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Manga Discussion/News Thread |OT5| We Post on Wednesdays

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I dont understand, you liked it when Itachi had it, and this chapter, Itachi is the one getting it and you somehow dislike it? Weve gained nary a Sharingan user, I could understand if Kabuto had it but still just the original Uchiha.

No, I said I hate it due to all the sharingan bullshit. I liked the manga better when Sharingan had three stages and that was it, done no more finished.

Now the damn thing can

make illusions real
warp space time continuum (wut?)
vacuum effect (which STILL isn't explained)
God/plot Armor
A new one we don't know yet (OMG NEXT WEEK more plot jutsu)

It's better to say wtf CAN'T sharingan do? It's so dumb, and the jutsu in general are just ridiculous now. I mean summoning fucking multiple meteors? Seriously?!

I'll take the whole hand to hand combat with a few jutsu here and there with the user getting tired over this whole I CAN SPAM EVERY JUTSU KNOWN TO MAN WITHOUT BREAKING A SWEAT LOLOLOLAMO.
yea I hate susanoo, it's like the anti ninja power. All the user does is stand around and make this huge chakra statue due all the work. It doesn't even look cool and all it does is smash shit around.

Tbf at least it had a huge risk of letting to user go blind due to the strain/continued use , but then the Eternal Mangekyo happened...

I'm starting to like this arc...it's getting real interesting. Kirge Opie looks identical to Heinrich Himmler. Am I not the only one who noticed?

Another Itachi ass pull. So now itachi is a reality warper. Terrific.

one piece
Odas Wife demands hiatus )=


Needless vol 11

Ah, I was wondering when Blade would come back and he finally showed up in this volume. Both his reaction when first seeing Yamada as well as his reaction when finding out the truth are exactly what I was expecting :lol
I don't really understand Arca's reason for helping and her phrase about Cruz showing that he can really survive alone... It goes completely against what she stands for and the way she acted up until now, so that leaves me a little bit confused.
End of the volume with Eve once again in danger is stressful, though there is the upside of seeing some more of her and Adam's past, which already showed to Yamada that Adam did possess the Doppleganger power. Shit gets more mysterious and amazing.

Limit 4

The stress of still being stranded and then finding Usui dead has really made a number on these girls. Haru dieing like that was just... not right and I feel like the dude might be the assassin.
I mean, he has never inspired me any confidence, even before he met with the girls, when we were given snippets of him in the fog, but the way the volume closed paints him as a very plausible culprit, though that might be completely what the author wanted us to (wrongly) think.


Nice to see more people reading Zetman finally.

Magi 89:

Good chapter but I would have liked to know more about what happened with Alibaba's brothers. The three new "enemies" don't seem that intimidating IMO but we'll see once we get to the dungeon.


Oh, the joys of NTR. Sanbun my love, never change.

Durarara!! vol 2

Once again I feel myself marveling at the fact I'm enjoying this way more than I did with the anime and once again that's related to the fact the dumb kids take so little space and time in the overall volume, with a faster pacing as well.
The volume contains the scene in which Izaya "helps" Mikado save Anri, stepping on the cellphone of those girls, and then the fight with Shizu lol.
I'm actually liking this enough that I'm considering going back to the anime and see how that ends, though the idea of having to put up with so much time devoted to Mikado/Masaomi/Anri at the start is just... mood killing.

Big One

Naruto is by far the dumbest manga currently out. I mean shit every damn chapter a new Sharingan technique is revealed. I liked this story better when it was just a few people had it, Itachi went postal. People had chakra limts, the average shinobi only knew a handful of jutsu.

Now it's Dragon Ball Z but shittier. At least in that manga Goku didn't get new fucking skills every three chapters with NO EXPLANATION other than....OH HERE'S ANOTHER JAPANESES GOD lololololollamo

Fuckin A.
*clapping black man.gif*

This actually fit in 100% in how I feel about powers in Naruto. What sucks is that all the new shit isn't even original powers, just evolution/changes to the only two legitimate powers in the series: Rasengan and Sharigan/Rinnegan. At least DBZ had the consideration to invent new powers, and when it didn't it just made creative ways to utilize them. All Piccolo ever did in his fight in Android 18 is just apply an old skill and make a new use for it by surrounding 18 with a set of ki blasts. If Dragonball was anything like Naruto, Goku would be shooting out Kamehameha out of his finger tips, and then after a year of training he learns how to shoot them out of his ass.


So, I got caught up with HxH, and I confused with what gender was Alluka suppose to be? That whole family is a gender confused nightmare.
lol speaking of bleach... didn't 1st captain fry Halibel's peons? Fucking bleach...

Give a few months and we learn that the 1st vice captain 'faked his death' or some shit.


lol speaking of bleach... didn't 1st captain fry Halibel's peons? Fucking bleach...

Give a few months and we learn that the 1st vice captain 'faked his death' or some shit.

I love ragging on Bleach as much as the next guy, but why do so many people keep saying this?

Yamamoto says he's sparing them when he attacked them. Some people thought he was being sarcastic back when he first said it, but he clearly wasn't.
I love ragging on Bleach as much as the next guy, but why do so many people keep saying this?

Yamamoto says he's sparing them when he attacked them. Some people thought he was being sarcastic back when he first said it, but he clearly wasn't.


True... but... what? Do you usually spare the lives of the enemy that pretty much just wiped out half of your lieutenants in this little war that's going on?





Guys (and girls?), thank you very much for the suggestions, there's a bunch of new names I don't have in my list yet.
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