifies where I think Don's story will go this year. Past loves well and truly catching up with him, throwing his newfound bachelor lifestyle into question.

Jesus Joan and Pete and everyone are so rich now.


Not a bad start. I'll definitely tune back in next week.

They keep this up and they've got a repeat viewer.


I hope the next 6 episodes are more concrete. I don't mind those vague episodes now and then, but I want the final episodes to be clear about what's happening.


True to Mad Men being about people never being happy, Ken decides to stay in advertising instead of getting out. Still a great "Fuck You" to Roger and Pete, though.


5 episodes? Jesus. I thought it was 8 :(.

Great first episode back. Cosgrove gets his revenge and don is back to his old ways.


Cosgrove goin' in for fun revenge. Write the book Ken!

Jrmint said:
I hope the next 6 episodes are more concrete. I don't mind those vague episodes now and then, but I want the final episodes to be clear about what's happening.

The ending is going to be ambiguous. Mad Men lives in the meanings between the cracks, lots of open for interpretation events because that's how life can often be and that's how Weiner likes it. If you're expecting a concrete ending, I wouldn't hold your breath. This show is going to end with the fates of many characters completely undetermined.

And that's just the way I like it. Loves me to ponder a good open ended finale.

big ander

So what was the date of that Nixon speech?
I only knew 1970, but twitter is saying 4/30/1970 on the dot.

Seems kinda crazy in that the last episode was July 21 1969, and between the numerous mustaches and Don's lifestyle I'd expected it to have been at least a full year.
Man that first model is super duper hot. Goodness
she really was super hot.
I know Don is the main character and all, but I really REALLY want a great send off for Peggy.
Yep, she's my main concern honestly. If Don's grace note is somehow flubbed there are 6.5 seasons about his compelling attempts to live up to a self-constructed image of masculinity and confidence. Peggy has always represented the future so giving her the proper sendoff in the world of the show has a huge impact on the ending.
Cosgrove goin' in for fun revenge. Write the book Ken!

The ending is going to be ambiguous. Mad Men lives in the meanings between the cracks, lots of open for interpretation events because that's how life can often be and that's how Weiner likes it. If you're expecting a concrete ending, I wouldn't hold your breath. This show is going to end with the fates of many characters completely undetermined.

I bet you're completely right on the ending, and yet I'm confident it'll still be fantastic at the same time.


Condensed thoughts:

Joan was ready to kill those McCann boys and throw them down an elevator shaft.
Don working to repair things with Joan?
Peggy, honey, take a vacation.
Stan's the only person who seems to have life figured out.
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