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Mafia/Werewolf Recruitment Thread | Go on the Internet and Tell Lies.


Nin and I are really excited to make this game as chaotic and fun as possible. There is going to be a lot of classic roles with a twist, some context-sensitive powers, and a narrative based on said roles. 28 roles is a LOT of roles and you can be sore its that many because all of them are important.

28 roles? Does that..... Does that mean what I think it means? Oh God.....


Hey! My alignment got switched THREE TIMES in that game, but somehow I still managed to vote for the person I should have been voting on! I call that a success!
Announcing Day Seven WINNERS

2015 Best Roleclaim:
  • Winner: GAFIA ! Retro (4 votes)
  • Runner Up: Archer ! EzekelRAGE (2 votes)

2015 Most Unlucky:
  • Winner: Tucah and Blargonaut (3 votes)
  • Runner Up: Gorlak (2 votes)

2015 Liar of the Year:
  • Winner: Darryl (6 votes)
  • Runner Up: MGS ! Palmer_v1, MGS ! Coppanuva (2 votes)

grats winners :D

lookit them MGS people finally making into the categories XD
HOW DID I DIE IN CHULTHU!!?? Was it CoS, becuase that's the only board I can't find a link to. I need to meditate on past mistakes, but I can t do that until the riddle of my death is solved. My ghost needs peace.
Oh, awesome!! You're the best, truly. Time to find a new avatar. And thanks, egruntz, for agreeing to the swap.

egruntz hadn't checked in after i PMed him twice in the span of a week's time so i made a unilateral decision :3

never trust a spider with power, people >:3
I laughed harder at this:

Hopefully this time you'll get along!

If only coppanuva was in the game for them to fight over

HOW DID I DIE IN CHULTHU!!?? Was it CoS, becuase that's the only board I can't find a link to. I need to meditate on past mistakes, but I can t do that until the riddle of my death is solved. My ghost needs peace.

Shame you never tried to roleblock me (twice)

Would've been funny



I'm gauging interest for one last ONUW before we start season 4. Here are the roles in play for ONUW 8:

Alpha Werewolf
Mystic Wolf
Tanner's Wife

You'll notice that I'm changing out the cursed for another new role: The Revealer. I will have a more detailed explanation in the thread but the gist is that the revealer gets to go last. He or she chooses to look at a single player's card, if he sees a werewolf or tanner, he has to put the card face down, if he sees any other role (minion or wife included) the card will remain face up for the duration of the game which means I will announce someone's final role at the beginning of the day.

I'm expecting disucssion from Wednesday-Thursday, voting from Thursday-Friday, results some time on Friday. If we get more than 12 I'll make cuts based on how many ONUW games you've participated in. If we don't seem to have a lot of interest by Tuesday, I'll probably nix this for now.

1. Splinter
2. MikeHawk
3. Terrabyte
4. Ouro
5. Sawneeks
6. Zipped
7. Royal_Flush
8. Kawl_USC
9. Fireblend
isnt that valid by your rules, Mike?

You seem to play where impossible scenarios are in fact.....possible

Hahahaha I thought it worked that way!
I thought the card itself would always stay the same but only the roles would change, just like IRL, where moving a card back to the middle pile would keep it a dopple card. (It worked out in my head lol)



Tag me in coach! I'm ready!

But actually...you've been the good guy far too many times. Clearly your will be scum this time. That's just how statistics works.

Uh....uuuhhhh....you've seen nothing.


Wait, everyone in the HP is changing their avatar? Sure, why not.

There are no excuses for everyone to not change into their wizard robes HP avatars. We don't need to lose even more points for Gryffindor :(


Tag me in coach! I'm ready!

Uh....uuuhhhh....you've seen nothing.


There are no excuses for everyone to not change into their wizard robes HP avatars. We don't need to lose even more points for Gryffindor :(

Fake Dumbledore! Get ready for a duel, as there can only be one!


Luckily, I am an owl. Pets probably can't lose points for their houses, right?

You forget that Dumbledore runs this school. Anything can happen.

15 points to Gryffindor

10 points from Hufflepuff

Fake Dumbledore! Get ready for a duel, as there can only be one!

Clearly I am the real Dumbledore. Look at my silly, semi-pointed, whimsical red hat and robes! Does it look like the wardrobe of a liar??

Now gray robes? Only Slytherin's and nerds would wear such an un-fun color! You can't hide your false ways from me, Fake Dumbledore!
PALMER, we are waiting on you to determine the official date Season 4 starting

Harry Potter is starting on Nov 15
Nightvale is starting on Nov 16

If Werewolf is starting on Nov 14, deadline for swapping is Nov 11.

Role PMs then can be sent out Nov 12 onwards.

Game threads should go up Nov 13.
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