Nineteen, Twenty-One ch 1-21 End
Nice and heart-warming slice of lice story about adults unsure about life and growing up, love, and cats. Lots and lots of cats. I mean I don't even hate cats, but they really gave them a lot of focus. It's understandable since they are the main conflict of the story and the two main characters met through them, but I really wanted more attention to the characters' anxiety about adult life and romance plotline, and less comparing your life to a cat. I just can't see any comparison to a stray cat being relevant or important.
The characters were charming, although the male MC was kinda bland. He just had a gimmick about caring a lot about cats and that's it. He definitely wasn't as interesting or with a good backstory like Nuna. One thing I'mg lad about is how the story didn't really paint the lady that cared for the neighbourhood in a bad light. They could have easily showed her as a controlling unsympathetic asshole, but I'm glad the story went with a more realistic portrayal.
Funnily enough, I did like the art even if it has the same problems as all other webtoon art. Some bad panels layout and sometimes the art feel soulless, but I didn't mind the colouring that much, and there was some great background art every once in a while.