why would anyone test a deck that only improved?
Why wouldn't you?
why would anyone test a deck that only improved?
Speculation time! So we now know that Huatli (or at least that particular artwork) was moved to the first set of the block. Ajani isn't in the story so far. So the question remains, how the hell does Ajani arrive on Ixalan? There's no way the story changed so much that he's out of the picture entirely.
I liked Atlazan better as a name.
So... why are both Shroud and Hexproof a thing? Do they still actively use both, or did they make one first and then go "you know what, this'd be better off slightly tweaked"? And are there any other keywords as overlapping with each other as these two seem to me?
Been testing UW Approach with Ixalan
Surprised by the lack of Mono Red. Been beating RG Dinos, but losing to UB Pirates and UW God-Pharaoh's Gift.
The downside on Settle the Wreckage has not really proven to be an issue.
Forsake and Crook are recent additions to the board to combat GPG.
I also lost to a crazy UW control deck running Thaumatic Compass, Primal Amulet, Draw 7, Spell Swindle and Kefnet.
I miss Sphinx of the Final Word.
Like Ashodin said, Shroud isn't used anymore. Most people thought that Shroud worked like Hexproof does, so rather than trying to fight human nature, they just got rid of Shroud for Hexproof.So... why are both Shroud and Hexproof a thing? Do they still actively use both, or did they make one first and then go "you know what, this'd be better off slightly tweaked"? And are there any other keywords as overlapping with each other as these two seem to me?
So... why are both Shroud and Hexproof a thing? Do they still actively use both, or did they make one first and then go "you know what, this'd be better off slightly tweaked"? And are there any other keywords as overlapping with each other as these two seem to me?
Basically people couldn't grok not being able to target your own guys with Shroud. So they replaced it with something that functioned how people thought it should.So... why are both Shroud and Hexproof a thing? Do they still actively use both, or did they make one first and then go "you know what, this'd be better off slightly tweaked"? And are there any other keywords as overlapping with each other as these two seem to me?
As for other overlapping mechanics; the only one that jumps to mind is Fading and Vanishing. They're both basically the same mechanic, but one has the thing go away when the last counter is removed; the other has it go away when you try to remove a counter and can't. It's a similar situation, where the former feels more intuitive, so they changed it.
Regeneration and indestructible are pretty different mechanics, even if they did stop using regeneration in favor of temporary indestructibility.and regeneration/indestructible until the end of turn on activation, which effectively do the same thing. Regeneration is no longer used either
and regeneration/indestructible until the end of turn on activation, which effectively do the same thing. Regeneration is no longer used either
So... why are both Shroud and Hexproof a thing? Do they still actively use both, or did they make one first and then go "you know what, this'd be better off slightly tweaked"? And are there any other keywords as overlapping with each other as these two seem to me?
I'm just going to assume this post was dumping all over me.
If it makes you feel better, it was a post meant for a different thread
Flying, Horsemanship, and Shadow are all variations of the same basic idea.
Banding and the En-Kor creatures that could redirect damage (in Tempest and Time Spiral blocks)
Fear and Intimidate
There are a lot of mechanics and effects that are basically just a minor twist on Kicker
First Strike and Double Strike kind of overlap
Holy smokes, were there some buyouts for Shahrazad?
I bought it two years ago for 40 or so and it was slowly rising. Last I saw it was just over 60, but the current lowest one on MCM is at 160.
I spent half the day looking up old sets for a potential EDH deck, only to come to the realization again that I probably don't currently want to invest in a physical deck since I'm most certainly going to be playing mostly Arena. If WotC has any business sense, they'd introduce a jank EDH format with just the cards currently available on the platform
anyway, Khans and Lorwyn are still the coolest sets
They don't design Magic to make specific colors not work together anymore.Quick question: I'm new to deckbuilding, still reading through Next Level Deckbuilding by Chapin--it's great BTW, and was wondering what colors I really should avoid putting together, and which colors have great combo/synergy?
They don't design Magic to make specific colors not work together anymore.
Any color combo has an equal shot at being good in any EDH, Standard or other environment.
I will assume that Arena starts with Kaladesh and by the time it comes out properly we'll be in the set after Dominaria and the core set. That should be a dece card pool for bad commander.
Holy smokes, were there some buyouts for Shahrazad?
I bought it two years ago for 40 or so and it was slowly rising. Last I saw it was just over 60, but the current lowest one on MCM is at 160.
Yup. Just sold one of mine for $160.Holy smokes, were there some buyouts for Shahrazad?
I bought it two years ago for 40 or so and it was slowly rising. Last I saw it was just over 60, but the current lowest one on MCM is at 160.
This is a format where Llanowar Elves wouldn't be overpowered at all. They should legitimately just reprint it.
It's actually kind of impressive that 25 years after the fact the only ultra banned cards are Scharazade, Falling Star and Chaos Orb.
That definitely doesn't sound like even a good enough pool for bad commanderI will assume that Arena starts with Kaladesh and by the time it comes out properly we'll be in the set after Dominaria and the core set. That should be a dece card pool for bad commander.
I will assume that Arena starts with Kaladesh and by the time it comes out properly we'll be in the set after Dominaria and the core set. That should be a dece card pool for bad commander.