god, ken wtf. u almost made it out.
First time seeing how nonsense the previews are, lol. "where were you", I want to have dinner with you, etc. So cryptic.
That diner conversation was heartbreaking, and clarifies where I think Don's story will go this year. Past loves well and truly catching up with him, throwing his newfound bachelor lifestyle into question.
Jesus Joan and Pete and everyone are so rich now.
Amazing premiere. Sobbing a lil at this being the beginning of the end, and also the themes of the episode – should hit anyone that is new to the daily grind of work particularly hard.
All of the scenes with the waitress made no sense.
But my wife also quickly pointed when she said 'you got your money's worth' that she implied the $100 bill, and thus the $90 tip was from Don and for sex.
Either way, I'm confused why he remembers her.
As for the diner conversation being a sign of where Don's story is headed, I could see that being true, but then again I remember after watching the first episode of season 6 that something bad was going to happen to Don because of the message of suicide he had in an ad.
Of course being put on leave was bad, but Don showing his childhood home to his kids and opening up even the tiniest isn't something I expected.
All of the scenes with the waitress made no sense.
But my wife also quickly pointed when she said 'you got your money's worth' that she implied the $100 bill, and thus the $90 tip was from Don and for sex.
Either way, I'm confused why he remembers her.
To me, the start and end of season 6 was all about a sort of metaphorical suicide that Don would commit. He thinks about it at the start of the season from his time in Hawaii (reading the divine comedy no less) and then ends the season being put on leave because of his actions, so it was a kind of death of the old Don Draper where he then was forced to reinvent himself or be reborn, and so he does it by sharing his past with his children.
As evident with the new episode though, killing the old Don isn't an easy thing to do, but he definitely grew as a result of being put on leave and accepting his children into a very personal and private part of his life.
I always am a little unsettled by the premieres (not in a bad way). It's almost like you have to catch up to their lives in progress and you're on the outside looking in and kind of fake your way until you have everything down.
What a slow episode of mad men.
No wonder the show is ending.
The waitress reminded me of:
Now I know why Stevie (Peggy's date) was so familiar. He's the guy who played Brian on My So-Called Life!
After the Gilmore Girls and Freaks and Geeks appearances, it's become abundantly clear that casting is a fan of 90s teen dramas.
What happened to Pete's Cali girlfriend?
Now I know why Stevie (Peggy's date) was so familiar. He's the guy who played Brian on My So-Called Life!
Great episode, but it really felt more like something that would be in the middle of the season outside of a few things rather than the season openers we've had before. I'm still pissed AMC split the season.
Doubt it.Thought about Ken last night. I imagine Ken went home, told his wife about his firing, and then she motivated him to stick it to the agency.
Mad Men GIFs are unquestionably the best.
Mad Men GIFs are unquestionably the best.
Thought about Ken last night. I imagine Ken went home, told his wife about his firing, and then she motivated him to stick it to the agency.
Doubt it.
Awww, Rachel. :-(
Rachel was Don's soul mate, at least from his perspective. Don, however, was not Rachel's, and he finally figured it out in this episode.
Ken is clearly a talented writer and would be a successful one if he did it full-time, but he likes working in advertising more than he admits. Unlike others, I can't be sad that he's not leaving the industry when I think he really does enjoy it. As his wife pointed out, he can leave any time he wants, but he keeps staying. If he ends up being miserable, maybe he's just the type that gets off on misery. He is a writer, after all.
My guess is that the waitress is the daughter of one of the prostitutes he grew up with.
That's why he kind of recognizes her, and it looks like she's carrying on the family business.
Yes, exactly! It's always a good idea to watch the premieres twice. You just get dropped right in the middle of it and have to catch up yourself.
I usually watch each episode twice, but I save the second watch for after Tom & Lorenzo's Mad Style recaps come out.
Explains why he'd dream of Rachel after he sees her and why he is drawn to her after he hears of her passing.
I am super excited to read more Mad Style. It is by far my favorite piece of television writing on the Internet.