ice cold
Next week is gonna be so tough.
I gota hearty laugh out of this
Poor Birdie
ice cold
Next week is gonna be so tough.
Is there any fucking happiness? I fully expect pete to get hit by a train in the last episode since his story looks to be actually looking like happily ever after.
And what the hell are doing Don? What's your angle?
George R.R. Martin would be proud.
I read some tweet which I thought was funny:
Letter to Sally: "your life will be an adventure." Letter to Bobby: "This happened because you ate my lunch on the field trip."
I nearly broke down completely at the scene where Sally is asked by Bobby if they can eat. You can see her realising that she now has to parent her brothers and hugs Gene as if she was his mother. She somehow keeps control of herself for their sake despite having just seen Betty for the first time since she found out from Henry.
Love this closing stretch of Don hitting out across the US, carrying less and less emotional and physical baggage with him as he goes (he even leaves his car to give a wayward young man a start and has a smile on his face, a call back to what he thinks he should have done for both Adam and Danny). He even lets loose part of his closest secret about what happened in Korea. McCann, and Jim Hobart, can get stuffed.
And Pete's got a second chance himself, courtesy of Duck Phillips and turning up at Trudy's at 4am - "don't waste it". I wonder if we see him again. Honestly I have no idea who'll be playing a big role in the final episode other than Don.
Definitely part of it, but Joan also never could deal with problems the way Peggy has. I think Seitz's review of that episode talked about how her only action was to keep taking her issues to higher-up men, rather than intelligently maneuvering around them. It felt like she could've asked Don for advice, or been harsher to Ferg forcing him to go to Hobart. She's up on feminist activity but, like Betty in a way, old-fashionedness is ingrained. She can't put her independence into action as well as Peggy.I expect we will see Peggy again next week, but I wouldn't be shocked if we didn't. I also got the impression that half of Joan's problem at McCann was that she was in accounts, the biggest boys club around, whilst in creative Peggy would be less of an uphill battle.
Definitely part of it, but Joan also never could deal with problems the way Peggy has. I think Seitz's review of that episode talked about how her only action was to keep taking her issues to higher-up men, rather than intelligently maneuvering around them. It felt like she could've asked Don for advice, or been harsher to Ferg forcing him to go to Hobart. She's up on feminist activity but, like Betty in a way, old-fashionedness is ingrained. She can't put her independence into action as well as Peggy.
Peggy's in a department that's already got women in the ranks. And she doesn't plan to stay there long-term anyway.Pete and Joan dont really need anymore. Maybe even Peggy too since her place in the company can perhaps be inferred by the company head's (sorry, forgot his name) last exchange with Joan
Edit: yeah I need another Don and Sally moment, they've become my favorite interactions in this series
Peggy's in a department that's already got women in the ranks. And she doesn't plan to stay there long-term anyway.
I swear Joan brought up Peggy's role to the McCann head and he said something dismissive about it, might be imagining it now though.
I could have sworn that there was a cancer scare previously with her.
In any case, it was sad that Sally read the letter. :/
I want a time jump, with Don, who is now Dick Whitman again, comes back to New York to see what he miss.
So that way we get a nice epilogue on what happens to everyone. He could come after Betty's death, and Sally hates him for bailing out on them when she and her brothers needed him the most.
What I was thinking is he let go of being Don Draper entirely, including his children. Just build a new life somewhere. Something like what the waitress did.Why wouldn't he come to Betty's funeral even, unless Sally decided not to tell him. We already saw him call Sally in this most recent episode to tell her where he was at, chances are he'll call her again, I would assume Sally would mention that Betty was dying at that point. I don't know a part of me could see him unfortunately abandoning his kids, but at the same time I wonder if he would really do that. Abandon his kids when they would need him most even if he Dick Whitman again, whatever that mean.
I fully expect pete to get hit by a train in the last episode
Don can't jump now, his new life is just beginning.
It's going to end with a morose Don hopping on an American Airlines flight to Hawaii. A hostess will offer Don a can of Coca Cola - which he refuses, instead taking her up on her alternative offer of Bacardi Rum. Then a drunk Don will begin carrying on, hitting on the waitress, before engaging in fisticuffs with a US Marshall (former Korea vet) trying to restrain him. Don gets a lucky strike in, sending the Marshall backward into the cockpit door - which doesn't hold because it's made out of Bethlehem Steel. The Marshall collapses on the gearstick, forcing the plane to bank too sharply to pull out from. The plane crashes into the ocean.
Weeks later, a passing freighter finds a scruffy cast away floating in the middle of the Atlantic in a London Fog inflatable life raft - bundled in the salvaged clothing of those dead from the crash. The crew check the man. It's Don. He's alive, barely conscious. They ask him his name. He looks down at the name-tag on one of the passenger coats he's salvaged.
*THE REAL SLIM SHADY plays over credits*
I really like him changing identities again, but would it be as easy to change identities 10 years later?It's going to end with a morose Don hopping on an American Airlines flight to Hawaii. A hostess will offer Don a can of Coca Cola - which he refuses, instead taking her up on her alternative offer of Bacardi Rum. Then a drunk Don will begin carrying on, hitting on the waitress, before engaging in fisticuffs with a US Marshall (former Korea vet) trying to restrain him. Don gets a lucky strike in, sending the Marshall backward into the cockpit door - which doesn't hold because it's made out of Bethlehem Steel. The Marshall collapses on the gearstick, forcing the plane to bank too sharply to pull out from. The plane crashes into the ocean.
Weeks later, a passing freighter finds a scruffy cast away floating in the middle of the Atlantic in a London Fog inflatable life raft - bundled in the salvaged clothing of those dead from the crash. The crew check the man. It's Don. He's alive, barely conscious. They ask him his name. He looks down at the name-tag on one of the passenger coats he's salvaged.
*THE REAL SLIM SHADY plays over credits*
So why did those drunk idiots beat up Don? I got the idea it was a scam... ?
Oh God, Betty.
Treating death like an opportunity to win back attention.
The final scene will be Don on top of the Time-Life Building, throwing a pack of cigarettes and a glass of whiskey off the top as he embraces his life as a new man.
Cut to Don sleeping. In his dream he walks through the old SCDP offices in first person view and sees his father, Adam Whitman, Betty's Dad, The Original Don Draper, Anna Draper, Miss Blankenship, Lane Pryce, Bert Cooper, Rachel Katz, everyone else who has died in this series, all waving and acknowledging him, creating a path towards the stairs.
Finally he climbs the stairs in the SCDP office and there is Betty at the top waiting for him! They share one long kiss and the room explodes in applause. End credits.
Oh God, Betty.
Treating death like an opportunity to win back attention.
Didn't Pete's parents die in plane crash or something, now he's talking about getting his own private jet? Yeah we can leave his story at that and just imagine him going down in the middle of the ocean in 1981 or something.
don't think there was one. It just showed old footage and said some stuff like the final episode is here blahblah.Where can I see the promo for next week episode ? I can't find it
Lou goes to work at Sega and sees Don Draper at Nintendo