Chitoge route is out of things to even move plotwise. Mom arc pretty much revealed everything along with amnesia Raku about Chitoge's past.
All we have left is Onodera, Tsugumi if she has any impact and Marika.
I sorta stopped reading this after volume 5 or 6 ages ago and I wanted to get back to it and continue reading it especially now that it's completed. Anyway, it's pretty good stuff, I'm pretty glad Takako understands that you don't need to fill your story with dialogue bubbles everywhere so there are lots of storytelling through art alone which is pretty great and makes rereading the older volumes goes much quicker by for me. I sorta have some issues with her scenes transitions, being too sudden and sometimes ambiguous, but not that big of a deal.
From a writing standpoint, Onodera won't win because Onodera-route doesn't change the story for either Onodera or Raku because they already like each other. But its also a comedy-harem, so "nothing happens" is a valid, likely conclusion.
I have complete faith it'll remember the roots planted in the Oneshot and finish things off properly.
Wandering Son vol 1-2
not me of courseSome of you people are terrible people.
just sayin'
Some of you people are terrible people.
just sayin'
Onodera starts strong-ish but there's no substance to her. Everything remotely interesting about her is revealed super early, and by everything I mean the 2 or 3 things. She sort of gets by just on her archetype because people think she's adorable, despite her being completely bland and uninteresting.
Like I'm not a big Haru fan but Haru's had as much as much backstory/character development in her 20 or so chapters as Onodera has in 100+. As a character Onodera's going nowhere.
Like, my love for tsundere ojou-sama girls aside, Chitoge's about 10x as interesting a character as Onodera. We've learned much more about her and she's shown far more growth as a character and more development in all her chapters.
We've seen Chitoge overcoming her lack of friends, dealing with her mother, recognising what kind of person Raku is and why she likes him, we've seen more about her story and how her family works.
Meanwhile Onodera is still humming and hawing about confessing to Raku, as she has been for 100+ chapters.
From a writer's standpoint and leaving waifu wars aside, Onodera is an objectively awful character, clinging on for dear life and should realistically have been moved to the backburner 50 chapters ago.
All jokes aside Onodera's past holds the literal key to which girl Raku made the promise to since Onodera did have the picture book that had the pages ripped out.
Also Tadokoro is obviously best girl, Erina has no development yet.
she herself ripped the pages to hind the truthYou fool! How dare you make good points and try to ruin my ship!?!? >:|
You can't bring logic into a ship war.... ;_;
All jokes aside Onodera's past holds the literal key to which girl Raku made the promise to since Onodera did have the picture book that had the pages ripped out.
All the focus has been on Chitoge until recently which left little time to devote to Onodera's growth as a character. Marika got her own arc with her friend coming over and making Raku be her pretend BF. Then there are the filler comedy chapters with Tsugumi's mishaps.
Right now its Ruri and maybe Shuu who will get some development. The problem with Onodera is that if she confesses then the manga is over technically as Raku accepts or declines. [He accepts of course] Chitoge, Tsugumi and Marika then has to react with their own confessions lol.
Not long ago, I learned that Blade of the Immortal had finished its run and has been released in its entirety in the U.S. I've read the first fourteen volumes, and I was wondering how the second half of the series held up. Has anyone here read it? Thoughts?
she herself ripped the pages to hind the truth
she is the antagonist
You fool! How dare you make good points and try to ruin my ship!?!? >:|
You can't bring logic into a ship war.... ;_;
All jokes aside Onodera's past holds the literal key to which girl Raku made the promise to since Onodera did have the picture book that had the pages ripped out.
All the focus has been on Chitoge until recently which left little time to devote to Onodera's growth as a character. Marika got her own arc with her friend coming over and making Raku be her pretend BF. Then there are the filler comedy chapters with Tsugumi's mishaps.
Right now its Ruri and maybe Shuu who will get some development. The problem with Onodera is that if she confesses then the manga is over technically as Raku accepts or declines. [He accepts of course] Chitoge, Tsugumi and Marika then has to react with their own confessions lol.
Or write her into it.
Things are more interesting with a better developed cast.
Or write her into it.
Things are more interesting with a better developed cast.
I feel bad for Mumei. He must be horrified wandering into the thread in the middle of our inane waifu war.
I feel bad for Mumei. He must be horrified wandering into the thread in the middle of our inane waifu war.
Better than walking in on Lewd Sundays.
but waifu wars are the best times of the day.
In all seriousness though I like that a meaningful conversation on the worth of a character can be had, as opposed to just "Onodera is dumb cos I said so lol".
At least I don't think that's what I said.
I feel bad for Mumei. He must be horrified wandering into the thread in the middle of our inane waifu war.
friendships ruined over this.
You fool! How dare you make good points and try to ruin my ship!?!? >:|
You can't bring logic into a ship war.... ;_;
All jokes aside Onodera's past holds the literal key to which girl Raku made the promise to since Onodera did have the picture book that had the pages ripped out.
All the focus has been on Chitoge until recently which left little time to devote to Onodera's growth as a character. Marika got her own arc with her friend coming over and making Raku be her pretend BF. Then there are the filler comedy chapters with Tsugumi's mishaps.
Right now its Ruri and maybe Shuu who will get some development. The problem with Onodera is that if she confesses then the manga is over technically as Raku accepts or declines. [He accepts of course] Chitoge, Tsugumi and Marika then has to react with their own confessions lol.
Better than walking in on Lewd Sundays.
Palepoli - 1
What the hell did i just read?
Seriously, what in the bloody hell did i just read?
Could have let them as best friends.
Could have left them without any romantic hints between the two of them
But noooooooooooooo.
Now I have to deal with a losing Tadokoro later.
Yeah I think it works out better like this.It's for the best.
So many mods and yet we'll never get tags in the Manga thread (well, aside from Neoriceisgood).
Is this where I do a Scy and quote Mumei's tag?
Onodera/Tadokoro fans have to hope for a harem ending for Raku/Soma or else they'll leave sad and defeated.
Tadokoro has a lot better chance than Onodera does, I'd imagine. Its not wrong that Erina basically hasn't done anything.