Peggy finally became what Don always wanted her to be...I'm ok with them not getting a final scene
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Peggy finally became what Don always wanted her to be...I'm ok with them not getting a final scene
The timing on this turn for Betty was particularly hard, as my mom died of cancer last Monday. This episode was the cherry on top of a mother's day where I spent most of my time trying not to think about the fact that it was mother's day. Henry's breakdown and Betty's letter... damn, Weiner.
Betty suddenly getting cancer at the end of the series is so contrived. That's something that should be hinted at or built up to. Her first attack, the diagnosis and her decision to opt out of treatment happened entirely in one episode.
The timing on this turn for Betty was particularly hard, as my mom died of cancer last Monday. This episode was the cherry on top of a mother's day where I spent most of my time trying not to think about the fact that it was mother's day. Henry's breakdown and Betty's letter... damn, Weiner.
She had a cancer scare a few seasons ago. A lump in her throat diagnosed as benign. Perhaps it was misdiagnosed.Betty suddenly getting cancer at the end of the series is so contrived. That's something that should be hinted at or built up to. Her first attack, the diagnosis and her decision to opt out of treatment happened entirely in one episode.
Betty suddenly getting cancer at the end of the series is so contrived. That's something that should be hinted at or built up to. Her first attack, the diagnosis and her decision to opt out of treatment happened entirely in one episode.
Yeah it can, but coming at the very end of the series is what bothers me. If you're going to do it at least have some build up. Carrying the books was not enough.I didn't feel that. I mean her cancer had spread through the rest of her body, last week she complained about carrying her books everywhere. What hints should there have been? It can come out of nowhere without any signs/symptoms.
That's true. However, that's a long time to suddenly have it show up again, specifically at the closing of the series.She had a cancer scare a few seasons ago. A lump in her throat diagnosed as benign. Perhaps it was misdiagnosed.
A lot of people do that never develop cancer. It's very much dependent on genetic makeup and other lifestyle choices.She smokes like crazy.
Betty suddenly getting cancer at the end of the series is so contrived. That's something that should be hinted at or built up to. Her first attack, the diagnosis and her decision to opt out of treatment happened entirely in one episode.
Lung cancer diagnoses are often like that. It happened in almost exactly the same way for a family friend. An x-ray for a rib revealed a mass, then he lasted maybe six months after that. It often comes out of nowhere and progresses very quickly.
I didn't feel that. I mean her cancer had spread through the rest of her body, last week she complained about carrying her books everywhere. What hints should there have been? It can come out of nowhere without any signs/symptoms.
Past health scares? What is there besides the benign tumor and psychiatry? I've never seen her health as a big concern.Given the era we're talking about and Betty's past health scares I don't really see it as contrivance.
Don dying of cancer is what would have been really contrived.Past health scares? What is there besides the benign tumor and psychiatry? I've never seen her health as a big concern.
I was to reiterate: I'm not trying to disregard how quickly cancer spreads, I just dislike how they handled it especially just throwing it out at the end of the series. It's a contrived ending of her story, a quick method of killing her off. Her swift decision to forgo treatment was a disservice to her character after 7 seasons. This should have been spread across at least two episodes, not one.
Goddamn... My condolences.The timing on this turn for Betty was particularly hard, as my mom died of cancer last Monday. This episode was the cherry on top of a mother's day where I spent most of my time trying not to think about the fact that it was mother's day. Henry's breakdown and Betty's letter... damn, Weiner.
Past health scares? What is there besides the benign tumor and psychiatry? I've never seen her health as a big concern.
I was to reiterate: I'm not trying to disregard how quickly cancer spreads, I just dislike how they handled it especially just throwing it out at the end of the series. It's a contrived ending of her story, a quick method of killing her off. Her swift decision to forgo treatment was a disservice to her character after 7 seasons. This should have been spread across at least two episodes, not one.
I'm gonna guess you're a smoker.A lot of people do that never develop cancer. It's very much dependent on genetic makeup and other lifestyle choices.
She's not dead yet. I think this actually exemplifies the growth her character has gone through. She has come so far from being an emotional child obsessed with frivolous things, unable to cope with serious situations.
I think she is. I don't think Sally opened the letter early. To me it was implying that Betty had died already by the end of the episode.
I think she is. I don't think Sally opened the letter early. To me it was implying that Betty had died already by the end of the episode.
Sally opened the letter as soon as she got back to school.
If her mom mad JUST died after months of getting sicker and sicker, do you think she'd really still be at the boarding school?
Further Proof:
The calendar is still on the same month:
Sally opened the letter as soon as she got back to school.
If her mom mad JUST died after months of getting sicker and sicker, do you think she'd really still be at the boarding school?
Further Proof:
The calendar is still on the same month:
Betty's not dead, but she will be. I don't really see the point in picking out that final scene too much, it doesn't really change anything.
If you look at the letter again as she's opening it, it's already been ripped up and she's reading it a second time. I could by way off base here, but I believe that she did read it immediately, but in that particular scene she's reading it again because Betty had died.
So what happened to Roger? He just ran off with the french lady and we won't see him again? Think we'll see Megan again? And what happened to the waitress Don hooked up with? I know it's left up to interpretation but I'm wondering what you guys think.
Awesome episode. I wonder if they'll fast forward to Betty's death or if it'll continue where it left off.
Agree with this. Part of me wants more Peggy, and one more Peggy and Don scene, but the other part is afraid of seeing Peggy get shit on once again by the men in the office and would rather her finale be the bad-ass strut.we're at a point where if the finale didn't feature anyone from the agency or even Sally or Betty or anyone from Don's family I wouldn't feel cheated out of a proper ending for them. (In Peggy's case, that final image of her with the sunglasses and cigarette was so perfect that I'm almost afraid to return to the reality of her life at McCann, even though I wish we could have one last Don/Peggy scene.)
No way we don't get a Peggy+Stan in the finale. NO WAY.